Saturday [1 to 3]

(0637) Still dark as the weekend starts. (0849)

3. A curiosity which does not go away

If I quote this quote:

… then look him up, he’s a hoax-finder, anti-Zionist, not solid enough to build a case on, any more than is Alex Jones or those clobbering him on the other deep govt side. More broadly, is Jones a fake? I’ve read and seen much on’t but nothing convinces either way.

Seems to me that we’re in a sort of bubble of never knowing … how to resolve it? Actually travel there to the site, seemingly now demolished? What will that prove, any more than the Ground Zero rubble, now well removed from the 911 site?

Reminds me of many conundrums, from JFK to the McMartin preschool tunnels to David Kelly (clever fiend, Blair). Bottom line is “no one can prove finally, one way or the other” and no amount of blunt, convinced, dogmatic statement is going to alter that.

Lastly for now, it reminds me of The Thirty-Nine Steps (the Buchan book from 1915) and the character Hannay mentions, a South African Peter Pienaar, appearing in a few Hannay stories of the time and illustrating the whole thing about plausibility.

This continues at OoL … Peter Pienaar and Richard Hannay.

2. The Daily Sceptic (blogrolls)

2c above (meaning the Thueringian parliament) reminds me of A Man for all Seasons (Bolt) and the way More placed great faith in The Law. Bolt had (my memory is vague) one of the churchmen regret pursuing the King’s interest with zeal but not God’s (can’t remember if Wolsey or Cranmer).

1. DAD at 823:1

a) The new French Minister of Higher Education and Research is not exactly making the scientific community happy, due to his positions on hydroxychloroquine and homeopathy …

b) What does a student put into his school satchel these days? A calculator, pens, books………… and a hammer ! The future of France is in hands such as these …

c) While France mourns Philippine … a march in support for her may have a counter march, by the left, in support of immigrants. 

d) Wise words from an old lady. 

On the occasion of her 90th birthday, Brigitte Bardot gave an interview. 

An excerpt……..

“There are so many people of good will and deeply believing people who are no longer practicing. So many churches are closed… We can’t even go in to say a prayer. It’s tragic. When I think that Notre-Dame burned down. It’s as if we were living in a satanic, negative and destructive era.”


JH: Symbolically, looking at Brigitte, at DAD, then at those of that vintage in France, then returning to Brigitte … it’s as if Marianne herself, minus the revolutionary, secular trappings, was now ageing and who will now defend her?

I am not that age by a long shot … I try to imagine the world by the time I am that age … if a world still exists … my feeling is the Messiah will have long returned by then. Who was it said that the collapse, when it does come, will be sudden and complete, after a slow descent over a long, termiting, undermining time.

I’m thinking that the vast majority will be still-bewildered, while the usual 10 to 15%, even in enlightened days, will gaze on if still alive, shaking the head but nonetheless welcoming the bloody end. Small consolation that Man, by himself, cannot see a secular solution through the morass. So be it.

One reply

  1. I actually read the book ‘Nobody Died at Sandy Hook’. There’s also that weird father whose daughter had allegedly been shot to death and yet he’s as happy as a lamb until he notices someone filming him. The bloke who lived in a house behind the school interviewed on radio saying the school had been shut for some time because asbestos had been found in the walls and ceilings. A private detective, who was hired anonymously, found the catering records for the school showed the contract to supply meals was terminated the year before last and no new contract had been taken up. The bloke in the SWAT team, holding a rifle like you’d hold a broom. One dead girl turned up in Florida with a different name. The list goes on.


    JH: It does indeed.

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