Saturday [1 to 4]

(0619) Had a longish sleep … not yet light enough out there to give a reading but it’s changing every minute. (0723)

4. TDS (blogroll link)

3. All right, here’s that Shepherdess girl

Quick bio on her … Texan, family maybe in ranching, she wanted her own, I suspect with much help but well done anyway, found cattle was rigged, tied up, subject to the Demonrats, switched to sheep but all ranching and ag is under the hammer there now … not a good time for them just now.

She’s the gal who brought the Amish trial but IYE told me and I told her about the quisling who’d snuck in. I still say all respect due this gal.

2. DAD at 803 (804 just about to start)

A quicky to start the day. Mr. Pires (breeder): “In 12 years, I have had more than 700 animals stolen by organized gangs in trucks for Easter, Christmas or Eid. The way the sheep are held is not insignificant, it looks like a shepherd who has come to get food for his family.”

1. The swamping of UK analysis by US

Let me say first up that I’m criticising the UK, not the US in this. Look at their numbers over there, then at ours. The US pundits are organised, voluble, they suffer not in silence, as do Brits … the Irish are more voluble.

Nourishing Unherdables, as I’ve taken to calling us, tries to bridge the US and UK but being “downstream” of North America, it gets the wash. Last evening, that whistleblower and those presenting her were organised, they had the blog ready, plus the graphics, plus the whole tech thing about bringing it. Whom do we have? Neil Oliver? Reform in Parliament?

Kudos to those boys. Where are the gals here? Katie Hopkins? Coarse and not quite organised. Isabel Oakeshott? Yes. Paula London? Yes. But not many. However, the Starmer stasi have had much alt-press, which is a good thing, even though threatened with incarceration or just having doors kicked in early morn. It’s a more fascistic society here, ripe for brutality. Sneakily.

This early morning … already following last night’s post (in which I’m altering those mooshes in a few moments), there is this below from Americans for Limited Government and a second by that Shepherdess girl on The Chevron Deference … both very good pieces but still American.

Americans for Limited Govt screed in this morning’s mailing:

The U.S. Census on Sept. 10 released its annual reading of real household median income, finding that after adjusting for inflation, income is still below that of 2019 levels prior to the Covid pandemic, with 2019 being at $81,210 while 2023 came in still at $80,610 after all the inflation is considered.

In other words, under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, American households are no better off than they were four years ago before Covid. The reason is that when you look at nominal household income, since 2019, it has only increased 17.3 percent. Whereas, consumer prices are up 19.2 percent during that same time. The news comes as 49 percent of Americans say the economy is getting worse in the latest Economist-YouGov poll taken Sept. 8 to Sept. 10, including 54 percent of women and 55 percent of independents.

They’re right, with unemployment now up 1.4 million since Dec. 2022 after peak inflation. This is a rare historic situation — with prices outpacing incomes — it happened during parts of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush’s administrations, all one-term presidents. But with just four months left in the calendar year, Biden and Harris might be the first administration where it persisted throughout the entire presidency, that is, over the entire four-year period.

Whom do we have? The TPA? TCW? TDS? Yes to all three but firstly, we cannot expect Toby Y to do anything outside his M25 bubble view, the TPA does a newsletter once a week, very cursory and Kathy is just Kathy. Starmer has certainly brought us more together.

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