2. Seven blasts from the past

(Sep 7, 1242) An occasional series:

a. “The U.S. military has been using green lasers over the Hawaiian islands since at least 2013.

Referred to as Topographical Mapping they are used for military and geological use to scan the Earth’s surface, atmosphere, and pollution.

In January, earlier this year, green lasers were suggested to have come from an orbiting Chinese satellite, mapping Pearl Harbour on reconnaissance––possibly for a military strike. 

However, the U.S. Army Corps announced a few months later that they would be conducting coastal surveys with green lasers––June 2023. 

These are from a range produced by Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing, who also make Direct Energy Weapons [DEWS].

Lockheed Martin delivered LANCE (Laser Advancements for Next-generation Compact Environments), a high-energy laser weapon, to the US Air Force, in June 2022.

In August 2022, they delivered HELIOS a high-energy laser weapon system to the U.S. Navy.

b. Ben Bergquam Reports from Darién Gap That US is Funding Processing Centers in South America and Flying Illegals into America Before They Reach The Border.

c. Police said when Thomas Kingston’s death was announced earlier this week that there was nothing suspicious about it. (It was just) “Catastrophic head injury”.

d. “Where’s S Nonban’s EXCLUSIVE Interview With Jeppree Epbeen?”

e. Despite a much-heralded and historic pledge signed by all 43 police constables in England and Wales in 2022 to have officers personally visit the scene of all home burglaries, there has been a decline in the overall solve rate and 48 per cent of all neighbourhoods have seen zero burglaries solved over the previous three years, the Daily Telegraph reports.

f. Jan 27, 2022, Victoria Nuland: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

g. RFKJ: I asked him about how he made his money. I knew he was the money manager for Leslie Wexner. How did you go from a math teacher at Dalton School to that… He said some Chinese people had approached him, who had been taking advantage of American grifters and he had succeeded in doing it. And that had launched his career.

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