Monthly Archives: October 2024

Tuesday [6 onwards]

(0744) Morning all … becoming light out there, second sleep completed, rainy and bleah.

7. On DAD’s 6b

The last time a western country of over 25m ran a national referendum, excluding GEs, was Australia, where the communist govt tried to put The Voice as the topic. The official line was that the aborigines needed a special “Voice” in parlmt to “advise” govt on aboriginal-acceptable policy … in other words, stealing from Australians and giving it all, free to minorities, under govt control of course.

What the govt had not counted on was that aboriginals themselves were not for it on the whole, arguing that they already had the rights granted in the 1969 referendum. The Labor govt was apoplectic, the referendum was roundly defeated. In that case, the minority was largely wishing to integrate anyway … not as in Britain and America, where it wants to take over the country and run it in its own image. France too.

The danger is in the question form, also the practices used … reputable or BBC/C4 like? Nothing new:

6. DAD at 827:2

a) Austria: Right-wing FPÖ secures historic victory, but a ‘coalition of losers’ could still form against it.

b) French revolution? French interior minister shifts Right and wants ‘referendum on migration’ …

c) For several years, teachers have witnessed a rejection of scientific, historical and commonly accepted concepts: infinity in mathematics, the theory of evolution, secularism, gender equality, the human body… allegedly in contradiction with the values ​​of I*l*m.

d) The Milliband brothers are very close.

Tuesday [1 to 5]

(0308) One of these middle of the night things after the “first sleep”, shall post a bit, try for shuteye part two after that. Systems check. (0354)

5. Very clear red dividing line now

On one side are the shadow-psychos, their pollie-puppets, the myrmidons, MSM, all functions of govt, karens … and on the other … the “right” side of “wrong versus right”, the dispossessed.

4. Viktor Orban on point

3. Andy wrote at 827

Still getting a handle on Andy night topics … enjoy 🤔☺️ … these two sub-items are on vegan v proper food afa I can see.

2. Steve drop selection

From earlier at 825:

4 … on Trump

5 … includes Neil Oliver

From 826:

Ev 1: Before New Zealand’s Covid vaccine rollout, 2,000 people attended A&E for chest pains in a year – now it is more than 30,00

Ev 2: Lebanon Ground War Begins; Ukraine Vuhledar Disaster, Zelensky Sacks Commander; Kursk Pocket Cut Off

Ev 3: Shadow Leftist Organization Is Accused of Committing Large Scale Democrat Voter Fraud in Michigan

Ev 4: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s Primary Opponent Charged With Threatening to Assassinate Her With Russian-Ukrainian Hit Squad. JH: Uh huh, Epoch had something on it too:

1. Housekeeping

Not too keen to meddle with the page code as it’s ignored my tweaks so far … as long as you can see the text, well ok. I’m ok, using thumb and finger page enlarge … did use the Ctrl and scrollwheel on the laptop … one notch only needed … works well, no need to reset within the guts.

As for the other issue … comments in sidebar … trying to apply the AKH method of a few responses in the one reply but it does not always suit here, not enough regular response for that … so still trying to find the best way … no big issue. Not as critical here as at NOWP and UHC.

Quotes: colour green always more difficult than italics with this WP setup, occasionally use the former … there’s a very complex blockquote thing which wrecks the page so can’t be used.