(0607) Morning all … looks bleak out there. (0753)
9. Watch out today

8. Jenrick, Poilievre, Ford

7. TR report you’ve probably already gathered

6. Calling it “squabbling” is mendacious misrepresentation
There is a fundamental divide in this society … on one side, hurtling towards the abyss, are globopsycho, puppet politicians, the MSM, the judiciary, medicine, social services, law enforcement, education, therefore young females on the whole, almost the entire imported herdery whose reality is what is fed them … adopting far left positions whilst thinking of themselves as “reasonable”, “love everyone, including monsters”, kind, gentle people …..
….. and on the other side, flawed, from different walks of life, is that ragtag of unherdable cats who really have woken up to the reality facing us … that we are staring down the barrel or blade of those about to snuff out the last vestiges of our “western” society and then, the very brass at the top, supposedly of our own side tries on this mendacious misrepresentation of the Reform situation … calling it “squabbling”, as if hit jobs by “the gang of four” are just some inconsequential infighting between some naughty boys …..
….. when in fact it’s a concerted, dishonest attempt by the brass to snuff out the central issue in our society today, along with trying to induce a crash, plus snuffing out the elderly and farmers. This is an all out attempt to snuff out dissenting opinion … opinion which does not wish to see the end of the west, the end of Britain, of England.

In short, the gang of four have turned out to be quislings, attempting to ride grassroots fervour to shackle it to globopsycho as the fourth branch of the Uniparty. This is no “squabble”, ladies and gentlemen … it’s survival, no more, no less.