a) There was an “All$hu Akh£ar” moment today in the French city of Mulhouse during a demonstration in support of the Congo, where an Algerian mujahid went on a stabbing rampage…..
b) Using a Nazi salute (?) made by Steve Bannon at the CPAC convention as a pretext, Jordan Bardella [Head of Marine LePen’s party in Parliament}decided to give up on speaking…..
c) The French Council of State has just confirmed its closure of the right-wing TV channel C8, setting a dangerous precedent of state censorship…..
d) Deprived of power and majority for many months, Macron is trying to rebuild his image and regain his political legitimacy by taking centre stage…..
6. Steve at 976
Four: Allies Bluff, They Cannot Make It Without the US … Zelensky folds … Apple encryption … much more…..
Three: Patel … Hegseth … “CQ” Brown … much more…..
Two: Uke sit-rep … Duda dumps on Zelensky … much more…..
One: Pfizer and Moderna committed fraud … NZ Cv inquiry … silence doctors … much more…..
… and the first is summed up in an old quote from the OUP:
”We believe a scientist because he can substantate his remarks, not because he is elegant and forcible in his enunciation. In fact we distrust him when he seems to be influencing us by his manner.”
-I.A.Richards, Science and Poetry, 1926, in the Oxford Quick Reference Quotations, Ed. Susan Ratcliffe, OUP, 1999.
The problems then continue in the linked article where the author, Chris Morrison, writes:
“Needless to say, there has been no mention of these finding(s) in narrative-driven mainstream media. In fact one Nature pre-publication peer-reviewer commented on the clear danger the paper presented to this important climate scares promoting the Net Zero fantasy. “I see this paper as potentially being used by deniers of climate change impacts,” the reviewer notes. “Consider if possible some rephrasing to put even more emphasis on impact rather than on burned area,” is the suggestion. In other words, concentrate on the emotional impact of individual fires, allowing legacy media, aided by junk computer modelled attribution studies, to concentrate on speculation and fearmongering rather than the facts. Another clear example of what might be termed Ultra Processed News, designed to make the individual consumer sick with worry and induce mass climate psychosis.”
The problem with that piece of prose, aside from being unclear on the goodies and baddies unless Chris defines which are which … is that he himself opened with similar:
“Sensational Findings Published in Nature Blow Politicised Wildfire Climate Scam Out of the Water”
He redeems himself to a point, quoting Anthony Watts, but the Milliband “fanatics” are simply going to trot out their own “scientists” …. hundreds of them … in less fanatical language, projecting “junk” stats as Chris writes and thus the classic adversarial camps scenario is set up, where only one side’s “stats” are used and no mention is made of false meteorological station readings, for example, which were widely reported in soc-med in the past two years.
On a different topic but the methodology by the “Demonrats” v ICE is similar … there’s always straight projection onto the whistleblowing side by the called-out side, as Vox Day mentioned long ago … to the extent that the key Deep State miscreants actually call themselves The Resistance … really? Resistance to what, pray tell? To “far-right, racist disinformation crims” (us), whilst the Deep State apparatchiks occupy the “middle ground” through the MSM, “defending our Democracy”?
An example of this use of the calling-out side’s, the whistleblowing side’s, own vocab store of expressions and projecting it back, was in a Gladstone quote in the OUP book quoted near the top:
”I absorb the vapour and return it as a flood.”
-W.A.Gladstone, on public speaking, in Lord Riddell, Some Things that Matter (1927 Ed.)
The methodology we prefer … but it takes huge wallops of ethics, a lack of fear of what we’ll find, plus a willingness to concede some points but then cite others counter to that … is to see the snippets of data and opinion all laid out on a large table after a brainstorming session by those of all persuasions … with varying theories of interpretation also laid out on said table …
… but I fear that that model is a product of wishful thinking … how long in that room before the headbutting starts between the orators of the two camps? Always two, note, on any given bone of contention, as if it must be, by definition, a zero sum argument, one side “demolishing” the other as Badenough and the Llama-Harmer imagine they do at PMQs, to the headshaking of Reform.
(2307) Interesting evening … dropped off around 2030 as usual now but awoke again around 2130 and there was shouting outside the building, plus noisy next door, plus Isilme had sent Pre-Sun 2. (0034)
2. Isilme and the birthday cards
Sunday brings to a close my “birthday fortnight”, in which a few folk past and present had bdays, inc. mine. Toodles and Julia sent cards, various chaps sent wishes tomorrow Sunday and earlier. Call it an affectation but the idea came from one of the ladies in another group who had a “birth month”, not wishing to have the full-on obligation of all that goes with bdays … and I quite agree.
I thought if I could make it a short season instead, no one feels obliged, nor I … no presents involved … it finishes Sunday 23rd in my case. Julia did similarly, celebrating last weekend, though I know it was actually earlier … in fact, I’m thinking the ladies are allowed a month, we chaps are allowed a fortnight.
Well, in this other group, others took up the idea … one just completed the fortnight, another started one today, ha ha. Like it. And as mentioned, mine finishes Sunday, 34 minutes from now. Which is also the Russian Day of Men or in Russian terms … defenders of the fatherland day.
And so to Isilme
Both of them have been down in health of late, as have some of you I understand too. I’m asking that those of the praying kind put in some prayer work on behalf of our chaps and chapesses … thank you.
Isilme then writes:
Anyway, I thought I’d get the card pictures to you!
The cards with the red / orange backgrounds are done on the gelli plate. I started with a red layer (or was it pink? Too long ago to remember). While the paint was wet, I stamped various shapes into it, including corrugated cardboard. But you can only see those lines right at the top of one of the cards.
Then when that layer was dry, I rolled on a yellow layer and printed it out. Then I got out my trusty rubber stamps (because my calligraphy is dire) and layered everything up to make the two cards.
The blue cards were different.
I put blobs of blue watercolour paint on a sheet of overhead projector film. Then I dipped a rubber stamp of roses into the watercolour and printed it. I realised I was supposed to spray a bit of water on the paper first and forgot, so I only did it on one of them.
But it came out quite effective either way! I blobbed a bit of pink to dip the picture into but I’d hoped it would be a little more subtle than it is. However, I’m pleased.
Now … my birthday card Isilme did followed certain things from Toodles and Julia … I’ll post it once I’ve dug it out tomorrow morning, it being currently 2347.
1. For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction
In the case of HQ, as distinct from NOWP, UHC, Jstack and OoL, the last four are at the whim of someone else but the upside is that they continue on, should I stop.
HQ on the other hand, within agreed limits, is far more in my hands, plus the support techie’s. The downside is that should I stop … so does HQ … disappears in an instant. Likelihood? Previously near zero … now line ball this coming summer.
Whether HQ comes back depends on a conjunction of circumstances which, interestingly for me, is along the lines near the end of my long book, in which I “invent” the idea (actually been around since the dawn of time) that things only happen in real or metaphysical time, should a conjunction of circumstances occur at that same single time singularity, in that location.
Were even one circumstance not be present, then the happening does not happen. In the same or opposite way, there is the “cascade effect” or “domino effect”, in which one failure causes a series of failures to occur … often suddenly.
Implications for HQ readers?
I’d strongly advise you, not me, to save anything you consider of value at this site from now till late summer … no comeback later please … any urls, pictures, whatever else you value and wish kept … we had a similar situation with blgr but zero warning then … it seems to be a summer thang.
In fact, to go further, with the new, dystopic Llamaland here, plus the joke situation across the ditch where Steve notes Er Sula and NATO/UN/CIA continue to wreck things (see NOWP 976) … the micro-situation in Unherdables land precedes a similar macro-situation across everywhere but the USA.
In short … we’s in trouble, ladies and gentlemen. Those who pray … please do.
(1657) Possibly what’s happened today over here is the washing was hung out, jobs were done, spring cleaning started, people went for walks, drives … and so they should have.
16. Toodles
15. Secretary Duffy
The Panama Canal took 10 years to build. Golden Gate Bridge: 4 years. Hoover Dam: 5 years. China builds high-speed rail in 2-3 years. In
@GavinNewsom’s California? Almost $16 BILLION in 16 YEARS. Not ONE track laid—just a couple of bridges to nowhere.
Bass says it will take 5 years to rebuild a single family home. These lunatics need to be removed from office. They seem to have lost touch with reality.
All right, it’s the same old, same old song, best version of it imho … sorry if the performance is not your cuppa, within the genre it was superlative … plus the last piece in the puzzle is the thing here … the reactor … youtube put it front and centre in recommended … there was some sort of intriguing element beyond the front thumbnail.
To my mind, a performance is one thing … but to see it appreciated by someone for the first time … well it’s a major enhancement over and above. Plus, as I listened to the reactor, there was certainly something exotic … almost perfect English but where from? Scandinavia? And so it went …
The thumbnail is awful of her … the T shirt crass … but there was still something. Then I found it … from Canada. Quebec I’d say.
Readers, it was either a quiz (not prepared), film (nothing good just now), politics (nothing interesting for a Saturday afternoon … afternoon all by the way) … or a short 👇🏻
(1111) Not everyday I get to start a post at that time … sky going to fall, asteroid hit? (Been watching Fawlty Towers, explains my attitude. 🫣) I dunno .. we finally get some good weather and the bleedin’ bees and wasps decide to come out en masse and have a look around, hot cross bun’s nice, plenty of fruit ….. (1141)
(0735) Morning all … better sky than recently. (0832)
8. Roundup of snippets
Think I might just call this “snippets” hereonin because it conveys that such a sub-item contains just signposts, summaries, nothing in depth per se … you can always ask for more detail, I’ll try to track down the original and see if there’s anything more to report.
Quick note … if I don’t do an expanded piece on each and every sub-item … well Steve graces us already with a mass of reading, which I usually reserve for the quiet part of the day later.
Four: Trump Announces Plan to Inspect Fort Knox Gold Reserves to ‘Make Sure the Gold is There’ … Musk personal security … Christian massacre in the Congo … much more…..
Three: Bondi Epstein list … see Jstack for comparison later … Biden employees gone … Maine Gov meathead … ICE … much more…..
One: Post-Vaccine Brain Fog, Immune Dysfunction … SPAFF by the Speccie … 70 Christians beheaded in a church … much more…..
JH: Both DAD and Steve are using terms, minus euphemisms, out of their understandable “high dudgeon” but NOWP is not free of WP control, as with UHC and it can rebound on the site (as in shutdown) … onus is on me, yes, but I’m loathe to edit your text unless absolutely necessary for site safety. Juss sayin’, lads.
5. Looking at just three items at TDS
… in not great detail:
The reason I don’t place as much store by TDS these days is partly the Lord Toby factor, a bit Lord Richard Tice if it happened, plus the appalling corporate layout of what was once a good source for comment, never really up to date and time … but the obstacles they place in our path to get money from us … bad move. As a fellow pundit … on yer bike.
First item above … nothing special, someone called Laurie … might be ok but I’m not jumping through hoops to read it. Second item … ain’t that the truth … always blame far right, Trump, misinformation or racism as a first reaction … never thin or delve. Third item … an opinion piece from a limited view, as DJT himself has, though his is better than everyone else’s except the Russian people, p,us Gen. Macgregor.
For those wanting to check for themselves (wise), then blogrolls have TDS.
(0131) Taking us into the daylight, Saturday … Steve’s will be in the next post. (0715)
4. Back with DAD at 975 at 0644
This is by JH on DAD’s drop over there:
a) “It comes from the unofficial IS associate outfit ‘Al Saif Media’….” writes DAD … telling those of the faith to drive into crowds … this is (quick glance) in Germany. All right, interesting because the main news headline in Geelong’s local rag, near Melbourne, Oz, has this:
You wot? For a start … heatwave in late Feb downunder? Hmmmm, in some years but usually by Labor Day (March 10 or so down there), it’s getting cool. No matter … onto the Pako reference … does that mean what I think it does? As a main regional daily’s lead headline?
Yep, it certainly does … paywall prevents me seeing more than a paragraph confirmation below it. Whoa … let’s “unpack this”, as pundits seem to say these days. To get away with that, obviously race relations are far better in Oz than in Britland … plus, the Kash Patel item celebrated an Indian, said Kash, in high office.
Whoa again … so could we say race relations are far better in both Oz and the US than in Britland and Frogland? Or maybe it’s just headline writers wanting it so. Plus, why would a heatwave wipe out a “Pako” fest? They come from a hot land themselves. And are Ozlanders unaware of the war we’re in in Europe? Sleepy hollow, still completely controlled by the MSM?
Hmmmmm, more on all this later.
b) “Deprived of power and majority for many months, President Macron is trying to rebuild his image and regain his political legitimacy by taking centre stage” … well, dictators do, do they not?
c) “A right-wing mayor is being prosecuted for refusing to perform the civil wedding ceremony of an Algerian national who was under an obligation to leave French territory.” Uh huh … compare to ICE in the States.
d) “In Marseille, jackets with an integrated hood to hide your face are all the rage, especially among young people. However, wearing clothes that prevent you from being identified in public places can result in a fine.”. Well yes … Marseilles has always been a crim hotbed … film and song mention it quite often.
3. Patel
WATCH: Kash Patel's full remarks after being sworn in as FBI Director:
"Anyone who thinks the American Dream is dead, look right here. You're talking to a first-generation Indian kid who is about to lead the law enforcement community in the greatest nation on God's Earth." pic.twitter.com/PQrCkme9az