Author Archives: James Higham

Wednesday [1 and 2]



2. From IYE

1. Something strange in the online world

Just saw this below, in which I’ve posted the profile as a sshot and the rest in text*:

Well, hello everyone! Yes, it is really me. I am back! As a great number of you had noticed, I have been missing online for almost two months now. I disappeared almost as soon as the trial for the Sport [ma sacre toux**]ended. Public opinion and concern has been split as to why I went missing; between those who thought I had a breakdown after covering [ma sacre toux], and those who thought I had caved to government pressure to stop reporting upon the cover-up. Neither of these, thanks to the strength of public feeling and the support of my colleagues, is true. What really happened? Three days after the trial ended, my X/Twitter account was hacked. My profile remained intact; live but inactive. Except for one thing…My viral timeline […] had been unpinned and DELETED.

This timeline had been collated on the day of [the] sentencing, and detailed exactly what had taken place on that dreadful summer’s day in Sport. It exposed how the […] Government had failed time and time again to prevent this monster from moving about with freedom, and what they and other authorities had done to cover-up their incompetence, and the devastating consequences of their political agenda. This timeline had been see by 50 million people within 3 days – and was recognised as one of the most authoritative records of the [ma sacre toux]. But, just as my account was gaining momentum, and I had the platform to explore the depth of the corruption in this case – including the anti-etihw sentiment of [him] being glossed over by the Establishment and mainstream media – this detailed timeline of evidence was deleted, and I was locked out the account until this morning. (More on this to follow.) I do not know who did this to me, or what caused X to withhold my account from me for almost two months***. But there is one thing of which I am certain: Whoever did this did not want the hideous truth about the [ma sacre toux] in the public domain…


*I, JH, need to establish new formatting rules for sensitive copy. After viewing IYE’s YT (coming up), the critical thing comes down to accuracy, plus posting what we have cause to believe is true. Ultimately, that’s my call.

(i) If I post a screenshot, it’s never altered but is almost always an abridged (snippet). Text though always runs the risk of alteration, if only to insert paragraph breaks.

(ii) If, for example, I leave out great swathes of text, then I need to show you I did … but succinctly. The way to do this is to go to new para and type […], which my keyboard conveniently allows me to do easily:

(iii) If I need to delete whole words, then I still use […] but in the body of the text, without para break … this distinction between (i) and (ii) is important. It will only be some words, not whole paras or swathes done this way and there is always a reason, which I’ll tell you if you ask, otherwise it’s too cumbersome.

(iv) If I need to retain a word such as Sport, as it is essential for meaning, it will be letter substituted or rearranged or even the euphemism I wrote of some time back. This is particularly needed in home news, not so much across the pond or ditch.

(v) If I use the asterisk method below six dots in a line, then I do not also need the JH, as you’ll know it’s me. When not using asterisks, I need to put in JH. With Stevedrops at NOWP, I need to stop inserting lettering, as it does not correspond to the HQ “list” method which seems to be working as signposting.

(vi) If I quote you, then I’d need to put in the JH to differentiate. If still unclear, I’d need to italicise.

(vii) If I use () … no special significance. If I use [], it either indicates subject heading or insertion. That insertion can also be your own, as Steve does with [the] Ukraine. You need give no reason unless directly asked … but the [] is quite significant … it indicates deliberate insertion, for our reasons.

**With the [ma sacre toux], you need to know sufficient French or history. The tale was that Napoleon III had a bad toux or cough, muttered “my damned cough” … but the soldiers took it as “tous” or “everybody” … well, so the tale goes. I’m thinking you catch my drift in her text above then.

Why such convoluted setting out? See the para following * above.

*** “I do not know who did this to me, or what caused X to withhold my account from me for almost two months.”

Interesting question … could be bots/algorithm/key words, could be minions of the WEF CEO of X, could be half a dozen reasons, inc. a homegrown agency sitting over all we write. Could be just a hackster.


Tuesday [20 till close of play]

(1656) Evening all … almost.


27. And now for some more serious evening listening

Was just watching some reactions to the 1965 Wooly Bully and one was nice with a gal named Dani bopping away 6 days ago:

Then came some French partying to the song in 1966 … was about to give it away and head off to the land of nod when I saw a long version … had never heard it before … ignore the pic, it’s basically audio:

Think because the shorter, softer, released version was more conducive to girls shimmying, it would maybe sell more to mid 60s yoof, don’t know. For me, the more aggressive second version was mine. We used to play the first version in our band.

Now, in the lyrics, it says, “Let’s not be L7 …” tell me if you know what that meant in the day.

26. Christian perspective on probable civil war

25. Yesterday I think it was

24. Steve

He has an X link about an Irish pastor preaching outside … now in court.

Plus War Room:

  • Superficial Growth: Ed Dowd On How Taxpayer Dollars We Used To Fund Illegal Immigration
  • Julie Kelly: Appellate Court Weighs Future Of TRO Aiming To Shut Down Trump Deportations
  • Mike Davis On Activist Judges: “We Cannot Take Impeachment Probe Off The Table”
  • Dave Bossie On Implementing Pelosi Timeline For Impeachment Of Federal Judges

23. Warble gloaming

22. Wonder which satirical site posted this? 🤔

21. Are they insane?

20. Here we go again

Farage and Reform have doxxed names of Rupert Lowe’s staff. This is one reaction:

Ex Reformers are not known for taking a backwards step:

Tuesday [14 to 19]

(1201) Afternoon all … still quite a backlog to clear or alternatively … quite a few interesting items coming up. Some baroque will follow that, while searching around for a good film. (1410)


19. On that primary head cancelling Easter

18. While Donny appoints Big Pharma to the top job

17. What’s in a name?

16. IYE with Miles

“The first is a story out of Ukraine, where the Defense Ministry is recruiting new soldiers with promises of thousands ofMcDonald’s cheeseburgers. I am absolutely not making that up. This war has now gone so transparently fake they figure why not just insert a McDonald’s ad right into the middle of it. I guess next they will appoint Mayor McCheese as the new President to replace Zelensky.”

JH: Scrolled down but could not find the word “second” for the other story.

15. Coming back to the Susan Wiles thing again

What on earth is going on with Donny? Ok, he fell for the Fauci Birx Pence Brock shtick (PEPFAR) and you can see how they spun it to him because he went all Warp Speed, without once exploring it himself. And the same’s happening here with Gatekeeper Wiles … this woman is looking to be bad news, not unlike Pammy.

A large percentage voting Trump were not just MAGA but also MAHA … and here he is doing dirt on RFK Jnr in the worst way possible. What the heck? I’m not personally a food fanatic but I sure am political and Donny has done great damage by this appointment, in the same way Farage has in Britain.

I’m hoping it’s inadvertent, that he has so much to deal with just now. He was obviously never interested in the health issue and so he was easily duped … can he wake up to Wiles?

14. On one of Steve’s in item 2 today

“California GOP Delegate Says Populists Still Outnumbered in Party Leadership Despite Growing Support — “60% of Our Delegates Are Basically RINOs””

That question applies to us too … what are the real numbers for the UK? Is it 52% good people or is it 30% or so, which was UKIP’s victory in the Euros, brfore Nigel went mental or gave his longterm game away? What about the near 80% who did not vote for Starmer in the GE?

How do the numbers really fall?

Enemy globopsycho, e.g. Mark Elias, Gates, Soros, old families behind them … what … 2% of western populations?

Then pollies, the compromised, from maniacs like Starmer and Obama to fanatics like Rice over there … any Labour pollie, much of the Tory voter class, all Lib Dem, Greens, many Reform, esp. the gang of five (with Oakeshott) … 5% of the population?

Then deluded MSM, judiciary, medicos, acting class, education, church, karens … useful idiots, plus all those paid to go to Hamas rallies, key cars etc. … what … 45%? They contain those though who, on a given issue, e.g. Southport, forget to support the demonic.

Now to good people … some within the Tory voters, maybe 10% of the pop? A few good Labour voters actually caring for their land? Who knows?

Then the dissenters but many comprise low info thinkers … e.g. those still thinking Farage is not uniparty, so subtracting those from the good (that can change once they finally wake up though, e.g. grassroots Reform) … maybe the hi info dissenters, e.g. on X, are what … 10% of the voting pop?

Then the “just not interested in politics peeps”, e.g. nature people, old England etc. … good people, fine people, but politically unaware and don’t wish to know … who knows what %? But if they vote Uniparty, they are supporting wrongdoing. Includes the politically bewildered.

Then the deathcult invaders … 30% of the country yet? 20%? Jewish troublemakers, Chinese etc.? 3%?

So, reducing this to those supporting policies for their country to thrive? 15% would you say, all up? The other 85% blindly supporting evil, wrong, greed to varying degrees, mostly not knowing they are? I simply don’t know the real numbers on that.

Tuesday [7 to 13]

(1059) Still dull grey out there. (1102)


13. IYE

“Finally Truth, But It Hurts” – BlackBeltBarrister

12. Message is no complacency

… take your eyes off the enemy for a day and they’ll steal seats, voting numbers … the non-demons do need to be vigilant.

11. As in previous item 10

… one side’s outcomes result in this sort of thing … the other’s results in a workable society.

10. This one earlier from Steve

“Senior UK Military Disregard Starmer’s Plan for ‘Boots on the Ground’”

This is not a lot different to the military ignoring Donald 1.0 … difference is of course that we’re pleased on our side of politics … the demonic were pleased in the earlier case across the pond.

What I’m getting at is that we do employ similar tactics, so it really does come down to “who has right on their side”? Were you a silly left liberal, rabid marxist or globo psycho … your reply to that would be uniform, as we all like to feel we have right on our side.

But in the light of vadtly different outcomes … that is, one side’s outcome results in the destruction of family, the economy, violence upon women and children … and the other side’s results in a strong western economy, geopolitical entity which people from other countries are desirous of joining … offering some peace of mind … the question does seem to answer itself.

9. It’s going to take a while, if at all

8. Family matters

I’m thinking Bren would be exactly the type you’d call a keeper … a woman who can actually admit a fault or when she might be in error (however rare that is).

7. Susie

This follows on from Pammy, at Tues 5:

What’s in a symbol?


The last one by Chris was disappointing … he started overlaying “music” to drown out his voice … so I never posted it here. I checked the start of this one … drowning out music again … but then his narrative seems un-noised-out further along. See how you go.

Tuesday [2 to 6]

(0819) Morning all … well that was a night and a half, awoke this second time about 0746 but there were things needed doing. Gates poisoned cloud blanket out there.(1003)


6. On Paul McCartney

Paul still owns his High Park farm near Campbelltown, Scotland. For as far we know, he doesn’t spend time there anymore, but Stella did a fashion photoshoot there last year and she transported some large stones from the property to her shop on Bond Street, London. In this picture you can also see the prehistoric Standing Stone.

He still owns his first house at 7 Cavendish Avenue, London, and spends time there when he has to be in London. Recently he got permission to prune some of the old trees, since they cause too much shadow.

His main residence however, is Waterfalls in Peasmarsh, East Sussex, UK. He designed the house himself and, just as with the farm in Scotland, it is surrounded by a vast amount of land, where he likes to ride his horse.

He also owns Hogg Hill Mill in nearby Icklesham, a corn mill built in 1790, which has been converted to a recording studio. It overlooks the English Channel.

Then there is the ranch near Tucson, Arizona, USA, where Linda died. It has a lot of privacy and a helicopter pad. Paul doesn’t seem to spend a lot of time there anymore, but his children do go there every now and then.

Since marrying Nancy Shevell he does spend a lot of time in New York, a rather modest house for that neighbourhood, in Amagansett, The Hamptons, New York.

And he had a penthouse in New York City as well, on 1045 Fifth Avenue, overseeing Central Park. It’s a three story, 10-room penthouse in a building dating from 1967 with a bronze-glass facade. He sold the penthouse in 2022.

Most of his homes (except for the New York penthouse) are rather modest for such a wealthy man, but have lots of land surrounding them, to give him privacy, and the opportunity for the family’s favourite pastime: riding horses.


JH: As mentioned a few times … Quora can be useful in a Readers’ Digest type way.

5. Pammy

Maybe it’s my being but a man but were I Pammy, and not just women but men were roundly condemning me, including my own cohort … I’d start to ask myself some questions … but not Pammy.

4. DAD at 1004

a) Paris has voted in a referendum to drastically increase the number of car-free streets, although the turnout was extremely low. *

b) A survey reveals that a significant proportion of young French employees (aged 18-24) adopt behaviors influenced by religious or cultural considerations at work.

c) c) Fists, then baseball bats, then knives, then sabres, then pistols, then rifles…now auto-da-fé. On the night of March 15-16, 2025, a 16-year-old teenager was seriously burned during a birthday party….. **

d) ….but there is some good news…. Soy-based foods—desserts, yogurts, milk, and especially snacks—contain too many isoflavones, plant-based substances similar to female hormones

Tues Two) Jordan Peterson talks with Ezra Levant about what happened with the Amish in Canada during the covid period and after. Five minute video.


*This connects with the Steve item I attached *** to.

**A post item coming up later.

3. Andy at 1004

Headquarters is that be in the land of Nodd, so I’ll leave this here. Ruby Crane from the Moosh post.

(At HQ … Mon 27)

2. Steve at 1004

  • Stunning Discovery Made in Michigan – SOS Jocelyn Benson Used “Altered” Voter Rolls *
  • Trump’s Ukraine Deals: No Blank Checks, No World War
  • Senior UK Military Disregard Starmer’s Plan for ‘Boots on the Ground’ **
  • Border Czar Homan Delivers on Promise
  • Boasberg and Jordan talk … I’m not remotely interested
  • Bernie Sanders Shocks Supporters, Praises Trump’s Border Security: ‘Nobody Thinks Illegal Immigration Is Appropriate’ 
  • California GOP Delegate Says Populists Still Outnumbered in Party Leadership Despite Growing Support — “60% of Our Delegates Are Basically RINOs” ***
  • Military Situation In [The] Ukraine On March 24, 2025
  • Romania Stuffed With NATO Weapons For [The] Ukraine ****
  • DNA Contamination – US, UK, EU & AU
  • Carney will impose the Globalists’ climate change scam on Canadians *****
  • Hyundai, Rolls Royce ******
  • Much more.


*Surprise surprise … people are sheeple, it takes dozens, hundreds of these to try to reach peeps’ brains before it’s too late

**This will be a key post item later … that when we do it, it’s good, when they do it, it’s destructive

***Another key post item later … estimated numbers

****Ditto Germany I’d say … another key post item

*****Evil muvver, dumb, leftvoting Canucks if they vote this way.

Tuesday [1]

(0300) Just the one post for now, then more shuteye. (0310


What’s wrong with being fragmented anyway?

Think we should pause and consider these three postings:

What is “the right” anyway? Does it not mean today the dissidents unhappy with the country being sold down the river? There are two words which I find useful in understanding what “we” are … “unherdable cats” (first saw it at Orphans in 2012) and “ragtag”, as in Lord of the Rings … it suggests people from all walks, from former Conservatives (dries) to former Old Labour. UKIP used to have that.

A wise man I call MMutR* has said for decades now that we’re so disparate that we’re always going to fall out over this point or that … thus we keep it to two or three points in a manifesto and leave off with the others for the moment … argue them later.

Come election time … council through to GE, we look, within each constituency, at who embraces these key points within the candidates and then all of us agreeing on these key points get behind this local, e.g. UKIP, Homeland, Heritage, whatever, and get that particular person elected.  The whole point is backsides on benches at Westminster or at council meetings.

We’re currently fixating on Party because that’s how the Red Blue Yellow Green and now Light Blue Uniparty stays in power … we have numbers out here but not inside Westminster … we can never make a Party, which requires massive funding, but we can certainly watch constituencies, see what talent there is and promote it … as long as we don’t try to “combine into one party under, say, a Farage”.

This is far more in line with what we have available (hint … it’s not money), plus realising that the enemy is seeking to shut down, incarcerate with deathculters, silence us in the open, e.g. at rallies. I’m suggesting that those things are impractical for most people either aged, with family, still with jobs, whatever … we’re easy targets for funded and organised thugs the Uniparty sends out there.

Silently, anonymously, seems the way the 80% or 52%, whatever, can do it … irregular tactics.  I’m suggesting, Laze and Gem, that we start thinking this through, then act consistently within what we do agree upon … those few key points.


* MMutR = my mate up the road

Monday [22 till close of play]

(1536) Evening not far away.


27. Moosh corner

26. Nightmare

25. Tom Fitton

“Trump administration just gave Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Amy Coney Barrett and the rest of the Supreme Court yet another opportunity rein in rogue courts attacking our constitutional structure. The Trump DOJ requested a “stay” of a crazed decision by a Clinton judge telling Trump admin to rehire 13,000 federal workers merely because leftist non-profits might somehow be hurt eventually: “The court’s preliminary injunction thus let third parties hijack the employment relationship between the federal government and its workforce. And, like many other recent orders, the court’s extraordinary reinstatement order violates the separation of powers, arrogating to a single district court the Executive Branch’s powers of personnel management on the flimsiest of grounds and the hastiest of timelines. That is no way to run a government. This Court should stop the ongoing assault on the constitutional structure before further damage is wrought.””

24. Why is Whitty not in prison?

23. Steve being resolute

22. Not totally, altogether sure what Rolf’s ramble was about

… but this part grabbed attention:

“I’ve seen medical execution at first hand, and wrote about it two years ago. The dying ward was brightly lit, the nurses cheerful – not rushed off their feet as in other hospital areas. In their heads they will have been doing the right thing, otherwise they would not have told me so calmly that they were withholding fluids from my friend; that is, letting him die of thirst while so heavily sedated that he couldn’t complain if he wanted to, while his organs were collapsing.”

Read more here.