8. IYE quotes a lady (initialled LL) at 801
Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today at an event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that the campaign called “organic” and “spur of the moment” but I have uncovered the fact that the venue is actually an anti-Republican Spice Company called Penzey’s Spices that explicitly says on their company website that “Republicans are racist” and they don’t like or feel inclined to welcome Republicans or Trump supporters at their business!
Also JH paraphrases IYE from 802: (If) the Deep State has already lost:
“What Damage Will They Do on Their Way Out the Door”
7. TDS today (blogrolls)

6. Kathy’s outspokenness is welcome
… however, hate to say it but she’s becoming a semi-protected species, which is great in itself but if we lesser mortals quote or retweet, for example this:
(A)s we published one hard-hitting article after another – see our top ten articles. I got out and about too, braving my first TV appearance in a while on Dan Wootton’s exciting new Outspoken show. You can watch it here.
He opened it with an impassioned indictment of the disgraceful decision by the Dorset senior coroner, one Rachael Griffin, to ‘spare’ the Home Office an inquest into the circumstances surrounding 21-year-old Tom Roberts’s savage murder at the hands of an violent asylum seeker. Allowed in on false pretences, this already known murderer was flagged up as a danger and a liar, yet was neither deported nor incarcerated and left free to kill again.
… then (cough)…
… I say nuffink, not a word, Two Tier Keir … it might even be seen as three tier … the untouchable with a certain world view aligned with Kommie Kier, then a middling lot of the Nigels, Kathys etc., more difficult to nail … Lee Anderson is another … then the poor sods with no protection from the stasi.
You can read all of Kathy’s piece at her place (blogrolls).