9. Nourishing Unherdables has added Dan Wooton to the iffy page
… and from what I saw of Bernie, she had actually crossed a line which allowed them to move, the stasi … but to rational people … hardly the stuff of Guantanamo treatment … therefore, Dan’s article is included:
One thing in conjunction with a’that is this:

Well you know … it’s actually not the only factor, right? Anyone’s who’s eating a tad healthier now and who sees the utter junk under their eyes in shops, full of all sorts of nasties, anyone who’s started looking st ingredients, who now sees the chemtrail fall out on the land and water, who sees what livestock are injected with etc. etc.
… well let’s just say it’s not ONLY the jabs, is it?
8. First roundup

7. Bless you, my children
Thought this quite good, dearly belov-ed:

Now, before even getting on to the religio-speak, can you remember from yesterday what the picture of those two was all about?
As far as I can recall, they’re the two FBI agents sent to question a keyboard warrior about his posts but apparently it didn’t turn out as the FBI had been hoping. As I did not watch the clip, cannot further enlighten.
And now onto religio-speak … sigh. Whilst I do not disagree with the scriptural basis … if it is actually scriptural (see Welby and Bergoglio again) … plus I can speak in that way to those genuinely inside … there is this thing called interfacing with a godless world.
Let me put it this way … if I saw two young men in suits or a middling man with teenage daughters in tow turn up at my door, bible in hand … whilst I’m clearly pro-scripture itself … the sight of that context in which it’s being carried has me scurrying for the littlest room in which to hide. Sorry but there it is.
And the instant money is mentioned … bye bye.
6. From TCW today
By a Reform activist and leafletter:
The community I live in is predominantly Tory voting. However, this time Reform UK got a hefty share of the vote and came in third behind Labour and the Tories. Imagine my consternation when, through a haze of sleep, as I stayed up to watch the results on July 5, I discovered that the voters of my constituency, which is in the front line of the Channel small boat problem, had elected a Labour MP whose leaflet had stated that he is a lawyer. What it had failed to state is that he is an immigration lawyer. The irony of this was obviously lost on those who voted for him, who are still moaning about the constant influx of illegal immigrants.
Those who throw up their hands in despair and say ‘I’m not bothering this time, they’re all the same’ also contributed to the disastrous result. Almost half the population not bothering to go out and vote on July 4 was a major contributing factor.