Daily Archives: September 12, 2024



The seventh ‘Whistler’ movie and Richard Dix’s last screen performance has him as an independent trucker. He’s just cleared all debts and is about to start making money and to marry Karen Morley when he gets involved in an accident. It’s not his fault, but his witness vanishes. He winds up paying compensation and having his license suspended.

He continues taking jobs, but when a driver fails to show up, he drives the truck himself; a mysterious stranger saps him and kills motorcycle cop Regis Toomey. Dix panics and runs, but realizes that he has to prove his innocence, with no clue but a glove.

It’s also the last film directed by William Clemens, a decent journeyman, He had entered the movies as an editor, switched to directing in 1936 and made 33 features in a dozen years. He would die in 1980 at the age of 74.

Thursday [11 and 12]


12. And so it continues

11. Longrider and a tale of utter scumbags


Kier Starmer appears to be going with the tough it out approach and hoping that he will come out the other side smelling of roses. In doing so, he exposes not only the Labour lie – they do not care for the people they were set up to represent – but also his own nastiness and hypocrisy. The same applies of course to his iron chancellor. Make no mistake about it, these people are the enemy.

Thursday [6 to 10]

(0900) Morning all … better late than never … a bit wet out there still. (1000)

10. Some curious wording here

The obvious question is … is this a genuine ADL social media drop? If not … as we were. If so … hmmmm:

Who are these people anyway?

9. Copyhold does have a point

“Putin threatens to cut off West’s nuclear industry from Russian uranium”

So, in other words, NATO and its neocon controllers have been trying to collapse Putin’s regime (and obviously kill him) for at least the last 10 years. But he’s only just got around to wondering whether it’s a really good idea to keep on selling them uranium. 

No doubt they have also been using this uranium to make nuclear weapons, to use against Russia and its international “friends”.

8. Typical of all Western countries now

The German government cannot protect its citizens from being stabbed on the streets. And is barely even trying to stop it. But it is much more interested in playing pointless geo-political games with China over Taiwan.

7. Michele Swinick in Arizona

Maricopa County Admits NO Chain Of Custody Documents For Nov 8, 2022 Election From The 223 Voting Centers: # Of Voters Checked-In, Total Ballots Cast, Early Ballots Dropped Off For The 28 Days & ALL Ballot Paper

Implications plus. For a start … prosecutions for all involved, even overseas warrants sent out … except it will not be because of the owning of all institutions … see the Z comment in 6. So there it is … back to the American Revolution again.

6. The long march

Seems to be a day for longer posts … let’s see how we go. This one’s on how Economic Marxism was turned into Cultural Marxism and what a nightmare those evil muvvers were in Frankfurt:


This below is not from the article but a comment by Zookeeper’s keeper I think:

Starmer didn’t just come out of the blue. The ground was prepared beforehand by 14 years of detoxified fake conservatism, and before that the IEDs were placed effectively by Blair and Brown. This is a “long” march, remember.

I remember – during “Covid” – towards the end of 2020, numerous people tweeting that they couldn’t wait for 2021 to arrive, because surely it couldn’t be any worse than 2020 ? Turned out that it was. And things have shown little to no sign of improvement since.
So not very encouraging then, that in similar fashion since the general election, people are now sighing in despair and uttering “only four-and-a-half more years of this Labour government” as if what´s eventually going to replace it will be any better.

If there is to be a chance that what follows the next election in 2029 proceeds in the correct direction, the next political movement for a return to common sense and national interest should have been founded about twenty-five or thirty years ago – a full-time dedicated political movement – already have 80+ MPs in Parliament, gained a large holding ground in the establishment, institutions and academia, and a manifesto so realistic, that people would shudder at the thought of its implementation. It really is not a lot of good to do the usual trick of mobilizing three months before an election, a hastily organized whistle-stop campaign, followed by four million votes yet only 5 MPs. It has to be built from the ground up. Local to national. Indeed, I’m talking theoretically, as I personally don’t think that “politics” or political parties within our existing political system will salvage anything at this stage.

If we accept that many still believe in the “system”, then only when people admit the truth – to themselves as much as to anyone – about the precarious state of the nation and what it will take to pull it back sharply from the abyss, will intelligent, considered and honest debate take place. And by then, not only will it be too late, no-one of sane disposition would vote for it anyway. Until then, please don’t be surprised by more of the same. The state of permanent denial – and mass apathy – is probably the only likely path into the future for most. If the truth of what is necessary was announced, nobody would vote for it anyway. That’s why politicians no longer tell the truth. Any politician daring to tell the whole truth would never get elected.

Thursday [5]

(0556) Probably upandattem now.

5. Inverted and verted snobbery

After having put the boot in, yesterday, to Toby Young’s TDS, today they excel themselves with two accessible articles … one on oikophobia and one on Nigeria’s Christians. This is part one.


Through that article, you can access all the rest, saves me running the screenshot. So … to business:

In his 2004 book England and the Need for Nations, the British philosopher Roger Scruton termed the rising liberal ideology of self-contempt as oikophobia. The Ancient Greek word for home is oikos; and thus oikophobia, Scruton wrote, is “(stretching the Greek a little) the repudiation of inheritance and home. It manifests as a consolidated, wide-spanning offensive against the historical, theological, literary, legal and social inheritance that formed the modern West.“

I call that mid-intellectualism, that paragraph … in other words, accessible to a wider range of people … to those “of the people” down to the insufferably snobby upper middle or left intellectuals. This thing gets quite inverted, with educated pollies being below that, with true oiks such as Rayner and Phillips near the bottom of the heap. And at the top? Well, the Scrutons and Thomas Sowells of course. Plus the C19th working men’s clubs and evening classes:


Despite being useful on a football field, my swottery separated me from my fellow spotty herberts and why did I swot long into the evenings in secondary? Because my parents were working to put me through, not just a grammar or private but through a “public school” I’ll not name, which admittedly has opened certain doors, but my humble beginnings have turned out to be more useful in the long run.

One thing I learnt was that tradesmen were where the money was … those people were never going to starve. Back to the DS article:

As Scruton observed: “Oikophobia is a stage through which the adolescent mind normally passes. But it is a stage in which some people — the intellectuals especially — tend to become arrested. As George Orwell pointed out, intellectuals on the Left are especially prone to it, and this has often made them willing agents of foreign powers.”

Hence, the tedious political activism that was formerly confined to the university campus has now been propagated across Western institutions and corporations. Indeed, the touted ‘grown-ups’ in the West are now largely liberal oikophobes, educated at elite universities that serve, as the conservative historian Niall Ferguson has argued, to transmit civilisational self-contempt in place of the classical Western inheritance.

Nice article. I’ve told the tale before of being on the students’ swotting floor, I thought of it as, on the way to my tutorial room and a girl was struggling with what looked like Bloom’s Taxonomy … I really don’t recall which leftwing “intellectual” tome it was … I asked her about it and she showed me what she was studying … it may as well have been Greek.

Actually … to me, it may as well also have been Greek … it was the worst pseudo-intellectual claptrap, typical of the type, so beloved of curriculum departments. I translated it for her. Can’t recall if she asked … well why can’t they just say that … or maybe it was me, I, they, them its. Either way, it was that thing, starting with “w” in the vernacular, which churchmen in the day would warn a boy against … stop it or you’ll go blind. I mean it really was totally unnecessary and woolly thinking to boot.

So, to return to the article again … what are the four pillars of leftist w***erism?

First, Western history is condemned in an ahistorical, gratuitously unfair, even smirking, manner.

Second, the theological basis of the modern West – Christianity – has been assailed ferociously by the secular Left.

Third, contempt for traditional customs and simple patriotism has become a familiar and undisguised trait of the oikophobic Left. Indeed, George Orwell recognised the roots of this adolescent sentiment in his great 1941 essay, England Your England.

Fourth, as Orwell further noted in England Your England, a chief symptom of the Left’s worldview is its servility to anti-Western foreign regimes.

I’ll leave it there, otherwise this post might go on forever.

Thursday [1 to 4]

(0147) Awoke too early, shall put up some posts, then try for shuteye again. (0311)

4. Late term abortion

Girl from Students For Life group calls:

… (pretending to be) at 34 weeks to arrange abortion. They agree and start explaining how. Source Chuck Callesto, pundit, from Jesse James, another pundit.

Obviously there is the issue itself but then there is a second issue of whether it should or should not be reported to air. On what grounds would you say no?


(At 0307 … trying for part two of sleep.)

3. “Kanekoa” on X is the source

HERE of footage of a resident of Springfield, Ohio, who says the Htn imports indeed were killing and eating local ducks. The “debate” moderator had “fact-checked” DJT and then lied.

2. Tom Fitton’s Judicial Watch sued for footage

… of AA77 … from nearby gas station … HERE. Comments included:

*The Pentagon is 77′ tall. A Boeing 757-200 is 44.5′ tall. It would be over half the height of the Pentagon and its length would be well over twice the height of the building.

1. When to run a story, when not to

If this is so, then there it is. If not, then it comes down with clear and profuse apology:

“Chief of the Boat of the USS Manchester currently deployed in the South China Sea installed an illegal Starlink antenna and wifi network so she could watch her favorite telenovelas. When she was caught she lied to her commanding officer and the admiral not once but three times, forcing an official NCIS investigation to be conducted. The antenna and network potentially allowed the Chinese Navy to track the ship and penetrate its classified Combat Information Systems. Despite putting the entire crew of the Manchester at risk and lying to her commanding officer, Command Senior Chief Petty Officer Grisel Marrero was not given any prison time nor was she separated from the Navy – instead she was demoted to Chief Petty Officer and reassigned.” (Sep 11, 2024)

My attitude to that on X was that if any of it, not necessarily all of it, is not accurate, then it’s pulled. There were comments which were opinion:

*The network was set up for all the navy chiefs on the ship, so many more were complicit.

* She was Chief of the Boat. But the entire chief’s mess had access.

*(It was a)mesh radio network transmitting an open WiFi mesh network everywhere on the ship. The Navy spent billions to make its Littoral Combat Ships undetectable. In fact, they designed the ship to be able to detect and counter enemy efforts to intercept or jam communications. The Chief of the Boat attached a 2-5 watt transmitter to the outside of the ship transmitting across two bands 27.5 GHz – 30 GHz and 14 GHz – 14.5 GHz.

*GHZ band on a directional antenna pointed at the sky is VERY difficult to track. Unless the position data is obtained directly from Starlink. They know exactly where the antenna is.
