2. HQ disaster
Chaps and chapesses … if you’d been following the past hour here, you’d have seen items 1 to 4 slowly go up … 2 was DAD, 3 was Steve and 4 was IYE. It’s the most work-intensive part of the day, requiring jumping from HQ to NOWP and back, then highlighting Four Three Two etc., greening it using hex code and in DAD’s case, also reading and summarising. Item 4 was a note to IYE after his comment in the sidebar.
There’s over an hour’s work at a critical time of the day pour moi. Saved it, checked it was fine, went off to do a domestic chore involving next door. Came back, opened this post again … guess what? Items 2, 3, 4 completely gone. On both ipads.
No matter, thought I, the thing which always kicks in is the WP notice in a cross screen panel at the top, which says there’s an older autosave, would I like to see it? Yes please. Then … restore this autosave? Yes of course … all back to normal. Most useful, that WP function.
To gather how much work is involved in the opening hour each day, go to any previous day’s opening items at HQ and look. Also, to answer the obvious question that maybe I forgot to save … I always save once the [1 to 4] in the heading goes in … meaning I always type that and instantly click save, wait for the lit “save” to go faded … that means saved. But it hardly matters, as the WP notice appears anyway if there’s a glitch.
Yes, you guessed it … WP this one time singularly failed to show the panel today, I can say first time ever it’s failed … meaning there was no way to get back to the previous revision. In short, the summaries of DAD, Steve, IYE were gone, matey, into the ether. The sole proof they were ever here is in the heading as it is now … [1 to 4] … that only ever goes up as the last thing before save.
P’d off? Mightily. Why oh why did WP choose now, of all times, to fail to display its regular service?
Well, the most charitable answer I can come to is that yesterday’s HQ troubles wiped this facility away … that is, WP no longer offer this failsafe at HQ. That’s the most charitable thing I can say. Less charitable is that some gremlin has got inside HQ but unless it evaded my techie’s eyes as well, I can’t see that being the reason.
All right … am I going to do that hour’s work over again? Am I hell as like … esp. as readers can simply go to NOWP itself or in the sidebar here and see the originals for themselves. Me? I’m having a coffee instead, ready to start the second post of the day. Sorry me. Plus Toodles has just written. The day has started, the sun is out.
1. Manouevering the public
TDS has an article on some European poll saying young females are far more likely to vote Woke leftwing than males … I’d say based largely on the German result and rather than join in with this thing, even with Pam Bondi’s refusal to do as she promised and DJT saying nothing, but with my own hobbyhorse of not being drawn into men attacking women in argument, as my argument is that the two sexes MUST work together, marry and start producing babies …
… well, you can see where all this is going. This poll came out of Scandinavia (natch) and the Woke, globo-communist trend is all for splitting male – female and wedging the gap even wider. Whoever commissioned the bollox poll (see TDS) clearly had an agenda, an agenda which my own post yesterday, including that Orwell quote in black, did nothing to dissipate. Manipulation plus.
Even my own neighbours are split that way. He is well aware of the imported army of fighting age males waiting to be given the word, she though actually said to me that it’s not just them … there are plenty of men from here threatening girls … yes, that’s so and I asked why so, then said because they have no respect for the female these days, easy meat … she agreed before realising what that meant.
And so it goes … we hardly need to spell it out, no? Meanwhile, why did Bondi say she had the list on her desk? My current surmise is that she was doing her boss’s bidding, so she gets the heat, not him, from MAGA … in other words, carrying a big stick so that the baddies do as Donny says or else. The moment it’s announced, the power is gone. Nuff for now.