Category Archives: Uncategorized
Tuesday [6 to 11]
11. Ain’t nature wonderful?

10. Same the world over

9. End of a Narrowboat Xer

She’s been kicked off X apparently, not for this but for quite furious comments about Starmer. She says she was given the option of takedown, she refused … given a termination date. So she says, someone called her a bot … she seemed real to me, conversing at times.
8. Fort Knox is not the only vault

7. Two topics in passing

6. From TCW today
“THE collapse of family identity in modern society is not merely another social trend: it is a fundamental cause of our cultural disintegration. From digital tribes to ideological extremism, the repercussions are pervasive.
As a father of nine, I have witnessed first-hand how the erosion of family bonds leaves children feeling rootless and vulnerable, prompting them to seek belonging in artificial communities. The stakes could not be higher: without strong families, civil society itself begins to deteriorate.
In our household, family rituals – simple acts such as preparing dinner at the same time each evening – have become the cornerstone of our togetherness. These moments, though they may seem mundane, embody what philosopher Roger Scruton described as the creation of our ‘first-person plural’ – the ‘we’ that unites families through shared experiences and mutual understanding.
Yet over the past 25 years I have observed a troubling shift. The systematic erosion of family bonds has created a void that children are now desperately trying to fill. Where they once found a sense of belonging within the family unit, they now turn to digital communities and ideological movements, seeking the connection and identity that family life once provided.”
That’s that issue and we can discuss this for days. However, there’s a second issue imho triggered by the image the writer or Kathy G chose to employ … for a start, why not a little guy, a spotty herbert such as I was? Moreover, this might sound a bit rich coming from me.
Going to start here with my pinned tweet at X:

Regulars at Unherdables are well aware that it’s my hobbyhorse … calling out those inflicting precisely the filth on us which we’re railing against … for example, I do NOT wish to see constant Xs by good people full of shots of Pelosi or Waters or Biden, posted as part of those good people’s takedowns of those creeps.
Point is that those pics still stay up on the timeline and unlike on a blog … there is no choice, in order to remove those pics, but to block the X account entirely … X give us no way to edit the pics out.
So no, I do NOT wish to block the good people themselves … but X gives me no other option.
Look at it this way … I repost things of beauty … landscapes, old scenes of better days … with some polit comment … why on earth would I wish unremovable vile things interspersed with that? Too many good people just don’t think this issue through I’m afraid.
Right … and in a similar way, I do NOT like constant pictures of little girls around … this is why any of our guys posting them, however innocent … I’ll just not retweet, not run them at the blog. Little girls belong to their dads and mums, or grandparents, not as poster pics for the general public, which include paedos.
I’m well aware that they’re meant to tug at the heartstrings but I’m not sure they should be used that way in the first place, however noble the motives.
Tuesday [1 to 5]
(0731). Morning all … such as it is. (0825)
5. IYE
a. Deep dive on that nice Mr G@tes
b. This on Tue 2 below … Lee Rigby:
Part 1 of this for anomalies.
4. DAD at 971
a) What the Musk team has found.
b) A Yank from dirt-poor origins sticking it to Europe’s turbo-smug ruling class.
c) Seen in France yesterday morning. (JH: Ha ha)
3. Steve at 971
Four: Leavitt’s and Musk’s patience short … corrupt Judge McConnell … Vance … Mexico … much more…..
Three: President’s Day … Fires Hundreds of FAA Employees … 25 Million People Ages 100+ in Social Security Database … Fort Knox Gold Audit … much more…..
Two: Uke sit-rep … Kursk, Kiev, mass murder … much more…..
One: Covid bioweapons … mRNA Vaccines, kidneys … France spearheads 180 degree turn on Green rules and Nuclear energy … much more…..
2. Reader Bill, non-compliance and Lee Rigby
Reader Bill himself is most welcome … thing is, the way this current blog works is a bit different to how N.O. worked, in that it’s not primarily a debating forum … for a start, no Wokery gets any platform whatever here.
Now, with our half of the land(s) otherwise politically inclined, we range from Old Labour (exDems of the old kind) to hard Right … the common thread being that we consider ourselves “based” enough to have seen through the lies of “leaders”, through the agenda to destroy the west as we knew it.
That does not mean we agree on most things … but at Unherdables, it’s done civilly, as we’re all in the same dire boat and not in a good mood about that, our patience is short, plus we’re to a great extent sigmas or even alphas. We can only keep the blog running in a halfway civil way … the techie behind it is straight libertarian for a start, a blunt bggr like me.
We are also all either in employment or are fighting various stages of old-timers’ syndrome … in short, time is short, as is patience, we each have our own hobbyhorses which overlap in certain ways, e.g. agreeing with “non-compliance”. It’s just not true that Bill is not noted nor heeded … it’s just that each person is either contributing or reading in his/her own way … there’s a lot going on and it might appear you’re being ignored, readers … but it’s not necessarily so.

As for me … I try to keep up but health, lack of sleep and other things demanding attention get in the way … for example, I did note Bill’s piece on Thursday, Feb 13th on the non-compliance.
Now to Lee Rigby (see comments):
“Lest we forget. Lee Rigby allegedly had his head severed by machete and yet when lyng prone in the inclined road no blood flowed out from under the jacket the blonde lady laid over the heinous wound.
Lest we forget. One of the atrackers was within striking difference of an msm camera crew and instead of striking out at them with his bllod sowked machette and knife he went on a rant just as a little old lady carrying her shopping walked right past him and the camera crew without batting an eye.
Lest we forget there were fully tooled up military police guarding the barracks directly adjacent to the road and they never reacted. Didn’t even pop out to see what happened when the black car supposedly sent the soldier flyng and then crashed into the strongest road sign known to man.
Lest we forget. Just prior to the fake cops turning up real cops appeared and they were tood to reverse out by a man in civvies and they did.
Lest we forget. Right before the fake armed cops appeared a red london double decker bus rolled up and a shedload of people, including the little old lady, were checked on board by another civilian with a clipboard and walkie talkie.
All of that video is available online so is as factual as it can get for video evidence that whatever went in that day it wasn’t what the official story says went on.
As for the military. Apparently the UK government has donated tanks, self propelled guns, various classes of obsolete military vehicles, missiles, ammunition of all kinds, training of all kinds, two minesweepers and god knows what else outside of the public domain, to the Ukranian military/government.
A not inconsiderable amount of which has been sold on to third parties.
The UK army is at its lowest numerical fighting strength since who knows when. More experienced men are leaving the service than there are inexperienced lads signing up.
Its vehicle fleet is aging and being made obsolete by UK government dithering, financial malpractice and the age old military problem of too many chiefs and not enough indians.
The Royal Navy is an even worse state but thankfully the Bospherous is closed to all naval vessels so the embarrassment of being unable to send RN vessels or even ex RN minesweepers into the Black sea is avoided.
I have lived my entire life in a town that I am told is “one the list” for a nuclear ICBM strike due to a certain site within the town and so if one was fired it would almost literally land on my head. As such nothing I could do to stop it so no point in worrying.
That said the only actual threat that has manifested in my six plus decades is the UK government James quite correctly named it the uniparty and it is this organ that has decapitated society if not life on this island and is now ramping its coup de grace up with the direct import of legal immigrants which vastly outnunber the illegal immigrants but nobody seems to notice.
But therein lies the rub.”
1. Over at OoL
Monday [22 onwards]
(1831) Evening all.
27. Karli
26. What’s a trillion $$$$ between friends?

25. DAD at 971

24. Very true

23. Tories are all words and puff

22. Who’ll argue?

21. Communist voting left libs get a communist society

Xi’s folly?
Monday [16 to 21]
(1432) Afternoon all. (1538)
21. Moosh corner, with added water

20. RINOs

19. Remember these Californian doctors?

18. Letter to Reform

17. Steve
a. “This is being discussed on GB News today. I’ll be honest I don’t think the Russian army is up to fighting a regional war leave alone a global conflict. However if it’s defending of their own back yard then look out. Russia is vast: 9 time zones east to west. What is hidden, militarily, in those 6,601,670 square miles is anyone’s guess. Starmer suggests we put ‘boots on the ground’ in The Ukraine in the face of what is the declared intention of the Kremlin and that is if you come here you will be destroyed.
We’ve seen the 21st century battlefield and what is does to soldiers in the open, or in defensive positions such as trenches. Those bombs you see being dropped by quadcopter drones are as cheap as chips. Just enough explosive to in an instant transform you from combatant to non-combatant. All bang and no shrapnel because they have to be light enough to be carried by a battery-powered drone. The Russians have made an art of doing more with less and their belief that quantity has its own quality.”
b. Battle between good and evil – she was on fire on Talk Radio this morning. A little of what she does:
c. Ground. Situation. Mission.
16. IYE
a. While Volod has been revelling in all the positive attention he’s been getting of late someone, preferably with a backbone, ought to ask him about this:
b. “Obama himself stated he didn’t need Congress to cut wasteful government spending. So don’t waste my time with your pathetic lies; here’s the clip for all to see. Now watch as your foolish argument withers and dies in the face of cold, undeniable truth.”
Knitting corner
… at 1234.
In the light of the way Girls on Bicycles and Ladies at Lunchtime has slowly changed in favour of real women doing what they do, I’m glad there were no good stills to post as a gallery for today but there is a new vlog, and it’s excellent, from the skill of the knitter to the commentary, to her voice, which is listenable.
Danger optics again are … and I assure she’s married and in Sweden … that she’s a tad young looking, borderline maybe … I did think of posting something different but we have gals at Unherdables, and they appreciate good knitting … and this one is good. Hope our boys don’t mind her nattering on … it’s only one post.

Monday [12 to 15]
(1202) cunning plan is a few of these, then a new look lady at lunchtime, maybe at 1234. (1215)
15. Moosh corner, with no added rain

14. Universities

13. The modern NHS

12. Red lines
