Wednesday [10]


What kicked this off again was that YT recommended some vlogcasts. I looked at one as long as I could and there was a moment after which I just switched out.

There was this other one below which was far more measured but ultra-slow, goes on forever, so you’d need to be vitally interested and also have time to burn:

Both missed the grounding I for one had … it was not a religious household, was pretty stock standard for values more 40s than 60s … people grew up, it was expected that a church wedding would eventuate … the question at the time was the honour and “obey” vow, so things were certainly in flux. We knew there were gays, paedos, weird people but on the whole, the middle followed the mores, though we did naughty things.

Chris W above (1988) and Louise P (1992) missed that grounding of the earlier times and have no concept of a trinity which can completely reshape and transform. So called Christians certainly divorce but real ones just have something about them I can’t define. I’ve known people not religious at all who were also in easygoing marriages … so it seems to me to be the parenting, what’s taught in school, the twisted culture, the cellphone, the porn … it’s near impossible without that old grounding I’d say, unless you’re a minority “nice couple” now.

Plus active measures for a few decades now by Them to pervert and wreck western underpinnings.

The other video which I clicked out of I can’t find now but essentially, it had about a dozen, maybe fifteen, sitting in a roundtable discussion about why men are not approaching women … meaning the young … late Millennials and younger … there was black and white there too.

One male said well why would we when y’all sleep around like hoes, completely unrealistic expectations, demands, demand the top 10% etc. etc. Why would we marry one of you, only for you to pick a fight, divorce, take half the property or more, move on?

The girl he was addressing shrugged and said: “So? You wanted to marry her … no reward without risk …” or similar. The room of course erupted, he said: “There it is out of your own mouth … there’s the reason we won’t go near you, except for a quick *&£#£&*. Who’d marry that?”

That’s where I departed. All right, how serious is the falling birthrate to stable, married couples? I’d say it’s dangerously serious … then add to that the testosterone drop, women thinking the IVF route is fine.

However, the influx of invaders makes it most critical … the swamping. And what do young, indigenous females do? Go interracial … which hardly protects the culture, does it? I’m the first to admit that going Serbian, Ukrainian, Russian, Hungarian, French, Italian, Spanish hardly helped Anglo culture, did it? I first went to Russia with an Indian girl.

One reply

  1. Family size.

    My sister’s offspring are the new normal with regard to making new families. All three of my nephews were married (in church) before having two children each – my six great nieces and nephews, all born after 2015. These are all young families and they’re doing well. Remarkably strong actually. As for numbers when I was a child the average was three or four children per family. Not many had just one or two, usually it was a medical reason for not having more. The next group was four, five or six children and we had a fair number of those at my schools in the mid to late 60’s. Then came the families who were more like a tribe with anywhere between seven and ten kids per family, though one family down the road from us had twelve. You can sense there are a lot less kids around today. At least I can where I live.

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