1. Welcome to unherdable cats

(Sep 6, 0136) As this site is meant to be the workhorse of the complex, let’s get straight down to the nuts and bolts:

Privacy page

This is up now as a “child” of the Policies page in the main navbar above, meaning if you hover or push “Policies”, it will also show Privacy immediately below that in a light grey. It essentially warns readers that WordPress cookies are used … but is stated in more convoluted language than this. Readers then decide if they wish to read the sites.

The nature of these four sites

This is not a debating forum, it’s a deep dive news aggregator, pointing in different directions, not always by url … it simply takes over the heavy lifting from UHC, nothing more than that. There are, as regulars know, other sites connected to “uhchq”, the short name for this site you’re on.

(i) uhchq just mentioned (maybe fancifully spoken as “er-ch’k”, who knows)

(ii) nowp, which is the reader drops page, accessed from the navbar above

(iii) uhc, former hq, semi-retired this morning, also found in navbar

(iv) jstack, former hq, semi-retired, hosts occasional posts in longer form, navbar too.

The people found at this complex

Readers … that’s it … people who have stumbled upon, have browsed, some include us in their regular reads, some have been here a long time now, a few drop off articles, links, posts … we are, essentially, antiWoke, much more of the 80% who can’t abide all this rubbish floating about in public affairs.

There’s no “membership”, no “registering”, no “subscribing”, no “like” button I know of, except the one substack imposes … we’re not looking at traffic … the less the better, it’s cosier, more “clubbable” … but not officially. If you stick around, you’re most welcome.

No money involved. We pay nothing except time and effort, we accept nothing but that. It costs a bit to run this complex but that’s not your concern, no naughty funder backs these sites.

A possible characterisation

Reader Chuckles, a few years back, saw us a bit this way:

I developed the landlord-patrons idea a bit more in that the lighthouse is attached to a tavern, with outhouses including other bars, coffee shop, stables, carpark, chapel for the faithful, situated on a rocky promontory jutting out into the storm-tossed sea … part of the passing traffic, yet still rooted to the land:

Imagery can only be taken so far I suppose and it doesn’t bear too much scrutiny but that’s how the landlord sees the two nourishing obscurity and two unherdable cats sites … both names evoke an unfussed ethos. The main two sites, the workhorses, are uhchq and nowp … I spend about equal time at both.

Hope you’ll enjoy what’s on offer, that you’ll make use of it.

6 replies on “1. Welcome to unherdable cats”

  1. I congratulate you on being the first amongst equals.

    The NO family is looking good James, plenty of back up. I still mourn the loss of the old NO with the compilations like pizza gate.

    • IYE!
      🤭oh goodness! Yes! I congratulated too! It was Happy 18th Birthday at ‘you know where’. Yikes!!

      I knew, just knew someone had saved what Andy was talking about.

      We never go to movies. It has been eons. However we went to see the film, Reagan, Friday evening. The timeline stretched mainly from my teens to young adulthood to early middle age years. It was good. It was a tad schmaltzy but who cares? All who attended loved it. I 😢.

      Signing off at headquarters 🫡.

  2. I do not mind following Andy one bit and agree with him. In other words, ditto…mega dittoes!

    Hoping for the best. You have been locked out before. Did you give up? Nope…nor will many of us.

    May I have a beer? You say I am too young? Well, howz about a ginger ‘ale’ ?

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