(0147) Awoke too early, shall put up some posts, then try for shuteye again. (0311)
4. Late term abortion
Girl from Students For Life group calls:

… (pretending to be) at 34 weeks to arrange abortion. They agree and start explaining how. Source Chuck Callesto, pundit, from Jesse James, another pundit.
Obviously there is the issue itself but then there is a second issue of whether it should or should not be reported to air. On what grounds would you say no?
(At 0307 … trying for part two of sleep.)
3. “Kanekoa” on X is the source
… HERE of footage of a resident of Springfield, Ohio, who says the Htn imports indeed were killing and eating local ducks. The “debate” moderator had “fact-checked” DJT and then lied.
2. Tom Fitton’s Judicial Watch sued for footage
… of AA77 … from nearby gas station … HERE. Comments included:
*The Pentagon is 77′ tall. A Boeing 757-200 is 44.5′ tall. It would be over half the height of the Pentagon and its length would be well over twice the height of the building.
1. When to run a story, when not to
If this is so, then there it is. If not, then it comes down with clear and profuse apology:
“Chief of the Boat of the USS Manchester currently deployed in the South China Sea installed an illegal Starlink antenna and wifi network so she could watch her favorite telenovelas. When she was caught she lied to her commanding officer and the admiral not once but three times, forcing an official NCIS investigation to be conducted. The antenna and network potentially allowed the Chinese Navy to track the ship and penetrate its classified Combat Information Systems. Despite putting the entire crew of the Manchester at risk and lying to her commanding officer, Command Senior Chief Petty Officer Grisel Marrero was not given any prison time nor was she separated from the Navy – instead she was demoted to Chief Petty Officer and reassigned.” (Sep 11, 2024)
My attitude to that on X was that if any of it, not necessarily all of it, is not accurate, then it’s pulled. There were comments which were opinion:
*The network was set up for all the navy chiefs on the ship, so many more were complicit.
* She was Chief of the Boat. But the entire chief’s mess had access.
*(It was a)mesh radio network transmitting an open WiFi mesh network everywhere on the ship. The Navy spent billions to make its Littoral Combat Ships undetectable. In fact, they designed the ship to be able to detect and counter enemy efforts to intercept or jam communications. The Chief of the Boat attached a 2-5 watt transmitter to the outside of the ship transmitting across two bands 27.5 GHz – 30 GHz and 14 GHz – 14.5 GHz.
*GHZ band on a directional antenna pointed at the sky is VERY difficult to track. Unless the position data is obtained directly from Starlink. They know exactly where the antenna is.