Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tuesday [15 till close of play]

(1450) Afternoon all … hope y’all behaving. (1701) Evening y’all now.


24. In response to Steve

This horror was always going to happen – still going on..

Why the delay? This stuff is dynamite, that’s why. For JFK methinks a second shooter (more than one = conspiracy) delivered the kill shot to the right temple at the hairline, and the CIA/SS covered it up. As for Epstein its a diplomatic earthquake involving presidents and royalty.

IYE responds:

Us unherdables have been on this since at least 2016. In the last release (under DJT’s last go-round) it was revealed that there were at least two shooters.

Here’s some things I kept in the vault.

Gosh! Just noted the date of that paper which I read shortly after MM put it out – 2009! Doesn’t time fly?! 🙂 It was only about 15 or so pages back then.

Here’s another pov

JH: I’ll leave the second link and response in comments … you might bookmark the url for later retrieval.

23. Now, you know this tavern motif we have at Unherdables

… well what if Morrisons wanted to open nearby?

22. They lied.

21. Hydrocarbons

20. Steve and War Room at 978

a. Natalie Winters: Wife Of Judge Who Struck Down Trump ICE Raids Is Biden Regime Member

b. Ben Bergquam Reveals FBI Removed Resources From Radical Islam Cases To J6

19. Andy at 978

All about plant-based meat:

“Bad news for some, good news for others.”

18. Steve at 978

Two clips about assassinating Carlson and Musk … the left adores ultraviolence, does it not.

17. Chemtrails

16. German election

15. Canada

Tuesday [10 to 14]



14. How an X poster acts like a right prat

13. Yep, heart bleeds for Ms Rao

12. Well of course, Natalie

11. This horror was always going to happen

Now look … as with the Donald, I’m partial to a lady but am also capable of analysing her utterances and this one was always going to be bad.

Especially right at the time she’s refusing to release the files, also refusing to reply to Anna Paulina on the question … then comes out with this bollox about seizing guns … it’s a screenshot, the clip was said bollox, pushed by her. The Donald shirley knows that won’t wash with MAGA. Not good.

10. Interesting at the Liverpool Echo

No, not an oxymoron … it might affect us too:

We’ve taken the unusual step of clearing the front page today to draw your attention to an issue that could be disastrous, not just for local newspapers such as the Liverpool ECHO, but the UK’s entire creative sector. Under proposed changes to copyright laws being proposed by the Government, AI companies will be able to train their systems on text, images, music and any other online content without having to pay the creators of that content for gaining the ability to summarise, recreate or even directly replicate it.

That means international AI corporations will be able to extract all the value from the work of everyone from artists and musicians to historians and scientists – as well as local journalists such as those who are part of our hard-working and committed teams at the Liverpool ECHO. The creative industry is worth around £126bn, and employs around 2.4m people, and is today coming together to make it clear that these changes are potentially ruinous for the entire sector.

Tuesday [5 to 9]

(0815) Morning all … just awoke again, lazy me. (0951)


9. Moosh corner

8. Miles gets so much right

… only missing small items, sometimes from past research the alt-media has done. For example:

Not arguing with the estimable Miles over this … could well be the case … however, I’d just add that, in debunking one thing … he’s accidentally (?) uncovered another.

It was big alt-news about a decade and a half ago … FEMA camps, surrounded by high barbed wire, or dozzens of boxes, minus wire, stacked up … we thought directly for govt dissidents but certainly, FEMA was being called out as a bunch of baddies, even then, certainly not pro we the people.

In a way, that was true … covid concentration camps … and west-wide, not just in the US. Camps intended for people … but for which people? Maybe for “refugees”? Army training camps for the new UN army of mongrels?

7. My cunning plan with IYE this morning

… is to go into the sidebar, one item at a time, and explore over coffee and choc.

6. These bracelets are one thing

… the use they’re put to are quite another. In teaching, long ago, various girls would give me the elasticised type with things written on them and I just appreciated the gesture … it was girl behaviour, which it might just have been in Tue 5d … or it may have been quite diferent … girls are never lightyears away from susceptibility to the dark side … you could make a case that boys also are not but it’s usually a bit different, e.g. numerology, and in mediaeval times … alchemy … while females were into the crystal ball or astrology bit … yes I know males were too.

I’ve already told the tale of the girl, a fellow tertiary student, whom I had a bit to do with for awhile … at her place, out would come the Tarot cards … she was deadly serious. Sad to read, a few years ago, that she had jumped off a balcony onto a public carpark concrete floor … or had been “jumped” by the cult she’d been trying to escape.

And we know about The Wicker Man and how weird the far flung islands can be … hordes of people with fire sticks running around a fire, chanting … bit of a giveaway, would you not say? Or the Druids on Anglesea and so on. Oak groves … a bit rich of the Romans, I thought, given their own pantheistic predilection.

Then we come to hexes and a chap I knew in Russia, where that sort of thing is rife … he gave me, from that side of the fence, the same advice Jesus of Nazareth gave from His … don’t dabble … you’ve no idea what skynet you’re unleashing e.g. machine learning, risibly pushed as “AI”. Keep on the straight or strait path, folks.

Back to Brazilian bracelets … here’s an item I found … and a short way down the post … this:

(A) very special ribbon which Brazilians call a fita do Senhor do Bomfim. At least ninety percent of Brazil
’s population has worn one of these things at some point in their lives, and the ones who haven’t are mostly too young to tie knots.

Further down:

More than three million Africans were imported into Brazil as slaves. They brought with them the Yoruba religions of Africa, which came to become inextricably mixed with Catholicism. For more than 250 years, Salvador, in the northeastern state of Bahia, was Brazil’s Rome.

“Mixed with Catholicism” … hmmmmm … precisely. Readers would be well aware of me going on about the sun worship symbol behind the cross in higher Catholic churches, the swinging of incense, the pageantry, the sheer wealth. The other day, I saw a statue of Mary by the roadside … some man was on his knees, worshipping it. No no, say Catholics … only revering it. Yeah, well I’ll leave it at that, shall I?

So … back to the girl’s bracelet making … when is it but a kid’s adornment and when is it a mystical request granter? When is Ashli Babbit’s horned handsign just a girl’s unknowing gesture of “goodwill”, as the gobbledegook teachers taught her … and when what it really is? When is a Taylor Swift dance session in Southport just a bit of innocent satanic fun fooling the parents and kids … and when does it became something far more?

5. DAD at 978

a) Macron in Washington. Hoping against hope, that he can appear as the Leader of Europe.….

b) The UK government is pressing forward with an AI-driven mass surveillance initiative, expanding the reach of its controversial disinformation-monitoring apparatus.

c) From the beginning of the Trump administration, Brussels-based officials have been struck by the new president’s complete lack of desire to deal with them.

d) Mademoiselle from Armentières has a problem. A 13-year-old girl was harassed and assaulted by several middle school girls who accused her of practicing witchcraft. The teenager was only making Brazilian bracelets.


JH: I’ve a post-item coming up on these.

Tuesday [1 to 4]



4. The slow-walking and back-stepping of these women

Let’s look at some scenarios here:

a. The women are willing to fast-track but something is stopping them:

(i) the boss saying hold off

(ii) some real threat to them and their families

b. The boss

(i) seeing that he can’t nail Clinton and needs Roberts for decisions still

(ii) himself threatened, or his family.

3. Steve at 977

Four: Kennedy Targets Psychiatric Drug Links to Violence … Who Was on Epstein’s Island … “Ukraine” Discussions Between Russia and the US … much, much more…..

Three: Bongino .. Trump-Macron … Bondi soft-pedalling … more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep … Merz-Trump … Zelensky … more…..

One: Voluntary suicide by experimental jab … Vaccines, Hormones and Pregnant Women … child trafficking … much more…..

2. The Merz about-face

1. Over at OoL

This OoL piece contains a summary of key issues this Tuesday morn, our time, many which follow here in more detail as we go this morning.

Monday [14 till close of play]

(1448) Afternoon all. Breaking: Going to be evening in a few hours.


20. IYE in comments

Grifty with the latest episode of the Mountbatten Whingers…..

19. Song?

18. Steve at 977 and War Room

a. Polling: Brian Glenn Reveals Data That Show Americans Overwhelmingly Support MAGA Agenda

b. Decoupling: Steve Bannon On America First Investment Under President Trump

17. ☺️

16. Pensions

15. Penseivat at Leg Iron’s

14. That girl who went missing …

The Vikings and North America


Was not sure if this should be item 14 or a separate feature post. Anyway, here’s an intro:

Hmmmmm … if I might add a little here:

a. The cold weather was only a consideration in Newfoundland and similar … they were quite used to it in Denmark, hardly a consideration further south. The hostile, strong natives were certainly a factor, in numbers.

b. As sailors know but possibly not landlubbers … there are trade winds in the Atlantic … one lot go south past Europe from England, then to get to the Caribbean, turn right just past Tenerife … that’s long been known to sailors. To get back to Europe, go north beside the U.S., then turn right where it wll take you through the Azores.

You can go further north before turning right but the seas start getting nasty … even if the winds are with you, so are huge following seas, ice etc. As for going east to west … forget it unless you’re a masochist … you’d not risk your family that way.

Monday [11 to 13]



13. An IYE summary

a. “Great news for Law Enforcement and American Justice! Dan Bongino, a man of incredible love and passion for our Country, has just been named the next DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE FBI, by the man who will be the best ever Director, Kash Patel.

b. USAID and partners funneled billions through multiple “administrative fees,” with DC firms pocketing 56% of contracts while Haitian companies got just 2%.

c. Pope clog popping imminent.

d. Alexander Vindman a USAID recipient, the U.S. Agency for Internal Development provides humanitarian and development assistance to a family who were offered no pardons.

JH: all is within the comments in the sidebar.

12. Germany again

That’s certainly a consideration. There is also the grand collusion to shut out anything remotely “right” by criminal fraud. Then there is Alice W herself … hardly a family oriented conservative. Then there is the Nazi era legacy, very strongly resisted in West Germany.

11. In Rolf Norfolk’s latest

he writes, further down:

Other than Peter Hitchens, few in the mainstream British media make plain what has gone on in Ukraine and why. 

“So it is not surprising that there is a house in a hip Devon town whose owner put the old yellow-and-blue in the window to show they were on the right side of History (that fictitious god of the Marxists.) 

Later they replaced it with a Palestinian flag.

Only the middle class can be that stupid. They take on an idea given them by the official governmental propaganda machine and will then defend it against all comers, including facts and logic.”

I’d call it Woke left middle-class or even Boomer left or neo Boomers … whatever.