(0629) Dull glow starts out there. (0754) Nondescript sky but some sunshine. Morning!
7. Earlyish roundup
a. Nice:

b. Shoolie today:
Someone gave me a really odd household tip the other day. Apparently, you can freeze leftover wine in an ice cube tray and use it in stews etc. What the heck is “leftover wine”??
c. Your answer is the last line, Rupert:
Government departments are very reluctant to give me a straight answer on how many nonsensical ‘diversity’ jobs are currently within their organisation… It’s not a difficult question, so why the secrecy? I would scrap every single one of these wasteful and poisonous roles.
d. Draino:
Boom – Trump is going on offense Announced he’s going to Springfield, OH to highlight the Haitian invasion And he’s going to Aurora, CO to highlight the Venezuelans gangs taking over.
JH: Mayor of Springfield asked him not to.
e. JH: I’d like to thank …
… my techie mate up the road for sorting out the gremlins in the works … site’s been grand for a few days … you can’t know the half of what we have here, reader … kinda fun.
6. Corrupt “leadership” of the Teamsters
Not sure how this from last night turned out … shall keep an eye open:

5. Counterview at Badlands via IYE
What must be understood is that everything Trump says has meaning. Everything he communicates has a purpose. When Trump appears to be drawing negative attention to himself, or doing what some think is putting his foot in his mouth, he is actually setting a trap or drawing attention to something or someone he wants the light shone on.
It’s time people who think they know better, that continue to want to give Trump advice on how to present himself, simply shut up. Trump knows exactly what he is doing. When will you finally figure this out? Every time he seems to have made a misstep, it doesn’t backfire on him, it explodes in the Deep State’s faces. How many times does this have to happen before it sinks into that brain of yours?
4. Someone calling himself The Knows (on Gab)
… puts a point of view which is maybe more widespread across the pond than we might think:
I think they would sooner kick off WW3 than lose the presidency. I don’t see Trump actually going after the “deep state”, but they seem to fear him getting a second term on the off chance he actually does go rogue.
Most of you know I don’t have faith in Trump to do the right thing seeing how he didn’t release all the JFK files, build the wall, lock up Hillary, or pardon Julian Assange when he had the opportunity.
With that being said, they are going to great lengths to keep him from becoming president again. From constant hit pieces in the media, non stop lawfare, an assassination attempt, and even forcing Biden out of the race.
Is this all political theater? I don’t know, maybe. But after seeing this headline and watching Putin say Ukraine is incapable of delivering long range weapons without NATO and American satellites, it seems WW3 is now closer than ever.
The Wall and all that … we know why the funding was not given. My feeling was he was still naive, DJT, in term one … terrible gatekeepers trying to hem him in whilst playing the “hail fellow well met” gambit.
3. Predictable
Satanic UN 124-14 (43) wants Israel to stop harming Hamas and Hezbollah. More interesting to me was:
Al Jazeera has the tally. The largest countries standing with Israel besides the U.S. were Czechia (formerly called the Czech Republic), Hungary, and Argentina.
2. DAD drop today
a) Is the EU pushing its own mass migration problem in our direction? It sure looks that way …..
b) The European Commission will recommend smoking bans in outdoor areas across Europe …
(JH: Joyless bstds)
c) Electric vehicles (EVs) are losing value at an “unsustainable” rate as a slowdown in consumer demand sends used car prices tumbling …..
1. Interesting at TDS
St Kilda was the first tale today, Bernie Spofforth the second, the rest here:

On the first, obviously there were plenty of Derek Nimmo type pastors who could put things in a friendly way, if also fair and firm and this Mackay sounds a horror (see text) … in fact, if he was as portrayed in film and books as a joyless ideologue, then he was in effect working for the other side … I’ve met that bombastic type and got away asap.
Strangely, it relates to what Ms Wolf was going on about but she crossed a line in t’other direction … that all manner of Woke excess, as mentioned in the comment below her is ushered in, even in school, in the name of Tolerance … which always becomes tolerance of evil. For some reason, no one seems capable of a middle way, with moral boundaries … I mean we know what they are so why is it so difficult for those given to fanaticism?
As for Bernie … well you need to be careful, love, and not leave yourself open like that. Starmer is right on one point … afap strive for accuracy, which is the nourishing unherdables mantra.
Now … onto the things in 811, a quite lively debate if it could be called that. Look, we all have our specialities … IYE’s and to an extent mine are to not trust, note anomalies, go for the jugular … were we not doing that, we’d not be fulfillung our unwritten undertaking to the reader. And thus we’re perhaps not known for diplomacy.
Then we have the engine room of the site in DAD and Steve and each in his way is a vital component … we don’t eat each other. But all the same, it was worth bringing up the topics … there they sre ondite for snyone to read whatever any of us erote … and the reader concludes from all that for him or herself.
I’m going to change the word “iffy” for “be careful” for that page as it’s less judgemental up front … that’s after I put up the DAD drop summary above.