Friday [17 till close of play]

(1759) Evening all, getting dark.


20. TR remanded

“TR has been remanded into prison for a breach of the terrorism act – because he refused to give police the code to gain access to his phone. It is worth noting that T held information of child rape victims on his phone, which he told the police at the time, and as they are ‘confidential journalistic sources’ they had no right to snoop or gain information about them. T has a duty of care to ALL of his sources, as does any other journalist.”

Obviously the info he has on the miscreants is their worry … not a good look, is it?

19. Brit snippets

Andrew Bridgen:

18. US snippets

17. Summary of 854 across the way

DAD, Andy and Steve have dropped drops. DAD’s and Andy’s can be read and clicked on, my X post did expand, then went to link … it was just a fun thing of elephants crossing the road.

Two of Steve’s can’t be accessed for non Xers … DJT saying he thinks they’ll win, Obama below brings in Ep****n Is … they’re worried.

The one I need to concentrate on is the R*m**e which has a long MSNBC opener, then some chap who’s been down to a Mexican town and he reports that a deal was struck with Biden and the Mex Pres a year ago that the latter would be paid billions to hold back border crossings in a election year … Mex Pres has done this … police/troops wall.

Behind that wall, across all the towns down there, are hundreds of thousands of il**g**s waiting to pour across the day after the election. Put that with Harris flooding the Supreme Court, plus all the rest of it and it’s not good. The mood of those il**g**s is desperation to get across the borderline before any fences etc. can stop them … I’d say making ICE’s job impossible.

Of course, not just il**g**s but drugs, cartels, gangs, trafficked chn … all of it, as in the Ukraine. In other words, they’re going to make the USA completely ungovernable for DJT. Naturally, this is out and out treason, the killing of the USA as a nation … Demonrats would also accept breakup into blocks … red and blue.

So win or lose, the result is the same on the ground. Rinse and repeat in Britain with the Unmentionable Creep. Similar to the barbarians sacking Rome.

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