Thursday [6 to 10]

(0900) Morning all … better late than never … a bit wet out there still. (1000)

10. Some curious wording here

The obvious question is … is this a genuine ADL social media drop? If not … as we were. If so … hmmmm:

Who are these people anyway?

9. Copyhold does have a point

“Putin threatens to cut off West’s nuclear industry from Russian uranium”

So, in other words, NATO and its neocon controllers have been trying to collapse Putin’s regime (and obviously kill him) for at least the last 10 years. But he’s only just got around to wondering whether it’s a really good idea to keep on selling them uranium. 

No doubt they have also been using this uranium to make nuclear weapons, to use against Russia and its international “friends”.

8. Typical of all Western countries now

The German government cannot protect its citizens from being stabbed on the streets. And is barely even trying to stop it. But it is much more interested in playing pointless geo-political games with China over Taiwan.

7. Michele Swinick in Arizona

Maricopa County Admits NO Chain Of Custody Documents For Nov 8, 2022 Election From The 223 Voting Centers: # Of Voters Checked-In, Total Ballots Cast, Early Ballots Dropped Off For The 28 Days & ALL Ballot Paper

Implications plus. For a start … prosecutions for all involved, even overseas warrants sent out … except it will not be because of the owning of all institutions … see the Z comment in 6. So there it is … back to the American Revolution again.

6. The long march

Seems to be a day for longer posts … let’s see how we go. This one’s on how Economic Marxism was turned into Cultural Marxism and what a nightmare those evil muvvers were in Frankfurt:


This below is not from the article but a comment by Zookeeper’s keeper I think:

Starmer didn’t just come out of the blue. The ground was prepared beforehand by 14 years of detoxified fake conservatism, and before that the IEDs were placed effectively by Blair and Brown. This is a “long” march, remember.

I remember – during “Covid” – towards the end of 2020, numerous people tweeting that they couldn’t wait for 2021 to arrive, because surely it couldn’t be any worse than 2020 ? Turned out that it was. And things have shown little to no sign of improvement since.
So not very encouraging then, that in similar fashion since the general election, people are now sighing in despair and uttering “only four-and-a-half more years of this Labour government” as if what´s eventually going to replace it will be any better.

If there is to be a chance that what follows the next election in 2029 proceeds in the correct direction, the next political movement for a return to common sense and national interest should have been founded about twenty-five or thirty years ago – a full-time dedicated political movement – already have 80+ MPs in Parliament, gained a large holding ground in the establishment, institutions and academia, and a manifesto so realistic, that people would shudder at the thought of its implementation. It really is not a lot of good to do the usual trick of mobilizing three months before an election, a hastily organized whistle-stop campaign, followed by four million votes yet only 5 MPs. It has to be built from the ground up. Local to national. Indeed, I’m talking theoretically, as I personally don’t think that “politics” or political parties within our existing political system will salvage anything at this stage.

If we accept that many still believe in the “system”, then only when people admit the truth – to themselves as much as to anyone – about the precarious state of the nation and what it will take to pull it back sharply from the abyss, will intelligent, considered and honest debate take place. And by then, not only will it be too late, no-one of sane disposition would vote for it anyway. Until then, please don’t be surprised by more of the same. The state of permanent denial – and mass apathy – is probably the only likely path into the future for most. If the truth of what is necessary was announced, nobody would vote for it anyway. That’s why politicians no longer tell the truth. Any politician daring to tell the whole truth would never get elected.

2 replies on “Thursday [6 to 10]”

  1. 6. A sobering way to begin the day but can’t disagree with any of it.

    “The state of permanent denial – and mass apathy – is probably the only likely path into the future for most.”

    A faint chink of light may be the low Labour vote and Starmer’s obvious unpopularity. It’s faint though.

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