Saturday [17 till close of play]

(1701) Evening all.


20. Call me thick

… but I’m obviously missing some element in this quest. Why did the sax die out in popular music … because it all sort of coincided.

Been reading heaps about how rhythm n blues or rock was dealt a few death blows, not just Buddy Holly’s demise but other setbacks as well, to the point that by 1959 it had been strangled out, replaced by what the record labels wanted … soft Dion, Del Shannon smoothery … Lemon Pipers, Donovan, taking kids right away from the raw sound of Fats Domino, Little Richard, even Mitch Rider.

And guitars took over, which I find comparatively boring, except bass. The rhythm, the funk, the danceability disappeared, the romance of dance too … the two partners entwined, as in tango.

And it coincided with the removal of the saxophones … not just the Beatles were guilty in The Invasion but even Chuck Berry … I don’t think it was the kids changing … I think it was record labels and those controlling them, determined to change kids’ tastes in a sugarcoated way … Cliff Richard. This below was one of the last raw songs in 1961/2:

Just been reading how Chubby Checker was shunned by the R&RHofF … why? He stormed the world but they were determined, Them … take a look at CC’s wife … still with her I believe … could that be a reason? There just seem powerful forces involved. And it’s not as if people don’t like joyful, danceable songs:

In the early 80s, it did come back but then got swamped in turn by glam and techno:

Just seems to me that joy is one thing not allowed now, not to people’s tastes, affected, indoctrinated by Them above.

(2151) Further thoughts … I wonder how much the intention to flood kids with drugs … Woodstock, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds … came into it … sax music wrong for the hallucinating, uncool, needed to be dystopic as it is today, no fun allowed.

19. Malozadim

18. Energy policy insanity

17. Steve and the war room at 848

a. Natalie Winters Reads Prison Statement From Stephen K. Bannon | 

b. Sam Faddis: “We Are Designing For The Chinese The Fighters That Will Win The War Against Us” | 

c. Nate Hochman Discusses The Haitian Migrant Crisis Taking Place In Charleroi, Pennsylvania | 

d. Noor Bin Ladin On Globalist Elites: “Their Utopia Is Our Dystopia” |

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