Be careful, readers

This is for question marks raised by patrons and myself but methinks it’s not enough to just name … it needs to be in context … so on this page we name but the reason why is signposted to at another place

The whole idea then is it’s up to the tavern patron how he/she reacts … we’re not here to order you what to think but we are here to warn if there seems reason to.

In no particular order:

§ Health Ranger aka his real name Mike Adams. Wouldn’t trust him (or his alliance with Alex Jones) one inch. He has a history peddling dubious health supplements for one thing and misdirecting for another. Proponent of “Gaia” nonsense. He’s one of Them, allegedly, imo. I’d go carefully with his “sources”. Make of this what you will.

(IYE, under Monday 12 till close of play, Sep 16, 2024)

§ However, there’s one starting to flood Gab and that’s the first red flag … the “flooding”. Name of Patrick Howley. We too need to have a watch list, not just the state and its backers. Maybe IYE can kick it off with a comment at t’other place … a pain of me, big ask etc. i can remember some of them.

(Me, Tuesday 1 onwards, Sep 17, 2024)

§ Just had a look … this Iain Davis is a left globalist trying it on … utter bollox, misses all the reality.

(JH: NOWP 807, Sep 16, 2024, 22:16)

§ First candidate – Charlie Ward and a good example of the need to check sources before diving feet first into any which look promising i.e. saying things we want to hear. 

For example I came across this site which is new to me:



Didn’t take me long to find this:


His source for that is Real Raw News which we’ve debunked years ago.

Here’s the old video which was posted at ONO:


(IYE at 808, Sep 17, 2024)

§ Dr David E Martin

Can’t find the thread from ONO archives on Wayback.

Found this which I have only scanned briefly – don’t have time for 70 pages just now!

(IYE at 808:4, Sep 17, 2024)

Also IYE:

Reiner Fuellmich also gets outed in that pdf.

To recap 

“Be careful” list so far:

CW, RRN, Dr M and RF.

(IYE at 808, Sep 17, 2024)

§ We must not forget BiN or Before it’s News.

(JH: Here and now, Sep 17, 2024)

§ Plus these via IYE:

Stew Peters

Dr Robert Malone

Judge Napolitano

(The lowdown, the linked justification for them being on this page is found at 810, under IYE)

§ JH: there are more in a lively debate at 811.