Daily Archives: September 10, 2024

Tuesday [5 till close of play]

(1346) Lovely weather (still) out there (not). (1747) Weather’s become nicer … genuinely … fluffy clouds floating by.

14. Toodles

JH: Interesting snippet from history, given the “debate” and election in 2024:

13. My fave pollie just now, plus Rupert

12. Two-Tier’s terrorist release programme went off without a hitch

… meanwhile scumbag <20% Labour voted this way on saving pensioners:

11. IYE corner (803/804)

a. ABC on “cloud seeding” boom: “Cloud seeding is BOOMING! They expect at least another 200 ground cloud seeding machines to be put in before next season.” “We’ve been doing this since the 1940s. We’ve been manipulating weather for a very long time.”

{What else is in the mix other than silver iodide? Manipulating weather with “parking lots” – yeah, right!}

Link at 803:2.

b. ““WiFi Radiation opens up your Blood Brain Barrier – it degrades your Mitochondria” Strange nobody ever wants to discuss this – I guess ignorance is bliss for most people.”

Link over there.

10. The Ukrainian war … sources

Alex M is of course biased proRussia but uses no maps, just mentions town after town. Levan G gives the Russian ministry and media reports, Alex C, now up at 804, gives a range of topics … Germany, clown world overall but he has his fixations too, e.g. Scholz in Germany, which is a bit removed from us.

Stormfront is just Russian. For the NATO CIA angle, any western MSM will give you that.

As Alex C says, the main story on Tuesday will be the Trump Harris “debate”, which I for one will studiously avoid, concentrating more on aggregating the reports. 0200-0330 GMT (we’re BST).

9. Bobbie corner

8. This 👇🏻

7. Blasts from the past

a. (March 16th) He is accused of having, on March 14 at 2:50 a.m. on the road from Ouches to Roanne, refused to comply with a summons from the police to stop while he was at the wheel of a vehicle – facts which he disputes –, where a friend was also present, and of having driven under the influence of an alcoholic state. The 15 entries in his criminal record were not likely to reassure the court, and in particular the five refusals to comply and the hit-and-run already on his record.
There, this trip was not to commit theft or a crime, he said, but simply to join my family, gathered for Ramadan.”  

b. (March 18th) (Two Tier) will hold a vote on assisted suicide if, as is widely expected, Labour wins the next general election. Alistair Thompson, a long-time campaigner for improved palliative care, told The European Conservative that if the change is passed by what is likely to be an even more socially liberal Parliament than the current one, the “so-called right to die” will for many soon become “the duty to die.” 

c. (March 18th) “It isn’t just conspiracy theorists who are concerned about HAARP. The European Union called the project a global concern and passed a resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks. Despite those concerns, officials at HAARP insist the project is nothing more sinister than a radio science research facility.”

6. IYE on Fredo’s bro and care homes (803)

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Today, @COVIDSelect released a staff memo that holds former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his staff responsible for recklessly exposing elderly Americans to COVID-19 in New York nursing homes from March 25, 2020 to May 10, 2020.

The fine detail over there.

5. Amfortas … when things don’t fit

More indications of Gov’t asleep on the job.

We have Ferries that take passengers, cars, trucks, livestock et all to and from the Big Island. They are 20 years old and new ones have been ordered. They are mostly built now and soon to be delivered. But they are too big for the existing wharves. They had the measurements five years ago. Have they extended the wharves? Hah? What a question.

The Infrastructure Minister had to resign. The Shipping line Chairman and CEO have both fallen on their swords.

It is a fiasco just like the Icebreaker. We had a fine icebreaker based here in Hobart. The PTB thought we should have a bigger, better one. So over a BILLION Ozbucks were spent and a big beautiful ship was built and delivered. The refueling station is up-river a bit from the Tasman Bridge. The new ship cannot get under the bridge !!!!!!!! To refuel, it has to motor around Tasmania to Bernie on the north coast, and back again. 

You cannot make this sort of stuff up, up.

– Amfortas in Hobart

Tuesday [3 and 4]

(1031) I’m back, lovely day out there (not), chores done. (1222)

4. X roundup

3. Gab roundup

Matt Gaetz:

The American people deserve to know who’s weaponizing their government! Jack Smith continues to wage lawfare against President Trump despite a federal judge ruling he was unlawfully appointed and effectively a private citizen. 

Today, I sent a letter to AG Merrick Garland demanding to know who authorized his continued and unlawful witch hunt against President Trump and whether Smith ignored the Justice Manual’s guidance on election interference. 

READ: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gaetz-questions-jack-smiths-authority-keep-up-trump-probes-after-judge-calls-him-unlawfully-appointed

Tuesday [1 and 2]

(0542) Still dark out there … real life impinges again … I have to go out on one of those rare sorties and it will cut out at least the first half of the morning … going to post a bit here, do that, return (hopefully) and post some more to the “outlying sites”. At least that’s the cunning plan. (0811)

2. TDS on the day Starmer releases 1000s of the worst crims onto the streets

… or so the story goes … to make way for dissonant citizens:

1. IYE dropped in a novel approach to getting DJT across the line

… which Draino put up (see X or 803 across the way):

Forgive me for being cynical but there’s too much theatre, too many clutched straws which turned out to be that in the fine print, when the whole legal sysyem has been riddled, addled over there, by bad players.

My attitude is, as always, in response to the question posed by secular conservatives or rather anti-Wokists … and it’s this:

“If you fanatics are genuinely eschatologically seeing Armageddon coming, then why would you be helping us (e.g. Isabel Vaughan-Spruce) to fight, perchance to die, in this fight to save humanity?”

The answer lies in the two main commandments … not just to love, as in do all you can for the Trinitarian God but the second is like unto it … to love thy neighbour … a much tougher assignment. Anyone can love family and close friends … much harder to love the little birdbrains in schools, college, later in life who’ve been brainwashed by feelgood rhetoric, the painted picture of a socialist utopia which is actually hidden dystopia.

But the stumbling block is one which Bergoglio and Welby, to name two “leaders”, peddle … they interpret “love thy neighbour” as tolerate and even come to love wrongdoing, perversion, the wrecking of society.

So in fact, the genuine Christian in terms of the gospel pronouncements is just as much a fierce fighter for good as secularists are, till the end by the way, otherwise they fear they will not enter heaven after all … with that added spur of a nice package of courage, protection, comfort on the side, in the sense of a well provided for army. And over time, just as it was in days of yore, many a military commander or sailor was a “good Christian man” (and women)

Trouble is that that history has been expunged from schools and in broken homes, esp. Zoomers, Millennials, many Gen X … and it started going wrong with Boomers but actually before too … Leary, Marcuse etc. Post WW2 history is a tale of the falling away in society … you can give it a Christian or secular spin … comes to the same falling away … morally, ethically, ushering in destruction.

So, back to the screenshot of IYE above … what chance that that move might work? I say who knows? But let’s give it the best shot we can, let’s try everything under the sun, even a bit of faith and backbone … who knows if it might not prevail this time around? Thing is … WE humans ourselves don’t know … we have what we have, we have living guidelines … we are up against armies, not just of orcs but of ordinary humans, brainwashed to do wrong, of corrupt pollies and those in all high places.

As Svali said in 2000 … these people are arrogant, they make mistakes, they contradict one another in their cognitive dissonance.

Hopefully see you later in the morning, chaps and chapesses.