Friday [5 to 7]

(0927) Sun’s out. (1339)

7. Perfect case of two halves being needed

… in order to make a whole. Emerald’s first is one thing:

All right, bad enough. Now add this to it:

6. Midday roundup

5. Be of good cheer, have faith

That may have sounded trite, glib, until I saw this:

(On X)

That’s his reply to my reply, as a result of seeing Julia’s reply to his cry of anguish as the now rapidly communising world … he was signing off from X.

Andy mentioned earlier that nourishing unherdables had also gone quiet … that’s because our readers have. Indicators are that people are still coming to this little site but they’re just silent, that’s all.

The evil muvvers and those of us who should have known better have been criticising his debate performance by “being angry”, maybe being a tad sullen.

Yeah? If you’d had 91 or so sudden lawfare suits on you, had had the election stolen, had literally dodged a bullet, were the age he is, plus following that svhedule, then those scumbags had done that number at ABC … what would you be? As kackling as a Kamala?

War of attrition Them v Us … as simple as that. And they’ve been grinding us down now over a long time since they seized control … now they think it’s their big payback on us for some psycho reason.

That’s it.

Be of good cheer … have faith.

2 replies on “Friday [5 to 7]”

  1. “But they’re just silent, that’s all”

    That’s strange, because we can now comment without having to crawl through numerous hoops on the way!

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