(1445) Caught up in half a dozen tasks. (1523)
13. Went to town on this

The long and the short is firstly, overall numbers, secondly how they’re distributed under FPTP and thirdly … the carefully worked out gerrymander to prevent populists getting anywhere except “commendably”.
In the light of this communist govt, it’s way past time, so Jenkyns goes to the Reform conference, Whatsit the Tory front runner makes populist noises, plus they provoke Nigel to disown Tommy. If that failed to happen, then both wings would be voting Reform.
Sticks in my gullet but the patrician Tice and Farage pushed out pleb Habib and would never speak to TR. on the other hand, Tommy’s never going to form a govt … only Farage is capable, so Tommy needs to just do his rallies and not mention Reform … the Uniparty MSM are skewering this open.
12. Ian J with Simplicius at 818:3
As most know, there is pretty much no one in the ‘driver’s seat’ of the executive branch at the moment. The entire US government is being run managerially by deep state operatives, members of the cabinet, etc.
11. You Tube are such a mixed bag
… and the CEO who changed it all is dead. However, let’s proceed. First is a YT by the chap calling himself Wings of Pegasus, supposedly metal/hard rock but basically guitar, not my fave instrument, except for the bass. He’s a genuine guy though, methinks most would say that, and he analyses pitch and other graphs to show why this or that artist is so good, but this other one is not … he detests autotune.
Right, it was always going to happen but when he started comparative analyses, some fairly certain frauds arose … he has the graphs to show it. Mainly, if it was that someone had mimed his/her own material, then the jury’s out in my book. Sometimes, there’s a concert and it’s long and he has maybe lost a bit in the voice … wwweeelllll, we can argue that one over.
At the same time, there are clear areas where it’s downright fraud. I recall Betty Boo being booed offstage … was it in Hobart? Why? She’d lip-synched and the crowd had come for live. 1990 or around there. Now we have all sorts, inc. autotune. I’m glad Dire Straits I think it was, did at least some synch on Sultans … maybe, perhaps. Not a huge fan here of live.
All that’s by the by … Fil here is talking straight out fraud … stealing audio tracks and pretending it’s him or her … no need to sit right through this … you’ll get the idea:
This next one … very mixed feelings … for a start with that hair and at you voice, telling everyone upfront that she’s an experienced lawyer. Then she started to make sense but also said strange things about covers:

Hmmmmm, here tis (again no need to watch all):
Overall, I’ve had a good run from YT but I’ve also seen what others are saying.