Monthly Archives: October 2024
Wednesday [5 to 9]
(0459) Morning all, still dark. A reminder, dear reader, that there might be some cyber disruption from noon till mid-afternoon … then again, most likely not. (0528)
9. Bobby corner

JH:Love that WOE registration plate.
8. Wall Street Apes on Helene victims

7. Stop Common Purpose has an interesting point of view

… as do these ladies:

6. Prices of real food

5. DAD drop at 860
a) The party quickly turned into a nightmare for Anstaing Chéreng [near Lille] , who could barely enjoy his historic qualification for the 7th round of the Coupe de France after his victory on penalties against Lomme Délivrance.
b) There is an amendment to the Finance Bill presently going through the French Parliament. To reduce the Immigration Allocation by 500,000,000€.
c) Raheem Kassam: “You cannot have a Governing Party in America that calls most of America nazis”.
Wednesday [1 to 4]
4. AI
Steve’s 859:6c is about artificial “intelligence” but as MMUTR who works in IT says … there’s no such thing as AI … it is Machine Learning … someone without conscience programmed it at the start, it developed ways based on those parameters. There are conscienceless monsters in all fields … from Fauci in his field to Elias in the legal … and they are promoted and funded. Two worth exploring are Donald Ewen Cameron and Selwyn Leeks.The funders need exploring too.
See also Andy’s “comedy” clip below. On the question of “silly moos”, for a start, women think differently, they’re networkers, observers, mothers concerned about genuine security to the family and as they become grandmothers, often have the time to explore more widely, often coming out with what seem strange statements to the fully employed “go-getter” who has not the time … male or female … to do that level of thinking, plus the humble manner of the grandmother has the others “humouring” her, when maybe they should just learn.
Just as we finish building them up … there are also ideas which don’t quite stand up alongside the pearls of wisdom … same goes for us … many of the women quoted by me are perspicacious and intuitive grandmothers. In Russia, they were once highly revered.
3. Steve selection from 859
MftWC 4: Devastating Ad From Jocelyn Nungaray’s Heartbroken Mother Deserves to End Kamala Harris’s Campaign
JH: Put the name in the search engine.
MftWC 3: Wayne Root: Democrats Will Try to Steal This Election. But If My Prediction of a Trump Landslide is Correct, If It Is “Too Big to Rig,” Pay Attention to What They Have Planned Next
JH: It’s not just the rampant fraud and theft, it’s the part after Nov 5 … see SKB on his return.
MftWC 2: Annalena Malaysia video. Georgia Maidan protest begins. FT claims Trump Ukraine plan, Minsk 3.0 – Alex Christoforou
MftWC 1: Keir Starmer has inspired a new national anthem
2. Andy ran a clip at 860 with his and my comment
1. One take on statins
This below I neither endorse nor condemn, simply not being a doctor in the field, neither was the lady posting it a doctor, Vera, being a ferreter as we are. It’s posted as something to explore.
Statins Are Deadly & Dangerous. 8 Reasons Why Cardiologist Dr Jack Wolfson NEVER Prescribes Statins. 1: Statins cause CoQ10 deficiency, resulting in muscle pain & Mitochondrial Dysfunction. 2: Statins inhibit Heme A, a vital component of the electron transport chain for energy. 3: Statins stop Dolichol, a crucial molecule in protein glycosylation in the brain, deficiency leads to Parkinson’s & other brain disorders. 4: Statins Lower Cholesterol, critical for Vitamin D & all hormones, digestion, every cell should be saturated with healthy cholesterol. 5: Statins cause Liver Damage. 6: Statins cause Muscle Damage. 7: Statins cause Brain Damage. 8: Statins Do Not Lower Cardiovascular Disease, in fact in those over 65, Statins Increased Mortality. Chronic Conditions Caused By Statins: Muscle Pain Weakness Neuropathy Heart Failure Dizziness/Vertigo Cognitive Impairment Dementia Cancer Pancreatitis Liver Damage Diabetes Depression Parkinson’s Disease Testosterone Deficiency Estrogen Deficiency Brain Damage
Statins Increase Mortality JAMA 2017:
Higher LDL live longer, BMJ systematic review:
Statins do not reduce mortality or prevent heart disease, BMJ 22 trials:
Tuesday [12 pretty much till close of play]
(1453) Afternoon all, though late afternoon.
18. Southport
Perhaps I’m forgetting some of the things which have utterly incensed the British public of late but two which immediately spring to my mind are the Winter Fuel Allowance for pensioners … plus Southport.
Going out on a limb here to say I don’t recall this number of people coming out of the woodwork to tweet or even Gab … people are incensed beyond … close to, if not THE worst govt in this country in living memory.
17. This blog is one month old today
… referring of course to HQ itself which you’re reading now. The various birthdays, incidentally, were:
- Jul 26, 2006 … The various iterations of N.O.
- Oct 29, 2006 … NOWP
- Aug 31, 2022 … Jstack
- Aug 11, 2024 … UHC
- Sep 29, 2024 … HQ(NU)
16. Some more fraud and other crookedness I’m afraid

JH: Chris P is Rumble by the way.
15. Bannon
Also our Steve and war room … links at 859
a. Steve Bannon Returns To The War Room After 4 Months As Biden’s Political Prisoner
b. Raheem Kassam on Democrats’ Imprisonment of Steve Bannon
c. Jack Posobiec: My Six Year Old Knows Political Prisoners On A First Name Basis Due To The Biden Regime
d. Mike Davis: Marc Elias Is Doing Everything He Can To Prevent Trump From Getting Inaugurated On January 20
14. Reeves

13. Lord T and Katie Hopkins
12. Two from Steve at 859
… an utter disgrace … where is their electoral commission?

First of two weird films … 1944 today, 1931 tomorrow … plus the weird Katy Hopkins later … I’m training right now but plan to return to haunt you.
Tuesday [11]
Since July 26th, I’ve had two 18th blog birthdays
Interesting how the respective platforms viewed my custom and their hosting:

Maybe time for a quick review of how nourishing unherdables is going
a. The print size at HQ … nothing I can do to enlarge inside … however, when the ipad or your phone is vertical, the print size is pretty right. Only in landscape mode is it iffy.
b. My commenting below your comment with ….. JH and the comment does seem better. I looked at how AKH does it and it’s good but it does not work as well at HQ and NOWP. The current system seems good for here.
c. NOWP just keeps on keeping on, albeit with some glitches, as it is a “free” version (dot com) … in fact it’s the core of nourishing unherdables.
d. HQ has turned out to be beyond expectations and all thanks to MMUTR for the massive backend … if you saw what we have here behind the modest front page, you’d be impressed. Now, we must announce something:
Tomorrow, Wednesday, we are running some testing of the various parts of HQ, inc. hub and other goodies. MMUTR expects no interference with HQ … just refresh if anything looks iffy … but we do need to do it … it should take me, personally, out of blogging from around 1100 to maybe mid afternoon.
Corelli then Couperin
Both these were presented at youtube as “fundraisers”. If you feel you can, details are at the youtube account itself.
Tuesday [8 to 10]
(0920) Looks gloomy out there, never mind. (1003)
10. Moosh corner

9. Some more Gab
a. Neon Revolt
It’s really amazing to watch Lefties continue to fall for the zero sum scam, decade after decade. They are seemingly incapable of grasping the subjective theory of value.
b. Jacob Hersant (in Oz)
Leftists care about Aboriginals only insofar as they can be used as a weapon against Whites
8. Gab snippets unexpanded, just “url-ed”


Tuesday [5 to 7]
(0755) Morning all. (0914)
7. This just now from DAD at 859 (link there)
“Former Trump chief strategist and War Room host Stephen K. Bannon was released from FCI Danbury in Connecticut on Tuesday morning at around 3:15AM, The National Pulse can report.”
JH: After the MSG rally of course. These people we’re up against are truly evil.
6. The oh-so-clever march through the institutions
Two quotes to start:
a. If the law supposes that,” said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, “the law is a ass — a idiot. If that’s the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is, that his eye may be opened by experience — by experience.” ― Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist
b. The wife of the Yorkshire Ripper sued Private Eye, prompting a youthful Ian Hislop to announce: “If that is justice, I’m a banana.”
Where is the iniquity? Cleverly, technically, they may well be in breach of the letter of the specific, iniquitous law but the injustice of the whole set up is what they’re both railing against. The judge is adept in jumping from the particular to the general and back again to solidify the judgment … but it’s certainly unjust overall.
Let’s go back to 1954:
c. Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. But there is a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state.
The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization. It is a dynamic, aggressive, elite corps, forcing its way through every opening. It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our government without suspecting that change is under way.
If this seems to be an extremist assessment, the reason is that this revolutionary clique cannot be understood unless we accept the fact that they are extremist. It is difficult for people governed by reasonableness and morality to imagine the existence of a movement which ignores reasonableness and boasts of its determination to destroy; which ignores morality, and boasts of its cleverness in outwitting its opponents by abandoning all scruples.
This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century. This group is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable. But, by scalpel or sword, we must remove it.
– Senator William E. Jenner
Again I ask … where’s the iniquity? It’s in the overall major move by the forces of evil to flood the countries of the west, plus the net zero excrescence, plus the plandemics, lockdowns etc., plus chemtrail poisoning … it goes on and on … wrapped and protected by laws, hundreds of em, in institutions such as the ECHR which are the opposite of what they purport, plus using moral, feelgood language to sell the evil to the dumb and/or young, such that any attack on a specific is officially viewed as an attack on “democracy” or whatever … the Constitution … when that’s precisely what the lot of them are doing.
That was a pretty vital rally on Saturday in London as it casts these remarks below as the bollox they are and I’ll specify why straight after them:

Otherwise the rule of law would break down? Notice the sudden change from the rule of iniquitous laws brought in to implement this terrorism from within … to a feelgood general principle no reasonable person could disagree with.
Therefore, any opposing the first is instantly cast as an attacker of the second … it is false, it is satanic, it is ubiquitous right across the west … it is a cancer. It’s also set up such that if any do dare speak out, they’re insta-clobbered “to the full extent of the way OTT draconian penalties allowed”, whilst favoured groups get none of it.
The very epithet Two Tier sums it up. That’s where the iniquity is which people were demonstrating against and every single adult in the west knows it and is prevented from doing anything. Anyone going vigilante … individual, small group … clobbered.
Iniquitous, yes. The major question is how to overcome it, as William Jenner was trying to on the Senate floor.
5. First TDS summary, plus one url

Tuesday [1 to 4]
(0137) Dark, wee hours. Light now, not bleah, birds chirping. (0746)
4. DAD at 859
a) Macron choses some strange friends. He goes on an official visit to Marocco. Included in the party, but not on the official list, is Yassine Belattar. Wiki here [Sorry, that it is French]
b) Gambling on Life and Death: Euthanasia Back on French Agenda.
c) French Prime Minister Michel Barnier wants to show a five-year reform plan that will draw on the grievances and ideas President Emmanuel Macron asked around two million French people to share after the Yellow Vest movement in 2019 [but never published].
3. Now this poor joker at the MSG rally
The event was a triumph, the “comedian” came on near the end, apparently, and made a joke about Puerto Rican trash in the street … whatever … it was as crass as Tice over here, not needed … one Xer’s comment:
You have a good point. I don’t mind having a comedian but why choose one who is so incredibly tone deaf that he makes jokes about minority groups, all the while knowing that the entire Democratic narrative is that the rally is filled with Nazis and racists? He gave them ammunition for their false narrative. Why couldn’t he have told jokes about Democrats and their stupidity regarding everything. Why even go to the racial humor. It was really bizarre. Almost as if he did it to help the Democrats.
2. Steve’s late evening drops at 858
Evets 4: Woman Identified in Luzerne County Dumped Pile of Applications on the Last Day of Registration – Was Same Woman Who Ran Out of Paper Ballots in 2022 Election
Evets 3: Dr Phil Risks It All with Explosive Speech Supporting Trump — Calls Out Democrats as Bullies Trying to Silence Free Speech and Punish Independent Thinkers
Evets 2: Russia Scents Victory, Full Donbass Control Months, Prepares Ultimatum; Kiev Panics; Khamenei Warning – Alexander Mercouris
Evets 1: Richard Tice of Reform UK Party Commits Political Suicide, Taking Farage with him?
1. Some sort of op ed
… including Steve drops and Andy comments … first Andy. One on a Japanese village … sad … and one I’m about to look at, but not the issue itself. Call me cantankerous, blodymind, petty and childish but when I see this:

… my first reaction is: “Get knotted!” You want to prevent me seeing the info, however good or not? Go away … and I click out, noting what it said as I go, plus going back and seeing what Andy wrote. And it only cost me 40kb for that screenshot anyway.
Steve’s drops follow in Tue 2.