Tuesday [1 to 3]


3. Selection from Steve’s last evening drops

Man from 4

Pray for Peace, as the Madmen of the West are About to Plunge the World into a Mass-Death Scenario that Will Catch Americans Completely by Surprise

Man from 3

Democrats Reveal Their Plan to Use Overseas Ballots to Win in 2024 — Here’s How Easy It Is to Cheat — Are Republicans Really Going to Let This Happen?

Man from 2

Can Europe Come Back To Its Senses?

Man from 1

UN’s Pact for the Future is adopted; it will serve the same authoritarian and profitable aims as Covid

2. Big drop from DAD today

a) The French have not forgiven the head of state for the dissolution and the political crisis it caused. They also doubt the prime minister’s ability to govern.

b) Sir Kneel Starmer’s popularity is even worse. The latest Opinium poll reveals that Starmer’s approval rating has plunged below that of the Tory leader Rishi Sunak …

c) In his September 23 handover address, France’s newly appointed minister of the interior Bruno Retailleau vowed to “restore order” in the country. Retailleau laid out three core objectives for his tenure …

d) The situation in the European car market is becoming more and more worrying, with August data from the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) showing a sharp drop in new EU registrations …


e) More on Hatun Tash. [If you say, “Who he/she? the you need to read this report. If you know who she is you also need to read this report.]

Excerpt: The trials of this Islamic ‘apostate’ raise a pressing question: what do we value more – the right of an individual to speak freely or the right of certain groups never to feel offended?

1. There are a number of ways to approach this

… trying to find the right descriptive word being the thang … I’m wondering if “depravity” might not be the right choice and no, not just Washington, Hollywood, Diddy, Swift but in the Calvinist sense.

Part one

I’ve taken issue before with that word describing Man’s original sin, original, unknowing state … we’re not speaking of that innocent state here but of a “fallen” state where there is no more “unfalling”, no longer any desire to reform … intergenerationally now … it’s about a whole society, minus maybe 10% to 15%, no limits to human degradation … the word “depravity” is extreme but it also seems appropriate when it just means that the first instinct is not to be straight, not to tell the truth … but to lie.

Another way to approach this is “immoral” versus “amoral”, the latter being the absence of good ethics, the presence of taqqiya in dealings with others. I’ve something here, following on from Wings of Pegasus yesterday … and it spotlights the use of The Lie as standard practice, with not the least conscience about it.

A child does that until learning an ethical code from parents and at school … it takes a while to come around to. My mate up the road is not Christian and yet he certainly has that code in dealings … demanding consistency in the punishment fitting the crime, irrespective of who it is … mandatory and sane penalties, to which a miscreant caught just says, “It’s a fair cop.”

In this item below, someone was lying … no two ways about it … but who?

There are complications … the man in the thumbnail outright calling the whistleblower “liar” … is he part of the coverup of everyone involved or has he had the wool pulled over the eyes? Is he so loyal to the band, the operation, that he fully believes it acted honestly if it said so? Because Fil the musician shows, clearly … or does he … that at least someone lied, most likely the producer or engineer.

The worst aspect is that, with such a minor band and singer, such a minor issue compared to Obama, Harris, McCain, Diddy etc. etc. … at least one vocal loyalist, fanatic, defender, projects his own basic dishonesty onto the whistleblower … if you can spare the time, watch that one right through.

Part two

This is one we’ve been on about here for years … and I do mean “we”, variously … this time almost out of the blue from Toodles and please don’t think for one moment, don’t try it on, that we are any better over here in Britain and Europe … think WEF … this “hidden in plain sight “depravity”, the word used in a formalised way … it’s global and has been hidden in plain sight for centuries … people simply can’t see it, being inured, being in that naively “depraved” state themselves, low level, interpreting wrongly … when in fact the intended meaning is clear to those who’ve woken up … plus they were looking for it.

An example is the Statue of Ish*** sitting right there in NY harbour, which so many almost worship as Liberty … the satanic joke is that that female is not about liberty in the least … yes, it’s about the word Liberty, but it’s actually about subjugation, slavery, depravity as institutional.

And that is only “far fetched” to those who cannot see, who have not deep-dived, have not explored and found out … and are not remotely interested in doing so.

Thus to Toodles’s text she sent:

I am telling you…I do not think it ( election) looks good. I have spoken to people and they think DJT is crazy and deranged.

Why do you think that, I ask? No reply.

Then I ask why are you voting for the other one (KaKa)? No reply.

To one of her supporters last night, I asked just what she has done that has been beneficial to our country?  Answer was, “She was only VP.”

Well now I find it strange as she has stated, and I have heard her say it, that  she has had a hand in many things. She was last one in the room and blah blah. She says We, meaning she and JB, did this and that and so I stated some of her so called accomplishments.

So I ask on which issues can she take credit and which issues is she given reprieve? Can you even guesstimate them?

I am telling you it is scary. Way more people down here than one could ever imagine. Must trust in the lord. No other way.

Toodles continues:

Some things I have noted about cities. I am sure there are more things but I am not well traveled and taking note and connecting, really connecting, has been something I have been doing or able to do more recently …last 10 years perhaps…maybe longer…but now only getting things. Years of head scratching about it before.

There is THIS creepy thing … Most likely in honor of a man who was murdered because of certain lifestyle. I have not read whole wiki yet. It is really creepy and larger than that pic appears in front of several churches.New York City….where do I begin? One thing is the mosaics on the street side to Rockerfeller Center in Manhattan. They look as though they are studied figures from the Commie playbook.I know there are others but all I can think of now…Boston…did I mention?…oh boy it is riff with symbolism pointing to bad things.Thing is we become numb to them because they are warts seen every day by us or even an example of civic or national pride that distinguishes one place from another.Boise…lots of Mormon temples!Getting tired so here is this…connected to all sorts of stuff…so sad about our world.


Memphis…big into Masons and no bones about it. Location on a river and even a well known store chain G. Bush made a point to visit while making photo ops at some point during his tenure on the Hot Seat.

Anyway the one in Memphis is made like a pyramid.  So who knows.  Just pointing out observations.

Dallas and surrounding things … certainly there were things but it has been a while and not healthy on that visit. Still the parallel on which it lies.

San Francisco…streets named Mason  or Masonic Way. Lots and lots of indicators of odd things. Where do I start.

Disney World….lots of stuff but in a fun way but gruesome in a way.

Miami….other parts of FL … been up and down and zig zagged too. Certainly things but atm memory bank is holding it.

Atlanta….massive things and indicators. Where to begin?

Mobile…use to have a huge stucco Scottish Rite building in the shape of a pyramid with sphinxes  in front. It was a landmark for years.  They are heavily ingrained into Mardi Gras societies. Catholic Cathedral downtown. Jesuit college there.

New Orleans same but far more so!

Bham…lots of indicators and will name them sometime. Cuddles says I take the fun out of his childhood memories pointing these things out…such as Vulcan, the largest cast iron statue in the world. 

Of course, we could add Denver Airport, the art, underground, the prancing horse … we could look at Omaha airforce base and rendition, trafficking allegations … it never ends.

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