… plus the strength and clearheadedness to stick to them.
Around 8 a.m., it being 0803 just now, I like to be into the first feature post, usually Ruairidh or Jago, so’s I can get some brekky in. However … last night, I quickly made nine screenshots and this morning, post-HQ disaster, was redacting them for this post … phew, it’s a long one, people … both the video plus various comments on it … but so profound … truly I think it’s the most interesting take I’ve seen.
Plus, in the light of Thurs 1 and 2 already today … uncannily relevant … uncannily. Let’s get down to it by putting cart before horse. Now, good people … videos are time out of your day, yes, understood, but this one I believe will reward your time. Comments first though:

So to the video itself:
My thoughts:
First off, I’m not pooh-poohing those reports of her remains or plane bits on remote islands … possible … this video only analysing up to the final recorded communication with her.
The whole story does, though, bear an uncanny resemblance to subsequent events with female daredevils, inc. Amy, up to Hultgreen, including that lady airline pilot who safely put the airliner down after losing an engine (well done) to the famous racing driver who finally went too far, crashed and died, to the Fitzgerald, to the Florida bridge … to Danica Patrick who did win races but stayed this side of the careful/reckless line, plus some British ladies who did well and did not die … not from that anyway … yes, all that is so but the same motifs do keep appearing though … uncannily. Always.
Look at Pam Bondi, look at Karoline Leavitt … the latter is showing the signs of being as pleased as punch with herself … not good … inexperience … hoping she’ll settle down and continue to do her due diligence, because they’re going to do for her otherwise, as we are currently with Bondi.
A silly girl is Paula London who’s taken the bait and instead of sticking to her journalism, has started the swimsuit and “lady parts” guff on X, just as Anna Kournikova did, just as Danica Patrick herself did. But not Tulsi nor Kristi … those two are far more canny.
Why should I care? Because men do care for our women … nature of the beast.
There are other red flags with Amelia E, apart from her privileged, yet weirdly inadequate upbringing … one red flag being the satanic Eleanor R, UN pusher of the day. That woman was the worst, apart from the suffragettes, who twisted all advances for women already achieved with men onboard … that lot then turned it into the Helen Reddy look at me, I am superwoman, nothing I cannot do, better even than men, what fish needs a bicycle.
Ladies and gentlemen … that is sick … it plays on the very susceptibility and latent resentment of most females if it gets out of hand … as against the brutalism and “uncaringness” of the male, the natural arrogance we have, whether justified or not, the propensity we have for being right bstds or curmudgeons, the manspreading, the mansplaining.
You know my hobbyhorse … anything coming between men and women I am against. End of. Both males and females need to be ultra-cautious about people, forces, exploiting the natural fissures between them.
And in Earhart’s case, in her natural inexperience in tech, plus the feminist arrogance … weeeellll … accident waiting to happen … not forst time either by the way. The officer on that ship who did know tech and who has been criticised for not setting Earhart straight … why did he not? Not his job to? She was the star? Or was he up against a global political thing, just as with those first three girls sailing solo around the world (girls, not women who have of course done it).
The Oz girl was a great sailor, plus she had a complete support service. In the case of Dutch NZ Laura … she was a natural sailor, I can tell you that, plus father advising her. The American girl? Disaster … on her own completely, needed rescuing.
Would I have been much better? Nope … without a support team … not at all … in fact it happened when I was 23, it was in the press at the time … but my crew and I called it off before it got to the really dangerous part … no regrets even today … poor support preparation on my part, too young too, plus I had a crewman’s life to consider … just as Amelia E had Noonan … and did not consider him imho. END.