Friday [5 and 6]

(0915) Morning all! Bleah out there, not sure of the temp. (1049)

6. Snippets from Steve over at 813

MftWC 4:

Former NYC Mayor De Blasio’s Covid Czar Caught on Video Talking About Wild Sex and Drug Parties He and His Wife Hosted While He Locked Down Businesses and Shamed The Non-Vaccinated

MftWC 3:

Hanoi Jane Fonda Campaigning Door-to-Door for Harris in Michigan

JH: Lowlifes will of course campaign for lowlifes.

MftWC 2:

Zelensky Openly Calls For Terrorism Against Ordinary Russians

MftWC 1:

German Train Conductors Given Power Not To Check Migrants’ Tickets To Avoid Trouble

5. Another roundup

There’s a video up at Jstack too. Also Eva Vlaar:

A man armed with 2 large knives just killed one person and injured another by the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam. The man was shouting “Allahu Akbar” and was “out to attack as many people as possible” according to eyewitnesses, but got overpowered by a sports instructor.

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