(0404) Dark out there. (0604)
4. TDS (see blogrolls)

Just on that second item about the perpetually offended:

3. DAD returns
a) Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) are willing to give France’s new Prime Minister Michel Barnier a chance, an MEP for the party has said.
b) ….but on the left…..
The new government in France is already besieged as leaders of far-left parties are refusing to meet with Prime Minister Michel Barnier
c) A school of political science founded in Lyon by Marion Maréchal MEP has been vandalised by Antifa-style militants
d) Macron’s answer to urban rioting fall flat on its face.
“Unachieved” social diversity objectives, a “forced increase”, a generalization that raises “disciplinary difficulties” … In a report released this Friday, the ‘Wise Men’ of Rue Cambon take stock of the system desired by Emmanuel Macron.
e) Who governs Italy: the Government or the Courts?
Matteo Salvini, Minister of the Interior in a previous government, who has returned to power, faces up to 15 years in prison for “kidnapping” 147 migrants, including minors.
JH: Where do we start?
2. Helen of Troy keeps reappearing
… every few decades, centuries … Guinevere for example … but far from being Semiramises, Jezebels, Cleopatras, Messalinas … bad women … these ones have all the wanted characteristics of the sex, along with all the foibles, plus their size and shape wreck defences while that innocent surprise at the types they attract is not feigned … they’re delighted but then it all goes sour.
Because 90% of females, from the pretty to the unattractive, all want the top 10% alpha males … this has been a known-known for a long time, for eons, it’s the nature of the beast … and almost all of those alpha males are narcissists with glib tongues who, Tiger Woods like, can make a gal feel “special” … they’re players. Combine that in a male with really sick traits and there’s a recipe for disaster … he or she … she in this case … falls into a ring of fire and there’s no escape from the anguish.
The worst handicap Anne Reburn could have is to still look that way at 31 and I bet her mother still looks as if she’s in her 30s … it’s an ever-youthful type with a girlish voice … avoid like the plague I’m afraid. Not because she’s bad … she’s not … coquettish maybe … but that type causes wars, sinks ships, starts fires. In the final analysis … innocently or at least no better nor worse than any normal female.
She goes to Spain as a student, meets a mega-youtuber on the train, with entourage and boy band looks … night follows day, no?
She not only believes she’s super special to him but his talk of polyamory is not what she’s in it for. So she tells all … every bit about the creep … online … across every platform, inc. youtube:
And keeps doing it …
And keeps doing it …
And keeps doing it.
Also, he’s “an avowed atheist”. Silly girl. Or maybe naive … an innocent abroad. Where’s her mother?
1. Springfield, Haiti, the Ukraine and the wider crime
First thing to strike me this pre-dawn was that Ian J’s item 805:5 on IAP was quite up to date at the point it was posted and thankee kindly but things moved on rapidly … Biden simply told Starmer no.
Ian J:
I should have added this para:
“There is a conversation happening in Washington DC alright, but Biden isn’t even in the room and Starmer is just taking notes with sweat running down his platinum-ringed spectacles. He’ll be up all night practising the speech he’ll be obliged to make next week in the House of Commons.”
Different speech now that Biden was in the room.
For a start, how could the walking cadaver do that? Is he still the Evil One or is his Controller in the room or at the end of the phone, directing policy? CFR? If so, what’s this entire Harris show? Also, it keeps coming back to Svali’s comment in 2000 that the Russians were never the enemy, they were just the other side in the endless wars. Ike nailed much of it with the MIC comment at his farewell but we know now this is also about trafficking, deep paedo, deep rendition and one of the hubs is the Ukraine. Why does it keep attracting Holodomors and the like, that sad place? Chernobyl?
Moving on, IYE has, at 805:6:
“Iran plans to deport two million Afghan migrants within six months, as stated by national police head Ahmad-Reza Radan.
The police have begun aggressively detaining Afghans and sending them back to Taliban-controlled areas…”
They all know … every player in the international game knows precisely what these worst elements in the world are like. Ditto in Haiti:

1. Those folks exiting Iran. Any guesses where some of them may turn up?