

In searching around for lady singers, diferent genres came up and it became apparent … firstly that it probably wasn’t the other chaps’s cuppa cha, esp. if bluesy … but a few genres I strayed into were certainly not mine.

Blended Big Band of the 40s was worst … where individuality was dead and it was all massed band cacophony. I know Glenn Miller did feature cornet solos etc. but I want to hear all the instruments one by one please, as in the 20s. All right, no can do? Then give me a powerful chantoosie belting it out but please, please, focus on the individual, not on the blended soup sound or the band leader … I’m not interested in him, except in his solo he plays during the song.

One reply

  1. Enjoyed listening to Nina Simone, my favourite of the three even though I always like Annette. I that case it’s 3,2,1 for me. Ada a little, I don’t know, maybe too strident for me.


    JH: My order of tracks too.

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