(1101) Morning all, finally some time to blog. (1224)
14. Shall run IYE’s first thing next post
It’s over at 917 just now.
13. On a lighter note
12. Trudeau needs to be executed
… after due process of course. Freeland too.
11. Johnson must be imprisoned for life for High Treason
10. CofE synod members must be in prison
Not the Methodists, Baptists, Catholics, as they’re not the official faith, defended by the monarch, not even the deathcult, Jews or Hindus … CofE are the ones to be incarcerated.
9. Jail for fraud for whoever commissioned and compiled this
10 year stretch for a first offence:
A disgrace.
8. This burner of women in NYC
Quite agree with APL … any foreigner doing anything aggressive … after fair trial, summary execution. If en masse in the streets … summary execution. Broken person anyway, not unlike a rabid dog but into that category of broken people must also go homegrown such as Lily Phillips … much more difficult to deal with … one of our children messed up by the Woke ideologues who are in the same category as the first line above … summary if tracked down.
(0829) Only just awoke again … full hibernation mode it seems. (0915)
7. Operations over Christmas at Unherdables
This is not the blinking army here and we’re not all fighting aged men and women. Plus this would have to be the worst time of year for some church high-up to have decided on December 25th centuries ago. It makes little sense beyond sticking it to the pagans.
On the other hand, many Slavic nations have theirs on the night of Jan 6 to lunchtime on Jan 7 … I wrote on this from Russia long ago. Frankly, by the end of the year, we’re utterly cream-crackered, plus these few years, WEF, Biden and Granny-Harmer have cranked up the pressure on people’s very health, let alone the financial/work side … it’s utter lunacy to have to run around end of December.
Note though that after the communists got in in Russia, Christmas was no longer the thang … it was NY and just as hellish in terms of time of year.
Moving onto the topic of my parents, we were neither a religious family nor irreligious … we were cultural Christians as most were … it was a mix of festivities, inc. Rudolph. I’m the one who increasingly saw the Christian roots but never made too much of it until I started blogging and it was brought home, politically, that there were millions out there brainwashed into wanting to kill us.
My dear ma-ma used to put health first on the list but I say put God first, then health, then family, then all the other things we value. And in that latter category is the blog/vlog, unless you agree withthe Blues Bros that we’re on a mission from God.
All I’m saying is health is pretty high up on that list and it’s sheer stupidity to make ourselves ill just because of some obligation to fulfil a quota or contract somehow. I urge all our chaps and chapesses to take care of themselves first, so they can then care for wife/family/dependents, also their property … and do take your age into consideration, pretty please … as we want you around in the new year, ok?
By the way, I’m sending out my greetings tomorrow.
6. Steve at 916
Four: Border wall sell off, Title IX, Weidel chancellor? Much more…..
Three: Phoenix, Panama, Vance, much more ……
Two: Coming Russian offensive probable, much more……
One: Labour hellbent on destroying Britain, Germany similar situation, much more…..
5. DAD drops here from 917
“DAD is exhausted!”
JH: My item on DAD and Steve mainly, but also all “droppers” is at Mon 7.
(0149) More after my second sleep, maybe closer to 7 a.m. for Steve and DAD reports. (0256)
4. A new type of investigative journo is about
… from the emerging generation:
If the wonderful chaps and chapesses of the older generations … Pre-Boomer, Boomer, Gen X … have had our day … move over, it’s Millennial, Gen Zee and Alpha now … then here is one of the new brooms in this item.
Now, do we oppose or do we support the young? Should we show him, in this case, the rudiments of presenting maps, eliminating white space between map and obscured heading?
3. Having knocked Richard Tice
… for a long time now (see Mon 2), yet I must here turn around and praise him for getting it right:
2. The Reform split
.. is summed up in this X article by Connor Tomlinson:
“”You come here, you commit crimes, you should be deported… My view is, firmly, that you start with the illegal migrants: that you detain them and deport them.”
@RupertLowe10 reiterates his commitment to mass deportations of foreign criminals in British prisons, and every single illegal immigrant in the UK.
@prwhittle mentions Nigel Farage ruling out mass deportations, in an interview with Steven Edginton, and Lowe explains Reform allows for a plurality of opinion, and that he doesn’t “have to parrot the party line.” When pressed on Net Zero immigration, Lowe also says he disagrees with Reform’s policy: explaining that a one-in, one-out immigration policy leads to “losing your best people and replacing them with even more lower grade people… lots of people who are so strongly of the view that their culture is better than the Christian culture that they’re coming to.” “If you come to this country, you live by our laws, you speak our language…” I would think that, given Rupert Lowe’s rising popularity, his stance on illegal and legal migration would be a better policy prospectus for Reform to adopt. A great interview with
And therein lies the Reform dilemma … Farage/Tice policy versus members’ perceived policy articulated by Rupert. Farage owns 60% of Reform and is finding funding for it as a potentially alternative govt, which he’s doing well … yet he’s at odds with majority party thinking.
1. Romania
This is an example of where X is poor … not in the content but in the layout:
That bit is fine (in terms of layout, not speaking about content here) but were you to click on the Bertrand part to expand to “read below the line”, you’d lose the Yanis part, the intro. He only way around it is the way I’m doing below:
“This is an absolutely bombshell: the story about the cancelled elections in Romania is even far more sinister than previously thought. A new report from investigative outlet http://snoop.ro (https://snoop.ro/anaf-a-descoperit-ca-pnl-a-platit-o-campanie-care-l-a-promovat-masiv-pe-calin-georgescu-pe-tiktok/) reveals that the TikTok campaign which was cited in the declassified Romanian intelligence documents (summarized in my post below) as evidence of foreign interference – and used as grounds to cancel the presidential election – was actually paid for by the ruling National Liberal Party (PNL), the very party that supported cancelling the elections! According to the investigation, the campaign called “#EchilibrușiVerticalitate” that the intelligence services claimed was “identical to Russian operations in Ukraine” was organized by a marketing firm called Kensington Communication, hired by PNL (the ruling party), who paid Kensington over 1 million RON for it (about $210,000). Kensington then used a platform called FameUp to coordinate 130 influencers with specific scripts and messaging guidelines.
This puts the declassified intelligence documents in an entirely new light. What they presented as evidence of foreign interference was actually a campaign paid for by the ruling party. The same party that then supported using these allegations of “foreign interference” to cancel an election they were losing. Even more bizarrely, confronted by journalists, Kensington Communication initially denied using the hashtag but later admitted to creating the campaign for PNL, claiming it was meant to be called “#echilibrusiseriozitate” and was changed to “#echilibrusiverticalitate” without their knowledge. Yeah, right… This means that either the Romanian intelligence services didn’t know this was a PNL-funded campaign when they used it as evidence to cancel the election (which raises huge questions about their competence), or they did know and didn’t disclose it (which raises even bigger questions about their integrity). In any case, it seems to indicate that something extremely sinister happened in Romania: a ruling party used intelligence services to cancel an election based on “foreign interference” evidence that they themselves paid for!”
If you’re not on X … and I’m sure it’s a ploy to get you on, you’ll not be able to read the attached nwspaper report plus the police response, plus he then goes into a second tweet which shows the actual response in English, which supports the contention at the top.
Right … how can I, here, bring the entirety of the content to you, the Unherdables reader? I can’t, beyond linking to the original Yanis tweet which still requires you to go to X.
Thus, you’re relying, if unwilling to go there, that what I say is so. As I’m not forcing you to do that, philosophically, then it leaves you in a “behind paywall” situation, without actually having to pay money.
Now, before we attack X or Bertrand for this, remember that there are two versions of X membership or account … unverified and blue tick verified. The $8 (or whatever it is blue tick) requires personal information I’m not supplying … thus I can give you no url from here to that article in the public sphere … which appears to be bad …
… until you think it through. Nole is very much public enema n1 globally right now … this above is therefore a protective device behind a safety barrier, which the gremlins can’t get to, tamper with. Plus it makes business sense at a time the weaponised Them are trying to bankrupt him for obvious reasons.
Thus we are all involved in this fight for civilisation and though this whole “non-gelling” difficulty for blogs and journals above creates headaches for little bloggers … yet I can see why.
Which, in Granny-Harmerland, means the stasi consider anyone repeating it a baddy. Which we know is bollox but this is war right now, innit.
(1752) Just ran out of interest in politics and horror, chaps and chapesses. However, we do have some.
15. Just reading about the first power cuts
… that they’re desperate for us to have Christmas Eve and Day … they’ve started some miles away from here … they’re also desperate to roll out the new lurgy … I know some who have it. Thing with the latter is it’s the season for it, plus you can make a cold weather argument for the former … plausibility plus.
Thing with the power is that … should it fail, I have my own supply for a short time, long enough to post to you before shutting down myself, also disconnecting all devices.
8. Has Trump any popular support over the Panama Canal?
7. DAD returns at 916
I’m still firing on 3 cylinders.
a) Le Monde, a French newspaper, said the French president complained the “problem with emergency care in this country is that it’s filled with Mamadous” during a discussion last year with Aurelien Rousseau, his then health minister…..
b) French president Emmanuel Macron visited the island of Mayotte, which was devastated by cyclone Chido, and received a hostile reception from the local population, who, like others in mainland France, believe that he should resign…..
c) The upcoming German elections will not only define the future of one of the two political and economic pillars of the European Union, they will also test the leadership skills of the two key figures: Friedrich Merz, leader of the centre-right CDU/CSU, and Olaf Scholz of the centre-left SPD…..
d) In September 2016, the Hungarian government published a map of the no-go zones in Western Europe. According to the fact sheet, no-go zones are areas of cities that the authorities are unable to control…..
At 1006, a long, discursive ramble over many topics … but with certain core arguments along the way. First … a seemingly random set of screenshots, in no particular order:
Where to start?
a. Science is not exact … it can change the moment new evidence is authenticated by what most would agree are reasonable tests … provided that there was not suppression of parts of the evidence going on, e.g. with the lawfare on Trump, with the climate bollox, with the covid and spike “vaxx” issue … anywhere largesse and intimidation were involved and even the question Cui Bono requires us to ask who even decides that? What’s their own motivation?
b. Further to that … dogma is a horror in the hands of Councils of this or that, pointy-hatted, be-robed, Paisley type priests … not worth a tinker’s cuss in the light of “a” above. I was reading of the demise of Thomas Cromwell … yikes … when the King is so infirm in his gout-pained mind that he’d listen to Norfolk et al, especially on some obscure doctrinal point … Cromwell was a dead man walking thence onwards. Whom to trust? Honest scholars who admit their bias and try to do a Holmes, opening the mind to real evidence afap.
c. And so to my main point … the totality of evidence. The downside is that if you consider the totality of all that is available … there’s a lot of trolling in there as well, spurious guff inserted just to muddy the waters. Again … whose evidence is it in the first place and cui bono? I was looking back at the Meredith Kercher trials.
What lines were pursued in the Kercher investigations and court cases?
The police plus prosecution took the line of “totality of evidence” as the clincher. The defence, plus who was funding them, plus Berlusconi, the deep state, the US MSM and special interest groups, plus much of the more ignorant English speaking west in love with pretty Knox … took the line that you only need to establish doubt over even one aspect and the whole case, over all aspects, thus falls to the ground.
It’s not completely spurious, that line. In Nero Wolfe, he was unimpressed with one young lady, established she’d lied over one piece of evidence, and therefore concluded that she was thereafter “unreliable” at the very least.
I could mount a case against that though … she may have had a particular motive to lie on the one single point … protecting someone?
Where does that leave us? I think pursuing the totality … much more work than establishing “reasonable” doubt, yet both have a role. The cui bono aspect is crucial imho, every single time.
As for the dating of Jesus’s birth … not vital to be precise … there were different calendars for a start. There was Josephus, plus Tacitus on His existence at least as a local radical … again not conclusive … far more conclusive, as Robinson pointed out, was the rapid development of a Christology and attempts to suppress it, which were on the historical record. There was also evidence, by omission, of a suppression of AD70 in available records today. Small wonder, given the illumined cult in charge of western society.
So September 11th? Why not? It’s just not all that vital to me, as it cannot be 100% established when … and what’s it matter anyway precisely when it was? We know it was moved to December 25th to stiff the pagans.
It was not easy deciding which would fill the final pre-Xmas slot, with Cantique Noel tomorrow and Stille Nacht on Christmas Eve. What tipped it was the need for a more adult tone today and up until the day, then have mainly children on Christmas morning itself … the Bulgarian girls plus King’s boys … it just seems to sit better imho.