Sometimes, it’s certainly attack, as it was this morning at HQ, the Chinese and Russky spam off the scale, then some toerag half-inched the security certificate at HQ at midday.
It certainly could be any of a few reasons … often a glitch … my techie advises, good reader, and I do suggest he be heeded … that there’s nowt major here … the backenders do change policy now and then.
His advice is to bide your time … go do a chore or errand, visit others, come back later, say mid-afternoon. The time to be concerned is if it’s still down or under the hammer by next morning.
In the meantime, as I’d need to put a notice up somewhere for you, think it best to change the priority order of Unherdable blog notifications to this order:
One of my fellow blogger’s sites
One of my oft-visited vlogs
Via phone to a friend who’d post what we’d discuss.
Right, I’m advised it’s now fixed so 🍿🍿🍿… and sorry for the inconvenience as they say. Anyway, you didn’t miss much. ☺️
Exploring the Bs is quite a task … quite a few duds from back then too, plus some themes are a bit outdated in some ways, though the paranoia is quite up to date in 2025.
What makes a good film? You tell me … but in my case, the atmosphere of the time is big … the dress, manners, what they did, how they did it … and the characters.
Which does bring me to names … call me wrong but there are some actors … if I see the name, I click away … actors like Barbara Stanwyck, a real hoe, Lucille Ball, Borgnine, Cagney, the dirty rat, never Bob Hope … it goes on. One I do (sort of) like is Sterling Hayden, William Powell … there are a few… Ruth Roman in this is fine.
I have another theory you know, I call it my Theory N2 and it’s all mine only … that Trump-Bondi were waiting to see who broke cover after her warning about the desk … and no one experienced in corruption did … not the big players.
12. The young female can be unreadable
On the surface, looks good … tatt free, no nosebones, no ring on thumb, no multicoloured hair etc. but then the words come out, the wrongheadedness … and it’s such a pity, such a waste:
11. The three letter sites
10. Sometimes a pundit, esp. on Gab
… can tirn out to be iffy in some of his hobbyhorses, and yet he’s worth a look all the same:
It just reinforces that we’re probably all politicked out just now, needing to take a break, do some chores, plus I did want to return sometime to the Unherdables motif, the fictional backstory of:
The Lighthouse Tavern
There are four main pictures after the initial one of the cat below the No Dogs sign
… which was not looking to get too far as the site motif. This appeared next:
… the notion of the Beacon having been used by many a pundit … seemed it needed some way to get a tavern into the picture, as Amfortas had. So why not add to the tale by having a shallow bay around to our left of the rocky promontory:
We need to suspend disbelief or noticing how the pics don’t quite reconcile but this might have been a view from the carpark at night:
This one seemed to me to have to be in the mix somehow:
… as a lounge connected to the tavern but maybe at the back of the property where the rivermouth moves into the river proper.
So we have the landlord’s quarters somewhere near the lighthouse, then the taproom, the lounge bar, this other lounge by the river, stables somewhere on the site, all sorts of outhouses and plenty of sheds … a chapel somewhere there for those of the faith, those needing solace, maybe a bike shed … then possibly a short way up the river … this:
Maybe the landlord hands the near-lighthouse digs over to son or daughter dear and grandchn, while he/they retire to the houseboat. Whatever, whichever … it’s a most attractive spot on the coastline and as such … prime property desired by unsavoury moneybags stationed on the Isle of Man.
Best not to over-specify, best to leave most of the backstory to your own imagination but it does allow this landlord-patron thing, plus drop-bys, support staff etc. … needs a bowls green too, maybe a croquet lawn.
Also, it’s necessary to have the place pretty remote from the mainstream, not too accessible … those visiting having to get through some fairly poor roads in … in other words, not a natural resort for most … and the lighthouse tavern, which by some eccentricity is called Unherdables, is known of by quite a few but the landlord and patrons are an acquired taste, not really a hub of bonhomie for outsiders, not explaining how to get around to the different parts …
… thus the numbers visiting are down around a manageable level, just as the Unherdables like it … plus they are doing a job there … the light each night and each dark early morn.
Why bother with any sort of backstory? Well … er … it’s nice I suppose. And we’ll drop that Morrisons idea, thank you very much. Supplies come in by boat. (1122)
a) To end the France – Algerian war, Charles de Gaulle had to agree to certain everlasting actions. Recently Algeria has been playing ‘Hard Ball’ in refusing the paperwork to enable Algerians subject to OQTF [Order to quit the territory of France].….
b) It all started with a video posted on social media. On September 15, 2024, Étienne Delarcher, a journalist under a pseudonym, posted a video shot in the prayer room of the Arrahma mosque in Hautepierre…..
c) Recent reports from the “Brussels Morning” newspaper said that the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf had uncovered findings that are now shaking the entire European Union.….
d) It’s not only in France that children are accused of whichcraft [See yesterday – “Mademoiselle from Armentières has a problem.”…..
5. Steve at 978
Four: Vet Affairs religious discrim … Enrique Tarrio … Biden’s IRS Caught Leaking Taxpayer Information … Leavitt … Maddow … more…..
Three: Trump poll … security clearances … Open Borders … Kristi Noem … much more…..
Two: Uke sit-rep … Macron … more…..
One: Tyranny … unvaxxed … Austria … CDU and SPD … more…..
4. The DEI conundrum
First look at this from TDS today:
Amanda Pritchard has stepped down from her role as Chief Executive of NHS England amid growing discontent with the state of the health service and the “complacency” of its leadership. The Telegraph has more.
Whilst there’s a certain amount of being thrown on her sword in this … in other words, it’s not all her fault … she was allowed to preside, a la Pam Landy (in Bourne) for the death knell, just as Marissa Mayer was for real with Yahoo, just as Rachel from Accounts is now … I suspect some very real misogyny in those above her in each case, “knowing” she’d fail, as the whole deep state fourth turning idea was that she’d fail … Cressida Dick, Joyce Thacker, the whole shower of non-comps … Priti Patel, Caroline fashion couch Flint, Paula London of late with her hot swimsuit shots on X, assuring slavering men that her “lady bits” aren’t showing … whilst all that’s happening, showing “Women” as narcissistic non-comps, sort of lesser men in a way … at the same time, focus on the so-called men …
…Biden, Starmer, Brown, Call Me Dave, Schiff … it goes on and on in a different way … incompetence plus massive ego and short fuse … you’d have to conclude, really, that we’re not seeing the best of specimens in key roles … and those who are half ok at their jobs are just too old or too Gen X fanatical.
If one of them is halfway competent at her job, such as it is, such as Karoline Leavitt, then you delve, you find she’s married to a man 32 years her senior … in short, we never see much of the trad style senior commander, quite capable, keeps on his known rails.
And don’t forget one reason for DEI hires, esp. in HR:
That was posted, by the way, by a competent woman, a colleague.
Is it ascribing way too much cleverness to baddies in the deep state or are they, in reality, just as incompetent? Or is someone actually most competent, knowing that clearing out this riff-raff by eccentric and narcissistic Trump will leave the country seriously undermanned or womanned by competent people?
Especially as what they’re being taught at school and university is poor quality and ideological … so even clearing out the flotsam is just going to leave gaping holes? And Nole and his Big Ball bright boys? 🍿🍿🍿.
To my mind, it was DEI ATC again or foreign language pilot(s) but 🍿🍿🍿.
1. Film review and other matters
One of the nice parts of this blogging lark is how unpredictable and dynamic it is … for example, I’ve just gone back through till Feb 2nd, looking for AKH’s film reviews. You’ll find them signposted below the film itself. No requests, no expectations, no pack drill but still nice. It does require clicking on the post header though to bring up the separate page and comment below. Or on the comments link.
At the same time, another unpredictable item (has become so) is the baroque (or thereabouts) music. Yesterday turned out not possible but today I have two pieces … immediate thought is to split them and run on Wednesday and Sunday morns.
My replying to comments … you may have seen AKH’s method of replying to all comments at his place in one reply comment. Again, there’s no hard and fast on this here, esp. with late commenters. So far, I’ve commented below your comment, as JH … remember, with WP, as distinct from blgr, comments can be edited later.
My own JH comment I’d like to be one line or so … if more substantial, it should be in the body of the post… either-or, not both. With your short comments, sometimes they don’t really require a reply from me … again, there’s no hard and fast on it … a tome does not always require my reply … something with links usually gets a mention in the body of the post. Keeping it all “take as it comes” for now.
Toodles brought up something about the old N.O. way back … that it was more “free” to comment at but she added that times change and now one has to be more careful. She still likes the site but it’s tighter, let’s say. My feeling is no hard and fast but we do need to adjust to the changed policies, e.g. of WP, YT.
Talking with MMutR about Xes which sometimes expand, sometimes come as a panel, sometimes as a url, sometimes not at all, so I need to euphemise. One way around, as with Grifty, is for me to lift it and put it at NOWP.
Some items people post are full of the grisly mooshes of horrid people or some violence … I for one do NOT wish to see those displayed and might “forget” to repost the item. There was an exchange on X:
A recent miscreant was dear Lisa reality (profile pic in red) who wrote: “Toilet pull chain” … with an attached face of some vile creature with nose ring, bits sticking out here and there … ewwwww, ugggggh … so I checked my options. Did not wish to block Lisa but sometimes there’s no option. Fortunately, there was a “not interested in this” option, I clicked, it disappeared, she’s still unblocked.
I’m not sure which part of “vile, not wanted on my timeline” so many of our lot fail to understand, feeling they must inflict it on us … not me … sorry, call me precious, call me genteel, but there’s enough ugliness around as it is. Bliss Beach was right.
Why the delay? This stuff is dynamite, that’s why. For JFK methinks a second shooter (more than one = conspiracy) delivered the kill shot to the right temple at the hairline, and the CIA/SS covered it up. As for Epstein its a diplomatic earthquake involving presidents and royalty.
… IYE responds:
Us unherdables have been on this since at least 2016. In the last release (under DJT’s last go-round) it was revealed that there were at least two shooters.
Gosh! Just noted the date of that paper which I read shortly after MM put it out – 2009! Doesn’t time fly?! 🙂 It was only about 15 or so pages back then.
Now look … as with the Donald, I’m partial to a lady but am also capable of analysing her utterances and this one was always going to be bad.
Especially right at the time she’s refusing to release the files, also refusing to reply to Anna Paulina on the question … then comes out with this bollox about seizing guns … it’s a screenshot, the clip was said bollox, pushed by her. The Donald shirley knows that won’t wash with MAGA. Not good.
10. Interesting at the Liverpool Echo
No, not an oxymoron … it might affect us too:
We’ve taken the unusual step of clearing the front page today to draw your attention to an issue that could be disastrous, not just for local newspapers such as the Liverpool ECHO, but the UK’s entire creative sector. Under proposed changes to copyright laws being proposed by the Government, AI companies will be able to train their systems on text, images, music and any other online content without having to pay the creators of that content for gaining the ability to summarise, recreate or even directly replicate it.
That means international AI corporations will be able to extract all the value from the work of everyone from artists and musicians to historians and scientists – as well as local journalists such as those who are part of our hard-working and committed teams at the Liverpool ECHO. The creative industry is worth around £126bn, and employs around 2.4m people, and is today coming together to make it clear that these changes are potentially ruinous for the entire sector.