Sunday (Twelfth Night) [1 to 4]
(0939) Just come back from playing in the snow, making snowballs, looking for people to throw them at, plus today’s main post was a biggish job today … up at Orphans:
… plus in eight parts on X … perfectly safe because, being unverified, Elon blue check will never look at it.
Just composing another tweet to put up, shall screenshoot this below and post it over there … something like this …
Elon’s negativity score has just leapt into the stratosphere with his concern about raped and dismembered white girls, babies etc. … shirley he’s just being far right negative about it, as that caring bint Jess Phillips would equally dismiss it to protect her boss and keep her job.
I mean, let’s be positive about this … those clowns awarded gongs yesterday by Biden are fab examples of humanity, even if 30k emails were deleted and no one’s mentioning Haiti. Yep, let’s forget all these atrocities, as Elon demands … and just be artificially positive, yes? (1055)
4. Moosh corner
3. Steve at 929
Four: Biden awards, French on their Pres, Michigan to Clear 400 Acres of Forest to Build Chinese-Made Solar Panel Farm, much more…..
Three: Trump sentence, i me gration, Mexican plan, much more…..
Two: Uke sit-rep, Trump moves, much more…..
One: Pfizer, drilling, UK petition “debate” Monday, much more…..
2. Juan and IYE
… carry us to the nether regions of dark history (shhhhhh and remember how to archive).
1. Andy drops a surprise on us
… a Chinese man speaking Greek for all we know:
Curiosities upon oddities, a bit more on the NO thing. |
Below the video were comments, natch:
Translate to English … luv it.
Saturday [10 till close of play]
(1745) Evening all.
14. Ripper alive and kicking
This is a fragment I said I’d post … the part which gives the picture:
“Maintenance (…) from doors to electrics to plumbing and of course, welding and not only operating machines, I have to fix and service them. Meanwhile, I’ve sorted out the wood shop, after 35 years of abuse (all of the tools/machines are donated).
You can appreciate that I’ve been busy off the scale, since around May. I think that I was invisible to society, even my half finished house had to be shelved. When I got a chance to go back to the blogs, your blog was gone.
I tried to post on Foggy’s to find out where you had gone, but Foggy’s blog refuses to publishing my posts. BTW, all the Blogspot blogs are doing the same.”
13. Lovely balmy evening
12. Also a discussion at 929
… about the Trump rally.
11. IYE at 929
10. Steve at 929
Otto MSN
Saturday [5 to 9]
(1147) Afternoon all. (1350)
9. HS2 … the Tory debacle
8. Two Tier Reform
7. There was this within the IYE drop at 929:1
6. There’s another aspect too
5. IYE
Saw that photo of the “journo” elsewhere – they give themselves away.
There’s this too:
Louie Louie
Just put up a post at OoL:
It’s all about humans working in synch, feeding off each other and nowhere was it … still is … more pronounced than in the most recorded song in popular music history … skim down and look at the number of cover versions by everyone from big players to most garage bands … at some stage, they’ll run Louie Louie … despite blurred, unclear lyrics in the most popular version by The Kingsmen:
The story about the lyrics is part of the whole story about the song, the times, the reaction of the establishment considering it dirty, banning it from airplay … and the way we embraced it at the time, both for its hook and for the furor. I loved it.
The original version was from 1955-57, by Richard Berry, almost a capella:
It was an African Cuban ditty, he put words to it and earned $750 towards his upcoming wedding. Later, it was used in a major commercial and he did earn millions then. Good. Pornographic lyrics, hence the need to blur them? Judge for yourself:
In more detail … he’s at a bar, he confides in the barman, Louie, he’s mellow from the rum, whatever, he has it bad for this girl … which is beautiful … this is as romantic in an earthy or shipboard way as you can get. Yes all right, there’d be some nooky once he found her but it’s really lovelorn romance … he’ll sail the seas for days to get back to her.
The song was written by an LA black guy, quite different to reggae but a bit like Sloop John B … however, it really does lend itself to calypso, reggae, the Caribbean, as many have said … and so the version I’m running here is Toots and the Maytals … cranked down, smoother, more harmonious, more Caribbean:
Don’t miss the last 30 seconds of underwater guitar.
Saturday [1 to 4]
(0720) Morning all. (0855)
4. Housekeeping
Had to fish Juan out of a dozen spam earlier … WP is obviously unsure … plus I’m thinking navigation just now. I have an advantage patrons don’t … I can find all Juan’s comments in the engine room … readers though have to scroll down through HQ posts to find his … or anyone’s.
That one step barrier is a double-edged sword … it helps protect his comments, similarly to Steve at NOWP … as long as Juan understands he’s not being ignored, it works. Before going on, a word about archiving in general.
May I humbly suggest using dead tree if you’re not already doing so? I usually cut some A4 in half, making it A5 and use a clipboard. Any notes go there, nowhere else. After some time, I file to various subject boxes (literally boxes) which I have stacked … the A5 is better, goes into small trays better.
Let’s say you wanted to access Juan’s link on Kabbala-Hindu … rather than store electronically, use the dead tree scribble method … this would be the post you needed:
Now you’re not going to remember that after tomorrow, as I deliberately use a non-pointer form of boring, same-old post headings, specifically to obscure, to make opaque.
Right, so I have already dated the day’s A5 in the morning, now I wish to save the Juan drop … I can either write Fri 030125 kabbala hindu … sufficient to track it down again or write out the full url .. or both.
If I write the shortened form with blog heading, that’s fine, for as long as Unherdables exists. Though HQ stands a better chance than Nourishing due to MMUTR, there are still unknowns … my blogs do have a history of being nuked by hosting platforms.
In the end, it comes down to what priority you give it … if high, better to write the url in full, if you take a chance on HQ surviving, then just the post heading suffices. Keep similar types of notes together, using physical spring paperclips. Ifyou want that url, go HQ => Fri 030125 => comments thread.
The above is just one method good for me … you have your own of course … some use usb sticks, some use usb connecting hard drives.
But do have a system, folks.
3. Weird things inside the goldmine
… as The Doors sang … or in this case, weird things on X and Gab … both. Ab was rubbish today, plus the DMs were down … someone’s messing over there. Meanwhile, on X, there’s something about not seeing unverified accounts replies … “verified” just means controlled, that’s all, with us paying money for the privilege.
Other than that, it’s operating all right, apart from the dropouts which occasioned mt OoL and Jstack posts … it’s still happening, on and off today, so those posts stay.
2. Steve drops at 928
Four: Tommy R and plenty of other bits and pieces…..
Three: Speaker Johnson, FBI, plenty of other etc…
Two: Uke sit-rep, the elan of western v Russian troops, much more…..
One: UK government plans to profiteer from NHS patients’ private medical information, Musk on TR, plenty more…..
1. TDS and Green finance
According to reports in Bloomberg and the Telegraph, several major U.S.-based financial institutions have recently left the Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA). Yesterday, Morgan Stanley announced that it had pulled out, though offered no reason. This follows Citigroup and Bank of America both quitting the Alliance on Tuesday, and their exit follows Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs, which both quit earlier in the month. Though it is mostly U.S.-based, this has altered the global context of climate politics immensely. So what has caused this ‘exodus’, and what happens next?
NZBA is a project of the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Finance Initiative (FI), launched in 2021. It convenes figures, plucked from the financial sector, who agree to attempt to align the interests of major financial institutions towards climate outcomes.
It is the fruit of financial news media tycoon Mike Bloomberg’s UN entryism, and his underling, former Governor of the Bank of England and Bank of Canada, now manager of Bloomberg’s business empire, Mark Carney. Bloomberg and Carney are respectively UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’s Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions and Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance.
Friday [12 till close of play]
(1736) Evening all.
17. Celestial hijinks
16. IYE
15. Did they get him?
Just tried to go to X:
Elon’s living at MaL with his children.
14. As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb
… if we’re treading on thin ice.
All of us are possessed by something or Someone … Taylor Swift, Gaga, Zeppelin, Dylan … or some by the bottle or substances, some by the hots for wimmin … and a few by an ancient, adversarial view of the world … good v evil.
There are many … the Scientifik, the alchemists, the upper Masons, the Philosophers, who take a relativist stance or relativistic. Thus, if we say that there are some eternal verities, they say there are many truths. As Amanda Knox said in court, when asked what happened that night … “my best truth is”. Uh huh. A muddied mishmash where anything can be a verity if they wish it to be.
In politics … that’s communism or its euphemism … socialism … nothing social about it whatever … in fact it’s quite anti-social.
Whom do these evil muvvers want wiped out, silenced? Well anyone speaking truth, reality … just as many are these two days now. As real Christians do … not the Pope, nor Welby, nor the megaChurch “leaders” in America. Their aim is to confuse, confound, divide, dismay.
Truth tellers are to be suppressed.
Now let’s look at the two people close to me who sent or posted that YT … how do they feel? Not happy about me in this. Do you start to see the win-win for Them? But what id all this is part of a rich pageant meant to happen, and we are unwitting players. The remaining question is … do we support good, e.g. stopping the paedo stuff going on … or do we support the other side, like Jess Phillips?
And that’s all it is … even the yin and yang recognise good v evil.
13. Most interesting that this post item is n13
I’d call this anomalous and curious more than anything else just now. Here’s what happened:
This afternoon, four ladies wrote things to me in different places … one British, three American. The great majority of the content was about what we blog and insta-soc-med on, par for the course, all good.
However, one of them included a youtube and the instant I saw the symbolism in the intro, I got out, no matter what it says in the thumbnail and this is the diabolical cleverness of it. What is everyone who is political currently on about online today? Yes, of course … Labour and the r*p* g*ngs. Plus the atrocities in the US.
That’s one thing. Another is a corner of the net in which I have one foot, as does Miles M, as do a few others and this corner pays particular attention to symbolism, e.g. the monarch butterfly (some reading this will ustd the triggers in such things, e.g. the shape of the Supreme Court of Israel stairwell).
Bear with me for now. What we have found, over time, is that everything of that nature was a harbinger and the expression has arisen … hidden in plain sight. The more outrageous the better for such people as the normies are bound to guffaw and dismiss, like tunnels under McMartin Preschool in the 80s.
Of late, so many anomalies have come at us, e.g. the significance of pizza. Also common household items on sale online at exorbitant cost, e.g. $30K for a toaster or griller … things like that. Natural reaction of those not studying such things? If that person is basically onside with us on most points, a friend … then on this matter, he/she smiles at James off on “one of his flights of fancy” again. A dismissive person, such as those I once called Colonel Harrumphs, sees Jimbo as a whackjob and dismisses it that way.
All right … which have we actually been wrong on since 2006?
One item was the Vatican receiving hall ceiling … not just I nor IYE nor many others have called it out, also the upside down cross pretending to be of Peter. But one symbol is persistent, as it is the mystery religion itself … the sun god combined with the cross. Sometimes there is the sun symbol with maybe the Baby Jesus before it, sometimes it’s the cross supposedly rising from the sun rays, like the dawning of the day.
However, as always with these people, there is the plausible interpretation au contraire … always … bear in mind Led Zeppelin’s “two paths you can go by” … that the cross is in fact being sacrificed to the fire of the sun, that is … sinking into it.
Right, back to what one of the ladies sent. It was in some people’s youtube recommended, which of course is ggl. … and what was it supposedly about? About Chas3 and the r*p* g*ngs.
And of course, there’s now a fast embiggening sektor of the net which will dive into it in a Grifty way and I’d say it’s at least worth a look. I was going to run it at the site but something happened … I wrote back to the lady, warning about its sun symbolism, the ancient mystery god woven in.
Guess what? Someone removed my email. Clean removed it, as in it never reached her. Think on’t.
All right, I then went to NOWP and noticed a new drop … yes, you got it in one … it was that very same youtube. I instantly put it in pending, from memory the first I’ve done in that way for years. It’s not gone, it still sits there and besides, I still have the link elsewhere archived.
What was my issue? This opening:
And of course, what does WP instantly do when I try to post it?
Interesting, all the above? Now look at the cross within the logo … behind it is a fuzzy colouring which, in large form, is redolent of immolation, conflagration, the cross burning, catching on fire, like an Elon car outside of Trump HQ or of a 29 year old girl on the NY subway … most symbolic, no? They love to shove it in our face, no?
12. Steve and war room
a. Col. John Mills On Radical Islamic Terrorism Infiltrating The US Military
b. Todd Bensman On How The Mexican Government Has Facilitated Islamic Terrorism In The United States
c. Natalie Winters: “The Average American Worker Is Treated Like Roadkill By These CEOs”
d. Natalie Winters: Americans Should Not Have To Compete With Foreigners For American Jobs
Irish Sea
The scene here is not max wave height … they can be as high as a cruise boat. It’s been described as a washing machine action, not unlike Cape Horn … deep troughs, then shallow shelves or rocks … I was thinking that if I’d launched the boat, that’s where it would have headed, Dublin way.
Friday [8 to 11]
(1100) Afternoon all. (1303)
11. There are times
… when one should allow a situation which has blown wide open to grow its own wings … remembering of course that Elon is protected … you are not, I’m certainly not. Some of the girls today in particular became quite Bernie … there is every chance Rowley’s minions are compiling lists, archiving for further use.
By all means demand an “independent” inquiry, be outraged by girls (plus boys) treated this way, whilst “caring” adults did nothing, looked the other way … the problem is in naming miscreants apart from PMs and Cabinets … that’s why people are inside. You need receipts, not hearsay.
Watch, going back over what people such as Charlie Peters, the O’Keefe type have nailed. If you can nail the person(s), do it … otherwise wait.
10. Moosh corner
As one does if one is Elsie … fittted quite well down there, I thought, the car.
9. IYE at 928
8. Never admit it