Wednesday [1 to 5]

(0608) Getting light, bleah out there, need covfefe. (0746)

5. Andrew Torba

I’m getting reports from locals that they have spotted buses full of migrants being dropped off in Tunkhannock, PA. I can personally confirm that I’ve seen parking lots full of them at the local park near Tunkhannock. Tunkhannock is a small rural town in PA that is 94.5% White.

4. These posts just write themselves

I seriously had nothing to write his Wednesday morn, whilst saying hello to those I say hello to early … and there was DAD and the doings in France but then … click on Gab … and there’s item 3 below.

However, one of the young Scot’s vlogs was also sitting in “YT suggested” and it goes into the bona fides of other types of “leaders”.

You see, I was trying to think of a good lead-in, a bridge, and was going to say, “all are in thrall” to some influencer. Whether it’s your own hedonism or dissolution or maybe to the bad side (Taylor Swift etc.) or to the Great God Science, as designed by the Arch Deniers the Royal Society way back when … to whomever, to whatever you’re enslaved, I’m no stranger to it either … well I was possessed you know too … around 12 years of age as I’ve mentioned … only by The Other Side in my case … some call it the good side. I still did much bad things over my time.

But what of Bergoglio or Welby? Godly men, both?

And there’s my lead into the vlog below … was wondering where and when I could work it in, plus the latest Jago is sitting there after that.

At 0735, reader? Sssooorrrrrryyy me!

3. Here’s one for IYE and readers in general

This was on Gab …

Cambridge, Massachusetts-based vaccine maker Moderna has confirmed that its mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections could cause cancer. The company made this admission in patent filings disclosed by Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, during a hearing led by U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). According to Malone, Moderna’s patent shows that its vaccine contains billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.

Now … I’m asking the reader to pause here and tell me … your reaction?

What though if I looked at the name Malone as the “expert” here … I’m sure IYE has much to say on him, which will go on the list.

Also, my own selection of text, leaving out the rest. Why choose just that? Notice the author puts that up front and the quick n easy blogger just grabs. But one the humble reader cannot know of is that if I “select” (as redactor) past the first sentence … tied to it is the ad to the right, slap bang within the text.

What did they pay for that privilege?

Yes, I was able to eliminate that tie-in, plus links, by going to html and doing it that way … is that what you would do too?

So … what does that say about me? Towering intellect? Hardly … just experienced, has learned the ropes … is still learning. And you … towering intellect or not … you can learn those ropes too, provided the ropes learner is willing to spend time teaching.

2. Penseivat wrote

”Blair, aided by Guacamole Mandleson, is running Starmer, just as the WEF’s Soros and Gates is running Blair. Acolytes of…”

This is beyond SpAds, is it not? In the early days of my blogging, I looked at Colonel House’s influence on Wilson from July 1911 … that was officially and it began before that. What major events took place before and after? Jeckyl Island was one in 1910, with Warburg present, the Titanic another in 1912, the Fed in 1913 … and after Wilson was dispensed with, lamenting the monster he’d created, House went on to 1919 and Versailles.

On May 30, 1919, House participated in a meeting in Paris which laid the groundwork for establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a private organization based in New York. Throughout 1919, House urged Wilson to work with Senator Henry Cabot Lodge to achieve ratification of the Versailles Treaty, but Wilson refused to deal with Lodge or any other senior Republican. The conference revealed serious policy disagreements and personality conflicts between Wilson and House. Wilson became less tolerant and broke with his closest advisers, one after another. Later, he dismissed House’s son-in-law, Gordon Auchincloss, from the American peace commission …

Auchincloss? Good American sounding name there, no? And moving fwd in history, what was Gitler most incensed about?

Even further fwd, there have always been incendiary SpAds, from Kissinger to Cheney to Osborne over here … though he held office, blundered, survived … easy to profile that lot … rat cunning, morally bankrupt, agents for other powers. The CFR and the NAU in 2005. Pence and PEPFAR … Gates, Brock … and so it goes on. Fauci. Cummings in tee shirt … who else do we know wears tee shirts and causes mayhem … countless thousands of lives squandered.

And then we get to the monsters themselves … Blair, Obama and so on.

1. DAD at 810:1

a) A proposal to impeach President Emmanuel Macron has passed a key hurdle in the French National Assembly, winning the approval of its executive bureau. The hard-left La France Insoumise party introduced the impeachment motion ……

b) Today, the news broke that Thierry Breton, the now-former European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, has resigned—falling on his sword in response to being used as a pawn …..

c) The spectacular resignation of Thierry Breton from the European Commission suggests that the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is not quite as useless as her numerous critics suggest …..

JH: On the last item … either not useless or just as much under control as Breton? Watch thos SpAds or Controllers in the shadows.

One reply

  1. “Good American sounding name there, no?” What on earth are you on about? All Americans are descended from recent colonisers. Even if you go back to 1776 and define only surnames that were recorded then as being American, you’d find them to be overwhelmingly English, plus a few Scottish and Dutch. In which case Auchincloss presumably qualifies, being Scottish.

    Apart from the Injuns, of course: they presumably did have authentically American names. But they were largely genocided.

    JH: Being tongue in cheek there I was, Dearieme.

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