Author Archives: James Higham

Monday [16 to 21]

(1432) Afternoon all. (1538)


21. Moosh corner, with added water

20. RINOs

19. Remember these Californian doctors?

18. Letter to Reform

17. Steve

a. “This is being discussed on GB News today. I’ll be honest I don’t think the Russian army is up to fighting a regional war leave alone a global conflict. However if it’s defending of their own back yard then look out. Russia is vast: 9 time zones east to west. What is hidden, militarily, in those 6,601,670 square miles is anyone’s guess. Starmer suggests we put ‘boots on the ground’ in The Ukraine in the face of what is the declared intention of the Kremlin and that is if you come here you will be destroyed.

We’ve seen the 21st century battlefield and what is does to soldiers in the open, or in defensive positions such as trenches. Those bombs you see being dropped by quadcopter drones are as cheap as chips. Just enough explosive to in an instant transform you from combatant to non-combatant. All bang and no shrapnel because they have to be light enough to be carried by a battery-powered drone. The Russians have made an art of doing more with less and their belief that quantity has its own quality.”

b. Battle between good and evil – she was on fire on Talk Radio this morning. A little of what she does:

c. Ground. Situation. Mission.

16. IYE

a. While Volod has been revelling in all the positive attention he’s been getting of late someone, preferably with a backbone, ought to ask him about this:

b. “Obama himself stated he didn’t need Congress to cut wasteful government spending. So don’t waste my time with your pathetic lies; here’s the clip for all to see. Now watch as your foolish argument withers and dies in the face of cold, undeniable truth.”

Knitting corner

… at 1234.


In the light of the way Girls on Bicycles and Ladies at Lunchtime has slowly changed in favour of real women doing what they do, I’m glad there were no good stills to post as a gallery for today but there is a new vlog, and it’s excellent, from the skill of the knitter to the commentary, to her voice, which is listenable.

Danger optics again are … and I assure she’s married and in Sweden … that she’s a tad young looking, borderline maybe … I did think of posting something different but we have gals at Unherdables, and they appreciate good knitting … and this one is good. Hope our boys don’t mind her nattering on … it’s only one post.

Monday [7 to 11]

(0724). Morning all, still in bed, can hear the traffic out there … how’s that for timing … I was aiming for an 0730 restart after a second sleep. DAD’s signposting in the previous post is up … not sure I’ll do it that way next time. (0954)


11. Sandy Tregent, one of our regular Brit Xers

10. Bad optics

Two tales here … first from IYE:

Of course you should, IYE and I quite agree. We’re not saying anything was going on but in the light of everything else which IS going on, almost daily revelations as well … whoever photographed that needs to have his/her motivation, awareness level, questioned.

And now my tale … I’ve always liked the Orbison vehicle She’s a Mystery to Me, from his last comeback (or brought back) … bear with me here … it goes on, this tale. Anyway, for some crazed reason, a Starmer-like drummer, in the second big crescendo and finale, is employed to absolutely bash the snare drum … plus the mixing in of said bashing is gauche, unfeeling … it’s completely out of kilter with the mood, the tone of the song overall.

It’s supposed to be a romantic song, with pangs of loss … the usual Orbison thang … the video is mysterious, sad, melancholy, an exotic woman leaves him … or he does, whatever … it’s a very Valentine’s song, mixed with noir. But that bloody meathead drum bash ruins it !!!

Therefore, I searched through a dozen versions to find one where the cover performance was up to scratch, mixed well, where the singer could carry it off, where musos played superbly, where the finale was sustained … and I found it.

Never mind that I don’t really like something about the guy … the performance itself though, mixed nicely … is possibly the best cover going … so I sent it to Toodles, having not watched right through … only to the final note, which is not, sadly, the end of the video. Just what Toodles thought of the very end after that I shudder to think.

And I was going to play it here at HQ as my Valentine’s offering. Yikes! If IYE had seen it, he’d have quite legitimate questions. This is it.

9. Meanwhile, across the pond

8. Stepping back from the apocalyptic for a few minutes

… looking only at the here and now this Monday morn … what will the effect of Starmer’s Brit boots in the Ukraine be at home? Aside from our anger, I mean?

Morale already down, now plummets, armed forces people resign, numbers drop even more alarmingly in personnel and expertise, also kit. Woke rages, ships sink, planes plummet … Starmer introduces conscription.

And at that point, the imported army is activated to slaughter us, elderly and infirm first, the able-bodied conscripted. This by a man whose party took all those seats on 20% of the vote, a third of that invader vote, maybe two-thirds in urban areas.

I wonder if Starmer sees himself as some sort of modern day Churchill.

7. Battle between good and evil

She’s not wrong but how to convince the mesmerised normies, the secularly certain, the smart set who have it all worked out in a secular way? As Yuri pointed out in the mid 80s … people will not be able, any longer, to come to sound conclusions, sane.

For example, I just saw an item on what Starmer is giving away to Mauritius and all the rest … same sort of thing that Biden did at the last moment … gave the last money away to anyone his handlers could dream up … except for his own people.

These globopsychos are not really understood by looking at their “wicked”, fanatical minds. Starmer is a total fanatic for the global “cause” but that stops short of the mark, mainly as almost all people today in the west simply do jot wish to think it through any further. That explanation will suffice, they are determined. The alternative is too unpalatable.

Starmer is not the type who can think such things up for himself … he’s been thoroughly brainwashed over time, he’s taken on somebody else’s utter hatred of Man (meaning humans).

As Julia once said: “I’m not going there.” Not safe, is it … too left field … and yet the evidence is right in our faces at every turn. Swift and Gaga, Madonna (bit of a giveaway, that name, eh) have not exactly hidden it from the young. Minaj, Perry, Diddy.

Is the Donald the Messiah for a secular west, for the teeming masses? Not my place to try to evangelise … just think that with that sort of massive firepower against humankind, driven by a metaphysical Maniac … a Donald can do but so much and that’s that.

The curious thing is that for those of us accused of blind faith in a sky fairy … this may turn out to be the most clearminded cynicism yet … with the “rationalists” and philosophers the most taken in … desperate for Donald to be the One. Certainly playing a good game so far, give him that … I’d love to be quite wrong … humble pie awaits.

What should we be doing? Well … be fully aware of the full extent of the War we’re in for a start, at the back of the mind … make preparations afap in the physical too, add ourselves to the chorus of protest … all those sorts of intermediate measures. Good stuff.

Did you see that Starmer is determined to put British boots in the Ukraine? Hellbent on having our youth slaughtered … reduce excess population, yes? Tell me how sane and rational that is? Seriously.

Monday [2 to 6]

(0349) Readers will ustd that, given the time at which this is being posted, plus a second sleep after it … it might be around 0730 or so for the next post. (0417)


6. That Midas touch

5. What’s in a name?

4. Dearieme at AKH

3. DAD at 971

a) Strange happening at court. An altercation in the Court involving the lawyer, his friend, the counsel for the civil party, a police officer and gendarmes in the middle…..

b) How do you deal with someone like this? This young man, aged 17 and a manga fan, was born in Vitry. He left his house with two sabres…..

c) At this moment in history, as AI takes off, France has a couple of gigawatts of reliable baseload power to spare…..

2. Steve at 970

Four: Vance’s speech again (we’ve posted already) … Rubio … Lindsey Grahame and Zelensky … Macron … Orban … more…..

Three: He Who Saves His Country Does Not Violate Any Law … Eliminate DEI Programs Within 14 Days … DOGE … Newsom … immig judges … more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep … Lavrov-Rubio … Ryadh talks … much more…..

One: UK government is regulating farmers off their land, DOGE workers “dug in” … House GOP prepares to impeach Fed Judges … Romanians into Canada … much more…..

Monday [1]

(0203) It’s all in our attitude towards events, people, things.


One reason to run this first item as a standalone is to avoid that situation of WP creating its own list, independent of my own through the day. In fact, truth is … it’s probably the only reason.

The logical time to run an introspective “sermon” is middle of the night … cold outside and in, black as pitch out there, plenty of food here still … for how long? Perfect atmosphere to get into the chilling topics … such as age.

a. Don’t dabble

Good advice to the head of, and staff of, skynet in Terminator 3, also advice a young man in Russia gave me about portals and hexes people put on someone, also HAL 9000 in Space Odyssey, also avoiding obelisks and 3D geometric shapes, plus numerology, astrology, cards, the Mummy, etc. etc.

Part of this is not to name. Works in reverse if praying for someone’s recovery but as the young man said to me … naming opens a portal, chanting is worse … avoid all of it, keep things general, stick to known paths, as Trump lawyer Davis advised someone after Trump’s election.

What brought all this on? Well I awoke just now, thought of this and that, dropped into my routine, third or fourth was to check the email box, there was one of these Bored Panda collection of freaky fotos, I was silly enough to look, many of them were just before someone’s death … clicked out after a dozen of those.

One was the Columbia University massacre … no thanks, none of that sort of thing … call me an increasing fuddy-duddy, Mr. Morality, an aspiring saint, but there are things that the ole instinct says don’t go near. It possibly kept me alive in Russia … what’s it going to do in Llama-Harmer land? Seems to me we’d do well to stay a bit like a droll, cynical Lee Anderson (Reform).

Rid yourself of anything naughty, vile, untoward, have nothing on file anwhere, not on hard drive, not on stick etc. Anything subsequently found … someone put it there, not you, guv.

b. Stick to carefully worked out routines, become a creature of habit. One of those habits is to be unpredictable, to have a plan b, a plan c, an escape route at all times. Today, being caught in a confined space … a supermart, a square, a mall, an auditorium with others … I’d not have given it a second thought years ago … in the light of today’s nutters though, from deep state to govt to the judiciary … to just other people, esp. the young … best not. Work on 270 degree vision, vertically as well as horizontally.

Plan, for goodness sake. That silly man burning that book … at least work out the plan … have three mates with cudgels placed a short distance away in a car, in a booth, whatever. One angry old man near an embassy? Insane.

c. Take care of the diet, liquid and exercise … make it routine. Don’t drop that for any reason. Next to godliness and cleanliness, take care of house and self, if only not to become obnoxious … people are more inclined to talk to you, even to help.

d. Keep a sense of humour but not a weird one, nothing sicko, which only freaks others out. Might be funny to you … it certainly ain’t to anyone else. Humour, even cynical humour, e.g. memes, break the diet of daily horrors, take the mind off … within limits, to a point.

Reason is it’s your network which will be your only real chance in a crunch situation … not possible if you’ve no friends. Keep options open … sigma was for another past era … now you need your network. Unherdables is one part of that if you want, but not the only. Options open, remember.

e. Stay rational, not weird, be dependable (routines), be there to help … I like how Donny is keeping the friendly face going … he may need any one of those friendly faces one day. There’s a time to be firm, even summary … but mostly it’s best to just be even tempered, slight cynicism perhaps.

Part of it is to develop a charitable side if possible … choose your charity or -ies.

f. Keep away from entanglements, esp. the younger ladies, young people in general … for a start, you’re not going to keep up, plus they have no intention of being your nursemaid. Once that part’s through your skull, once that part of your quietus is sorted … the rest becomes easier. Last night, there were two twins, plus one narrowboat gal … stay friendly like a rock but that’s it … there’s no percentage doing more.

g. I was going to do a separate post, already have mentioned this but have you seen the ski poles every skiier uses? You never lean on them, they’re just reference points, right? Like a hiking pole but not for leaning on. I’ve already written about travelling, walking, moving through narrower spaces, assuming you’ll fall over.

In fact, I use doorposts to bounce off as part of the locomotion … even your legs uses low sideboards, drawers to keep you upright. I have a walking stick with rubberised ends, had it for decades, don’t need it for support but it acts a bit like those ski poles … uncanny how just having it gives balance … I’ll push a window ajar, touch the floor wi’it, hang it back in its place in the hall … I’m thinking it’s not much as a weapon … I can think of better weapons such as sword in a walking stick … but I already have a bo stick for defence.

h. The increasing Alzheimers. Look, you’re going to be one lucky chappy or lassie if you don’t go at least a bit gaga, troppo as you approach the final analysis. All the above most certainly help, they keep you active, busy, thinking, never time to feel sorry for yourself or regret … what’s the point of wallowing in that? Regret past actions of your own, things you said … but then shut them out … they can only stop your ability to be effective for others. That’s the mindset, even if they’re aren’t others.

This is why all the above points, combined, are important … I’m sure you could add others … but one MMutR and I discussed … vigilant calmness, air of assurance, which that book burner most certainly did not have … he was open to being stabbed, he invited it. Be nimble on the feet but also stand still, calm, awaiting, judging when to switch to attack … for goodness sake ditch the bewildered and vulnerable these days … it buys nothing with nutters.

Never put yourself in a position alone, outside your citadels. If your routines involve that, then change the routines … those of faith in a triune God have an excellent weapon there but it also helps to help yourself.

You will eventually die, no choice, maybe even part gaga … but until then, do all those things above and your chances increase. END OF at 03:33, a good time to stop.

Sunday [14 till close of play]

(1656) Evening, chaps and chapesses.


24. POTUS over Daytona … and luvvin’ it

Would I do such a flamboyant thing? You bet yer sweet bippy!

23. Sit-rep on TR

”The prison has banned him from ordering food for a week—his only source of nutrition, tinned tuna and mackerel—just because he spoke to his son on speakerphone when on a call to another family member. They’ve blocked visits. Cut off phone access.”

Lost weight, not in a good mental state. Whatever he was meant to have done, this breaches every human rights provision regarding inhumane treatment. His ite admin speaks of a street protest near the prison.

22. IYE

a. Harry visa link in comments

b. The US-Russian Entente That Saved The Union

21. Just can’t abridge this for posting

20. Moosh corner, with added rain

19. Austria

18. Vance

17. Just can’t see the joke

16. Whither babies?

15. Nasty secrets in the bog

14. Steve at 670, with Leilani