Wednesday [1 to 3]

(0614) Dark out there, in more ways than one (see Wed 3 today). (0712)


3. Nature abhors a vacuum

There is a very real Gestalt reaction going on in every human’s mind … every human of a certain age who does see the issues but his/her mind flatly refuses to accept even its possibility … let me repeat this meme:

An example of my own refusal is the picture in DAD 851:8a at the end of the link … I’m simply not going to run it here at HQ, though in keeping with our practice, it can still be found if you bother to follow links and pointers. Whole point is that that way, I preserve my sanity, control my anger and quest for revenge on those savages … it’s a mental health thing in order to be able to carry on.

One example of Gestalt oft mentioned is a broken circle which the human mind wants completed, closed. So the mind closes it … it’s also whence the idea of “closure”, say after a tragedy. The whole point of Christ dying on the cross was that it provided closure, both in mind and in metaphysical reality … it cut the nexus between ongoing outrage => revenge => further outrage => reaction … and so on. It removes the necessity for endless blood sacrifice because Christ’s sacrifice atones.

Now, you can say all you like that the whole thing is bollox and have a good Wednesday, I reply … however, this thing is ancient, it’s part of an ancient war across dimensions … human arrogance asserts its own gestalt closure and says that the closed human physical world where the only reality is that which can be observed by the five human senses … is the only perception possible. Very gestalt.

The obvious retort is … what about animals who perceive that which humans cannot? And extending that … who said, anyway, that the only senses possible are the five human ones … who made that rule? Gestalt says, in the case of a rationalist, a secularist, an engineer for example, that we just ignore those other realities, those other pesky inconveniences which don’t fit the general narrative … just ignore em, as Sgt Holcombe told the court in Perry Mason’s Purloined Parrot story.

If you create a west based on Christian precepts, however well or not humans stick to those precepts, esp. the enemies of humans (today’s globopsycho, myrmidons, karens and wokerati) … then, far from Klaus and Two Tier’s communist utopia, you have in fact created a vacuum into which rushes the Great Wind of Eventual Human Oblivion.

And that oblivion can be seen in the Ukraine for example, and in the middle-east. Talk to the fathers and mothers of those slain in those places … and soon to be in Britain, North America and in the antipodes … talk to them about this communist utopia they brainwash kids and the simple with … the wonderful image western “leadership” has in store for us … tell the victims to ignore the slaughter, the human misery, the degradation of trafficked children for profit … very gestalt, innit, to obey, comply and ignore just who the monsters are?

What does a shellshocked soldier do upon his demobbing? He’s out of his brain, sorry to say, he’s dissociated. And what do the “leaders” do? The monsters and their puppets? They ignore returned service men and women, leaving them on the street whilst housing the new satanic army … at taxpayer expense. Speak to Reform UK about that situation … or about children taught pron in schools under the guise of rainbow.

Toodles has a link … have a look around the 10 minute mark or so. Says it all.

Look, patient regulars and occasionals … at what point does the west say, “Enough of all this sh*te!” … ? This whole gestalt conundrum?

2. DAD drop today at 851, plus 852

a) Evil, in the form of a giant Lilth, comes to Bordeaux.

b) France has a plan to recycle some of its nuclear waste and to turn it into table forks, doorknobs, and saucepans.

c) Alexander Van der Bellen, president of Austria, has decided to betray the will of the people by tasking Chancellor Karl Nehammer, head of the centre-right People’s Party (ÖVP), rather than the election-winning FPÖ’s Herbert Kickl, with forming a government. The ÖVP secured 26.3% of the votes on September 29th, while the national-conservative anti-immigration Freedom Party (FPÖ) received 28.8%.

[Must do all that we can to keep out those extreme, far, far-right people.]

1. Steve drops last evening at 851

Evets 4: Team Kamala Harris Colluding with Far-Left British Political Operatives to “Kill Musk’s Twitter”- Musk Responds with Fiery Message

Evets 3: Georgia SoS Raffensperger Secretly Raising Millions Through Newly Created Organization to Silence Election Officials Fighting for Election Integrity — Georgia GOP Chairman Blasts Raffensperger’s Corrupt Tactics

Evets 2: Ukrainian Officials Send Their Children To Europe But Want To Lower Conscription Age To 18

Evets 1: Terry McMahon: One word sums up what the controlling class are doing to Ireland – Treason

One reply

  1. 1. Steve drops last evening at 851 – those are from the day before James, 850’s. That’s why I alternate between MftWC and Evets – to help you out. Easy to get wrong though 🙂


    JH: Fixed. 😔

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