Category Archives: Uncategorized
Thursday [14 to 19]
(1145) Almost afternoon. (1159) That was genuinely 1159 by the way.
19. Moosh school again

18. Grant Klokeid on Gab
This is disturbing – Biden and Obama Democrats created a new beast, the “popup nonprofit shell” they suddenly launch to take in your taxpayer money supposedly for things like climate change and illegal immigration. Major front for taxpayer abuse with accusations of grift growing by the hour. Never saw it like this in decades covering IRS/taxes.
Check out the tax returns for one of these popup NGO shells, the Climate United Fund which got the biggest nonprofit grant in history out of Biden’s massive climate slush funds.
Kamala Harris and Biden’s EPA chief Michael Regan gave $7 billion total to the suddenly created Climate United Fund in April 2024 after it launched just five months earlier in November 30, 2022 when Its tax returns show it started with a tiny $547K in revs.
But it spent a massive $451K of that $547k in just two months in 2023, a quarter of that on legal fees and the majority $323K mysteriously blown on no one knows what because its tax returns don’t say.
It has no stipulated plans for how it will spend your $7B in tax $$, just ephemeral solar projects in Idaho, Arkansas, and Oregon that amount to only about $50M total, a fraction of the $7B. It also gave money out of that $7b to Power Forward Communities linked to Stacey Abrams.
It has little to no details on how much its officers get paid that you typically see on NGO 990s, in fact virtually no details, red flags that it’s a shell.
It supposedly is a partnership betw Dem insiders at investment firm Calvert Impact Capital, Community Preservation Corp. and a group called “Self-Help” (irony noted).
Beth Bafford is its CEO, a former “special assistant” in Obama’s OMB and a regional field director for the Obama Campaign.
As was tweeted about a month ago, it has ties to Democratic Party of California chairman and California State Treasurer Phil Angelides, Obama’s Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx, United Farm Workers of America co-founder Dolores Huerta and Patrice Willoughby of the Congressional Black Caucus.
Judge Glock, the Director of Research and Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, noted on X that the Climate United Fund got your $7B ater submitting a small 49-page report. That was all it took.
17. As close to the MSM as I wish to get
16. TDS

15. IYE from yesterday (still in sidebar)

14. Most certainly anti-Georgescu
… from a young Romanian:
Thursday [13]
(1000) That which is making us ill (1045)
Incidentally … cunning plan here is that this post can act as a portal to all current TCW posts …
There’s that post above to read, natch … but I’d now like to broaden this to include those mrna jabs, the most certainly anti-Hippocratic, anti Nuremberg tone to the whole medical “profession” now, leading to legalised murder on the whim of a medical underling, esp. if the poor sod being killed is elderly and/or has nobody to fight back for him/her … the new, slick, corporate medicine approach.
After that though, I’d like to look at the small matter of smartphones. I don’t have one but have been glancing at the new iphone … just have a feeling that this summer, it might be replacing my at-home wifi system … early days yet but … glancing.
And being low to nil tech in this area, never having had one of these, being the proud owner of a £5 dumbphone from years ago … my questions to MMutR must have seemed bizarre or even some sort of wind-up … but I assure him, reading this now, that I was quite serious.
As he explained patiently (quite an achievement for a hi-techie) … what you in fact have in your hand is a computer and computers can have cell capability built in. Interestingly for me, my old ipad has cell capability, providing I also have an ismartphone, which I don’t. The new ipad, the one breaking down a bit now, this one right now … does not have that capability, plus it has half the storage.
My thought or his was … why the heck would anyone wander around with a computer stuck to his/her ear 18/7? Computers deal with electronics, radiation. As kids, we were taught not to sit too close to the tele and I can’t see why the same rule would not apply to phones today. I mean, all sorts of things might develop in kids, e.g. autism, sudden rages and stabbings, distress, depression … dot dot dot. Drugs come into that too.
Now … some longtimers here at nourishing unherdables will recall me going on about radiation coming out of touch pads or keyboards or a mouse, to the point where it’s not too bad when “well-ish” in health but if lurgy-ish, my fingers, wrists, start tingling, then burning. Literally skin reddening.
Ok … pausing here to categorise those hearing or seeing all this I’m writing. They fall at four points on a continuum* … those believing all, avidly connecting dots (the blind faithers, even the fanatics) … then those thinking hmmmm, I’ve been seeing such things around (the might be, might not lot, through to the probably is, law of averages) … then the I’ll believe it when it’s personally been shown to me (source?), laid at my feet in fact, in triplicate (calling themselves rational, settled science) … through to the last lot of Colonel Harrumphs flatly countenancing none of it, d’you hear! This last lot includes those with an agenda to debunk us, to pour scorn … otherwise people would find out.
This last lot were referred to by DJT in that speech when he said there was nothing he could do to get them to change … it had nothing to do with reason. I’d add that next day … watch the vindictiveness pile in from them.
I’d put our readers here in the second, maybe third camps … which is all one can reasonably expect of a reader/viewer.
Now, back to the phones … I’m increasingly susceptible to drafts here, those subtle ones through fissures, not the ones you’ve draught excluded and after some time, I start coughing, get throaty etc., have to climb into bed BUT if I’m speaking on the phone, plus that process has already started, it rapidly brings on the lurgy, accelerates, such that I soon can’t talk … jumping into bed, it takes ten to fifteen minutes for it to dissipate … but dissipate it does … almost invariably … still talking on the phone.
Now, were I to have been skyping instead of phoning … it never happened once in those days, not through the touch pad fingertips plus laptop speaker … work that one out.
Which brings me back to the four category biz again* … there is quite a difference between two different replies to the question: “What do you think about this?” If I say yes, I believe it or no … that’s one reply.
There’s a second though: “So far, I see three points for, one against.” No prizes for which is the more empirical.
And lastly, what do you think of 5G?
Liverpool Street
Thursday [5 to 12]
(0751). Morning all. Just awoke, more on that and other things in “some sort of op ed”. (0921)
12. Two Tier resented the title
… so this is his bit of black humour retaliation on the indigenous male:

11. Those fab French officials
… and the bend over backwards Brit side of the ditch:

10. Murderers corner

9. DAD at 986
a) Macron’s speech … The French president, after praising the cooperation of Germany, Poland, and Denmark, recalls that “France has a special status.” …..
b) The battle for electric vehicles “is not lost”, Stéphane Séjourné wants to believe. “The European Commission is coming out of its naivety, protecting and organizing the sector, giving it the opportunity to become more competitive”, assured the French commissioner…..
c) The German Nuclear Energy Association (KernD) has urged likely chancellor-to-be and leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Friedrich Merz to get to work quickly on reactivating some of the country’s nuclear power plants…..
d) “Defender of THE FAITH” (singular). He deserves the same as happened to Charles 1.
8. Steve at 986
Five: Petition Urging Trump to Pardon Derek Chauvin … Yemeni Houthis Officially Re-Designated … much more…..
Four: Trump’s Historic Joint Address … Mayors of ‘Sanctuary Cities’ to DOJ for Investigation … much more…..
Three: Uke sit-rep … Zelensky pushes Macron “plan” … much more…..
Two: Disastrous British-Led Operation in [The] Ukraine … US Cuts Intelligence Sharing With [The] Ukraine … much more…..
One: Covid-19 Jabs to Sedated Patients … Starmer may be a hero to Zelensky and EU leaders but he’s no hero to Britons … much more…..
7. Over at OoL
6. Rolf at Now and Next
… provides a wunnerful service in that he actually looks at PMQ and analyses them, something which is the last thing I’d do mesel’ … so here it is in blogpost form::
5. Some sort of op ed
… combining some sort of Housekeeping.
First up … in the middle of the night, the ipad was not working, in the sense that it was not typing letters … missing many, tripling up in other places … and in that pre-rested frame of mind, the conspiracy thought did cross the mind that the nature of the material was contributing to it.
Either that or the pad was knackered. At the same time, Toodles was having cyber issues.
The second part of this item is illness … I get to “meet” in a cyber sense, many a friend over the course of a day and quite a few have succumbed or are succumbing to some sort of lurgy. This time, I really am going all conspiracist because of what’s happening to the skies, water, grass, meat, veg … yes, they truly ARE trying to kill us … or else you’re already in that max-denial la la land and have found peace that way.
Whichever and whatever it all is, I for one am much better than yesterday afternoon … quick mental note that afternoon snoozes are NOT recommended in my case, as what hit after it, along with the coughing and retching I forgot to mention … was not the greatest way to enjoy Wednesday evening.
Right … moving along … Donny across the Water has provided the Uniparty, according to Rolf, with some form of reconciliation, pretending they’re all chums and clubby again … obviously at the expense of the indefensible Rupert … but even Lee and he were quiet on Donny’s antics across the pond.
What a convenient bete noire Donny became for the Uniparty, yes? The notion that this lot, plus Macaroni and his nukes keeping Europe “safe”, are in some sense chums for the good of Britland … we supposedly saved America’s hide in WW2 … well sorry, this is the lowest form of disingenuity and charlatanism I’ve seen in a long, long while!
No, I do not forgive and forget as the agenda is genocidal, sorry and it needs to end asap, one way or the other. I suspect many across the land feel the same but at the same time, what must be fake polls are being pumped out, esp. on X and on the MSM, showing Labour has gallantly clawed its way back into the “lead” by a widening margin and even the Tories are threatening Reform’s “previous” dominance.
Now … what if it were actually the case that today’s sunshine, the warmer temps, TDS and the spirit of British forgiveness no matter what Them are doing to you … pure public school “take your beating, laddy, and be thankful, ra ra ra” (see Tomkinson’s Schooldays in the Ripping Yarns series) … what if that’s how the Great British Unwashed really are thinking just now?
Mustn’t grumble, eh? We had worse during the Blitz … anyway, those yanks were late for the wars anyway, wot? The theme was also played out in Terry Gilliam’s Brazil.
As another Rupert Lowe, I ask just what, of the things Sir Charisma Bypass (TM IYE) is doing and has planned to do to the plebs … just which of those fall into the “forgive and forget” category, ra ra ra?
For if there is anything whatever to the fake polls, what a sorry state of affairs … bend over, laddy and take what’s coming to you from your betters above. You can always tell if they’re The Betters as they’re the ones turning parliamentary salaries into seven figure value by some miracle, who fly on endless Lindsay Hoyle jollies to the Bahamas etc. …
George Carlin said it was a big club, and you’re not in it … I’d say it’s a small, exclusive club … excluding those not willing to sell their souls and trample over the indigenous of the sceptred isles.
Thursday [1 to 4]
(0242) Sleep issues have not been a “thing” for me of late, except two days ago and once out of kilter, they’re difficult to get right again. That one yesterday afternoon coincided with a number of things hitting at about the same time. Here’s hoping Thursday will be better. (0346)
4. There are a few Brit and French stories here
… but maybe in a post after some sleep (if possible). The French item though was a report on DAD’s mention of Macron’s address to the nation:

3. Feeling apocalyptic?

We’ve always claimed, according to the usual reportage, that Nethanyahu called for the Iron Dome to be switched off that morning. Anything more substantial than that? No … so it’s not mentioned often here.
Does it matter? Well, the Donald has just announced that the last bodies and live hostages must be returned, or he’ll allow Nthyhu to do his worst. Which of course is not so good for any last hostages. Quite a dilemma, yes?
Which immediately brings in the entire Arab world.
I have, on disk somewhere from about 2003, a bible study report about the antiChrist and key points are that ten northern nations declare war on Israel, led by the aC, leading to a 200m strong army “from the east” crossing the Tigris and Euphrates, presumably heading for Jerusalem. The point I’ve always thought about was how could Israel ever be that strong? They win that war you see, against all comers.
Then comes the “abom of des” in the new temple, then the holocaust, only halted by the return of Jesus as prophesied. While I’ve felt for quite a while that that could not be DJT, as one of the characteristics is no desire nor regard for women … plus other conditions such as bloodline … still, how can I know, being no biblical scholar? Who though would have the manpower or firepower to win that last battle?
2. In similar vein is Kristi Noem

This one was even more unfortunate … lodged a detainer? Applied to a city for federal permission? Old old story of who has the power?
And even more unfortunate than that was Noem deciding to go to that platform, in front of a carriage, for a photo op, with perfect hair. Why do I say “perfect hair”? Because there’s a shot of our Kristi sitting on a bench there having her hair extensions attended to by various hairdressers. Then she addresses the camera about how terrible the crime was. But she can’t do anything, as City is refusing.
1. Optics v making sure v logistics

For those over here not up with the case, the first issue is someone called Wu … but let’s skip right past that to what she was doing … using “sanctuary city” to protect a killer/rapist/whatever, illegal alien.
I saw one thread saying roughly what MMutR said … that it takes time to prosecute in such a way that the defence cannot be “lawfare”. I’m not entirely dissing that but at the same time … this lady Geri obviously knows the applicable federal law by which to arrest Wu.
The issue, of course, is simply one of force.. City cops and State cops face to face with ICE … who would win? Which would those on the street, lowest rung people,support?
Against that is how it sits wth the country as a whole, with zero arrests and incarcerations, with not one major name released from the Epstein list. Optics do count.
Wednesday [19 till close of play]
24. More on Barrett
Tony Seruga:
Many conservatives believe Justice Amy Coney Barrett deliberately lied and intentionally misled the vetting team during her confirmation. But it isn’t just about her ideology, though.
It is becoming very obvious Justice Amy Coney Barrett is also compromised out of fear for her and her family. After Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s potential assassin was caught, Justice Amy Coney Barrett lost it. Many thought she was about to resign. She was genuinely scared to death.
The Biden Admin and dem Senators ignored Justice’s pleas for help. Protesters were allowed to get very, very close to Justice’s homes. This was intentional. And if you don’t seriously believe these judges are scared to death to rule against the administrative and intelligence states, you’re simply not paying attention.
Look at what happened to SCOTUS, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, on June 8, 2022, Nicholas Roske traveled to his home with zero difficulty, with plans to break in Kavanaugh’s home, kill him, and then commit suicide.
They and their families are being intimidated daily. Even the Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer threatened the court with zero repercussions. “You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” the senator from New York said of SCOTUS Justices.
And when protestors began harassing Justices at their homes, pretty much NOTHING was done.
From a gal I’ve quoted a few times:

I replied to her and she back:

23. DAD on a Macron address to the nation
Macron has spoken. Nothing new. Stress on the French nuclear arms. Graph showing expenditure on the military doubled since 2016 (but no allowance for inflation). Russia is BAD, BAD, BAD; US is questionable; (The) Ukraine is Good – needs our support. Nato generals to meet later in March.
Usual bollox, but it will convince many.
22. Steve and War Room at 986
a. Scarlett Karoleva: “More And More The EU Is Becoming A Tyrannical Superstate.”
b. Eric Teetsel: “America’s Entire Approach To Economic Growth Has Been Dependent On War.”
c. Ben Harnwell: Watch out for Zelensky weaselling his way back into the US’s protection via minerals deal
d. Mark Mitchell On State Of Democrat Party
21. Some local news for a change

20. The WHO

19. Two more on SCOTUS

Wednesday [18]
(1913) Evening all.
Right, now fully awake and have explored all four things in Wed 17 … couldn’t be bothered with Zelensky, awaiting a reply from Toodles, IYE has dealt with the Epstein thing, which leaves the biggy:
The unconstitutional SCOTUS move
First a mini-bio of Mike Lee: Senior GOP Senator for Utah, longtime serving … here’s his Xtweet:

Darl P is one of our fellow Xers.
Mike Davis, DJT’s key lawyer, about 1738 our time today wrote:
Dear Congress: The Supreme Court just allowed an activist DC Biden judge to sabotage the presidency and spend $2 billion in foreign-aid money over the President’s objection. The Court refused to allow the chief executive officer to exercise his core Article II power to take care taxpayer money isn’t misspent on waste, fraud, and abuse. The Court refused to allow the commander-in-chief to exercise his core Article II power to ensure the money isn’t misspent against our national-security interest, like funding terrorism in Gaza. So it’s time to offset that wasted $2 billion from the federal judiciary’s $9.5 billion FY2025 discretionary budget.
Before getting onto other commentary on this, I’d like to look at the SCOTUS composition itself.
Roberts we know is compromised and sides with the demon three. Officially, the count is 6-3 but Trump knew about Roberts. What’s his thing? Well, rightly or wrongly, true or fake, pre-“AI”, we saw pics of Obama and Roberts at Epstein Island.
Next issue is Barrett … they have something on her for sure, or else she was always a quisling. There must be something which has her joined with Roberts in voting on crucial issues. And that makes up the five.
Right … Kavanaugh. He can sometimes vote conservative but not on all things. Ditto with Gorsuch.
Which leaves the true conservatives Alito and Thomas … no issues there. Let’s look at some more Xes.

All right, they’re the ones crucial to the issue, before moving onto Wed 19 till close of play.
Conclusion? There are two things going on across the pond … first is the rampant corruption where the division of powers is not clear. The second is that each branch is claiming for itself further powers and will stop at nothing to get them. Johnson is a case in point … he goes with DJT only so far but then falls in with Thune.
Nuff for now. Major things in the US just now, which does affect the Ukraine, Russia, China, the UK, France, Canada, Germany, plus the egregious EU.
Wednesday [17]
(1753) Special report by Unherdables landlord (1846)
Laze and Gem … three quite disturbing things happening out there and one other here:
a. The one here was that I must have crashed about 1500 our time, waking just short of 1700, to an email from Toodles about something written twice … seems something to do with the film I posted earlier. That one seems to have been repaired … no idea how that occurred but parts of the review had doubled and tripled up. I’m being hit by emails at this exact moment (1815) by someone I think is Toodles but who can be sure just yet?
b. There was a comment, purportedly by IYE, I need to check that out, claiming the first batch of Epstein files have now been dropped. I did spend about fifteen minutes skipping through the breathless report, to conclude it is bollox … and redacted bollox at that … blacked out parts of the original Bondi flight log release which we saw when that binder debacle occurred some days back.
Now, IYE himself would know that that’s all it is, so I can only conclude that someone pretending to be IYE has posted them. More on that after a far more worrying thing …
c. This is all over X and there is a date and timeline:
Here are some screenshots of the thing, first from Publius:

That will suffice for now.
d. Zelensky appears to have reneged yet again on any peace deal with Trump. That one as and when.
Interim conclusion at 1818 our time
As you can imagine, being rudely awakened by all sorts of pinging from an unscheduled sleep, to be hit by the above, I’m still scrambling, at 1820, to fully awaken in order to make sense of what’s going on.
My initial conclusion on the supposed Epstein drop is shelve it until there’s some other source corroborating … Zelensky forget about for now … Toodles I’ll reply to after this.
Which leaves the SCOTUS vote a real, extant issue and a truly horrible one, if so. I’ll explore and get back to you. END.
Wed Mat
When rummaging through the Bs available online, there has to be a bit of give and take, plus much patience. This might do for today:
“The Card must have been an interesting if somewhat painful film for Alec Guinness to make. This might have been the most autobiographical piece of work Guinness ever did.
In The Card, Guinness plays the son of washerwoman who learned early on to keep an eye out for the main chance and always strive to improve yourself by whatever means. In real life Guinness’s mother should only have been a washerwoman In fact she was a prostitute who never married his father, whoever that could have been. In real life Guinness overcame bigger obstacles than his character in The Card ever did.
But I’m sure he drew from real life in playing Denny Machin. Guinness in 91 minutes goes from a humble clerk to a position of real power in his area of England. The story is how he did it, the legal and extralegal methods employed and the people he used. When you think about it, The Card is a kinder, gentler version of Room At The Top.
Guinness courts two women on his way up, Valerie Hobson the widow of a local lord and dancing instructor Glynis Johns. Glynis is quite the climber herself as we learn when the story unfolds. In fact she nearly steals the film from Guinness, no easy task.
The Card which was released in the USA under the title of The Promoter is a good followup to such other Guinness everyman roles like he had in The Lavender Hill Mob.”