Thursday [6 and 7]

(0929) Oops, went back to bed and fell asleep … looks pretty bleah out there, must be autumn. (1029)

7. Just went right through Gab and X

… the timelines I mean … and there’s really nothing that takes us much further fwd … seems to be one of those days. Not to worry, summarising yesterday’s political aspects of our long cyber conversation here whilst doing the doings on the hardware and software, the question came up of the US election result.

My mate was sure, and I agree, that if the Demonrats’ and RINO cheating scores them another “victory”, then there’ll be civil war over there. My feeling was that, given Emerald’s reports on Trump’s advisers, something is quite off … they seem to have no “ground game”.

Another aspect was Johnson visiting Mar-a-lago, then going straight back to DC and announcing his package. Now that could mean anything … Trump attempting to dissuade him from leaving out SAVE or them agreeing on the plan. Who knows definitively? And this threat to Iran … ????

Perceptions seem the whole game … the Rats steal again, J6 prisoners stay in … just what can Americans do, uncombined? Pick off their own soldiers and plod, also the National Guard? Will Russia be provoked and the “leaders” have gone into those tunnels under the Appalachians which Svali spoke about in 2000? With entourages?

My mate thought there’d be much picking off, probably minor identities, none of the big players. Also, the Rats are making clear that it will take days, the counting, which most pundits understand means until sufficient votes can be found and delivered. If it’s done electronically, then it would not require any physical dumping, plus the early voting has already started. Is Corey Lew too late?

Were there some sort of sporadic civil war across the country, would that spill over here, across the pond? Is this when the UN and sub-saharan “troops” are activated against any resistance from us? Does this explain the total lack of respect from these psychos above towards us?

6. Post up at OoL

… on silly sausages. No posts elsewhere just yet … shall signpost when up.

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