Saturday [5 to 9]
(0757) Morning all … bleah and rainy. Temp set to soar to a dizzying 12C (54F) tomorrow. (0819)
9. Article IV
8. Education
7. Can’t recall if I did this or not … help?
Dec 6.
6. Masculinity
5. Steve drops at 907
Four: “500,000 Children… We Can’t Find!” – NYC Mayor Adams Stuns Room Full of Liberal Reporters, drones over US airbase in Germany, Oz homelessness, much more
Three: Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller, US military in Africa, much more.
Two: Russia retaliates … various articles.
One: UN is defunding petrol stations and imposing reduction in farm “emissions” in New Zealand, US, Israel, and Turkey are fueling elimination of Christianity in the Middle East, much more.
Saturday [1 to 4]
(0420) Dark. (0633)
4. Was going to do the intro with our correspondent’s name
… but think I’d best not … it was not IYE … another take it or leave it …
3. DAD drops at 908
a) French Prime Minister François Bayrou: Portrait of an Eternal Centrist. He will certainly do what he does best: nothing.
b) François Bayrou would vote against the denaturing of marriage if he were a member of parliament.
c) The NGO’s humanitarian ship, ‘Geo Barents’, has been subject to “four sanctions by the Italian authorities over the past two years, imposing a total of 160 days of immobilization in port,” MSF laments on Friday.
d) Medically-assisted dying – also known as voluntary euthanasia – accounted for 4.7% of deaths in Canada in 2023, new government data shows.
2. Millennials/early Zee mirror image of left-Boomers
… or at least chips off the old blocks. I saw a video on why hippiedom died out in the first part of the 70s and the comments were quite revealing … they were attacking the presenter as puritan, as a preacher … seems to me he was telling some home truths.
Point is … from Leary to the CIA/FBI, this whole thing was steered, as Yuri B said in the 80s … he put it down to the KGB but it was way before then. It was immediately pre-end of WW2 … the OSS and what they’d become, that the military wanted no part of a civvy outfit like that but evil malcontents needed a home. Give it any name you like … global communism, satanic mind control of the masses … the story’s never changed, just the names of the characters.
The playbook’s always been the same … flood the impressionable with feelgood destructiveness, e.g. The Pill, yet the real agenda is and ever was Weishaupt’s summarised abolitions of 1776 … and any form of Ten Commandments is rendered insufferably evil restriction of your “freedoms” (meaning slavery to the seven deadly sins).
As a miserable sinner myself, I went through the whole leftist thing at school and university, the Weathermen were heroes, Baader-Meinhof, but not the Munich Olympics. Times change. I was never a hippie.
Some of the reasons given by old hippies was that they grew up, the focus changed but imho, many of the behaviours didn’t. When libertarian becomes licentious … trouble brews. Prob is … where’s the line? I’d say the line is the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes, but not in a frenetic way … that’s a pretty good way to stay our hand unless absolutely necessary.
There’s another way to look at hippiedom and how it was reborn in the Millennials … two aspects every single time … un-self-regulated sex, plus drugs. China and Russia, plus Africans love the notion of drug-addled San Franciscans lying about in the streets.
The thing which always got me … and I went to a few festivals … was just how violent and vicious these love-everyone-do-gooder-to-the-world-but-not-to-those-close people were if you crossed them. The analogy I see is students sharing a house … wanting to protect their own food but the feckless … “all mine is mine, all yours is ours” … it’s an impossibility. Really unpleasant people to deal with, as their love-everyone halo is firmly placed above their heads as they attack or make the spiteful remarks.
I got out of all that, away from young people, even though I was one. Not the slightest clue, the young, that they were puppets, just as much as the govt clowns.
What a weird, deluded way to live … chanting “you must love the world” but actually being a selfish child yourself. The film The Beach was a perfect example … how they all behaved. Lord of the Flies in 1962.
Sadly, these were the Boomers, my lot, in maybe 70% of cases … and it got no better … at least we were well educated in the classics … Gen X then came with their acid house, techno, glam … yet in many ways, I’m more Gen X than Boomer. But think of it though … feckless hippies had children, Millennials … how are those children going to turn out? God-fearing, sex-only-within-marriage types? Hardly.
Perfect target for three letter agencies and quisling teachers in schools. It’s not my job to preach but I can note truths all I like … as I do … as you do too … why not?
1. This item from TDS
It’s all quite debunked in copious articles, vlogs etc. … so what does Woke (communist) authority do, wherever it is? It doubles down … redoubles its lying pressure. This moves such behaviour into the unconscionable category … hardly paragons of truth and virtue … in fact, the diametric opposite. It’s not unlike Thalidomide, only in global epidemic of evildoers scope. Not unlike the plague of karens during the covid plandemic.
Friday [15 till close of play]
(1623) Evening all.
17. Not wishing to upstage Andy
… nor to preempt him, nor steal his thunder … here’s his gift to himself:
16. DAD at 907
Its Bayrou ! While the name of the next Prime Minister was to be announced yesterday, Emmanuel Macron postponed the announcement, the time for final negotiations on his return from Poland.
15. Steve at 907 with war room
a. Mike Davis On The FEDsurrection: “There’s Gonna Be A Full Investigation On This And They Know It”
b. Darren Beattie: “The Pipe Bomb Is The Smoking Gun Of The Smoking Gun(s)”
c. Julie Kelly: “It Is Time For A New Inspector General At The DOJ”
d. Natalie Winters On The DOJ IG Report: “It’s A Nice Rough Draft For A Creative Writing Class”
Try these
Which countries are these the capitals of?
- Tórshavn
- Pristina
- George Town
- Saint George’s
- Vientiane
- Khartoum
Ladies a bit past lunchtime
Seen any of these before?
The Singer Junior
Friday [10 to 14]
(0840) Morning all … ultrableah out there, mustn’t grumble. (1237)
14. At TCW
It is clear, on both sides of the Atlantic, that regarding covid vaccination, we have now entered ‘who gives a damn?’ territory. The harbingers of doom regarding the devastation of the population by covid, the ‘everyone is at risk’ message and the purportedly protective effects of the covid vaccines have been proved to be false. That is not to mention the accumulating evidence of potential and actual harms associated with the covid vaccines.
However there is one group of people who have not lost their faith, and they are our old friends at Global Health Now (GHN), possibly the most reliable source of misinformation about all things covid, at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
The GHN issue of 11 December linked an article from the equally unreliable NPR Goats and Soda which posed the question in its title: ‘I didn’t get the latest covid vaccine. Should I? And if so, when?’ Exploiting the forthcoming holiday season, it further asked: ‘When should I get it for maximum holiday protection when travelling and partying?’
I think you can guess the answer.
13. I’ve run out of superlatives for this chap’s shots
… composition, colour balance:
12. There are stories behind this duo
I first heard them on my trip to France with a French lady and liked the song on the cassette in those days … her name was Muriel LaPorte but she changed it to Moreno when she saw Niagara, the Monroe film … a very dark tale indeed. They called their duo a band and called it Niagara, pronounced differently … nee a GA ra … and they were hot stuff in France in the 80s, based primarily on her sexiness, which the bf played to the max, turning her almost lascivious, whilst he went in for the satanic thing:
Notice Notre Dame behind her. Most songs were either ultra silly in that playful French way or ultra-dark, anti-Church, which spilled over into anti-Christian due to him, not in the lyrics but in the video imagery … hence the song below, quite a nice song as just audio, which is the only way I’ll play it.
They lasted a fair while but gradually he sapped her soul, her general health took a battering, finally she lost her voice entirely … they separated both as a band and as a couple.
11. IYE at 907
Prince Andrew faces intense scrutiny over links to an alleged Chinese spy MI5 has banished from Britain.
The Far East agent was apparently so close to the Royal Family he was invited to the Duke of York’s birthday party. Yet he has now been banned from the UK ‘on security grounds’.
10. Angels We Have Heard On High
A grumble … yes, yet another, chaps and chapesses. It’s about this carol … 26 versions of it I had to listen to before settling on one for tomorrow and methinks many are not going to be happy with my eventual choice even then.
For a start … no major, serious singers had versions on youtube, except Bocelli … the English language version surrounded by super slick, coiffed stage entertainment, luvvy style, gushingly extolling Bocelli … I clicked out … it’s not about the singer, it’s about the song.
The American versions were all about mangling the words and music, turning it into each singer’s or choir’s personal vehicle … the English versions were straight choirs, singing it straight … good … but oh, the articulation … awful! King’s wouldn’t touch it, they did Realms, a poor substitute imho, Cambridge did tackle it and whoever the choirmaster was should have been shot …
… now, there is a test of this … listen to the early part, listen for the word “strains” and if the final “s” is clearly articulated, then he or she is a good singer. Every single choir or church service mangled it.
So. … individual singers were the way to go, yes? All right … every single woman singer, inc. the Celtic, just had to have their big moosh plastered all over … or else their womanly figures … Lindsey Stirling was even half naked, lifting her bared leg for our admiration. The men were just as narcissistic.
Was there anyone, anyone at all, who could articulate the word “strains” clearly, plus sing it as close to straight as possible, in an elevated manner, as befits Gloria? Even if she does have that accent and jazz style to herself, but thankfully not to the carol?
Yep … one … Ella Fitzgerald. So hers is the version tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen.
Unherdables Advent Day Thirteen
Friday the 13th [4 to 9]
(0541) Still dark. (0626)
9. Early roundup
8. TDS
7. IYE at 906
“Wray Goes to Sleep, Syria Gets Weird and Xi Gets an Invite”
6. Steve drops at 906
Four: Megyn Kelly on Caitlin Clark, Nativity at the Capitol, Biden extends covid shield protecting Pharma, much more.
Three: Wray, shocking incompetence, clemency for convicts, much more.
Two: Six ATACMS strike into Rostov region, Russkies through in Kurakhovo, much more.
One: These self-assembling lipids used for transfection, spike proteins, Vitamin D and autoimmune diseases, bots or AI leaving comments? More.
JH: No such thing as AI … it’s machine learning (ML).
5. DAD drops at 907 just came through
[DAD – I’m sorry that the drops today are rather long, but since that they are in French I thought it better to translate into English for you.]
a) Prime Minister: The endless search for consensus. It’s Friday and France still has no Prime Minister. Our wonderful President Macaroon promised that one would be appointed by last week-end; then it was to be Monday after he had lunch with Bayrou; not Tuesday, but Wednesday was the day: mais non……
b) France is becoming a Narco State; and it is spreading to the countryside.
It is a leprosy that has spread quietly. Over the years, insidiously, it has nibbled away at the territory, crossed the borders from sensitive areas in large cities to splash the countryside as a whole…..
c) On December 10, 2024, in a town in Central Brittany, in the Côtes d’Armor (for the safety of the people concerned, we will not give the name), a woman and her daughter experienced an evening of terror. Threatened by four drunken individuals…..
d) If there was not enough trouble at home, France has difficulties with their ex-colonies in Central Africa, the Polititions want French Soldiers out, but…..The senior military officers have their say……
4. There was a fourth part of that three-parter earlier
… perhaps only IYE will see it, perhaps most will. It’s this, viewed from two angles:
What do you notice? That was when I opened the previous post … it was also a repeat of days ago when I had 33 spam comments, no more, no less. If you had not seen these screenshots now, you’d have put it down to flights of fancy, spinning a tale.
Y’all have a nice day now.