- What’s an ortanique?
- Where was Rudyard Kipling born?
- One and a half litres of champagne is called?
- How many sides to an icosagon?
- Inventor of the world’s first motorbike?
- Athens is within which region?
- Where is the Great Orme found?
Yes, I’ve broken my rule about using numbers, not letters, but for quiz only, chaps and chapesses.
2. Bombay
3. A Magnum?
7. near Llandudno
JH: In one, Ian.
5. Daimler. Though I would not be surprised if the Chinese had a powered two wheeled wheelbarrow centuries earlier.
JH: Quite right on Daimler.
1. A fruit
6. Attica
JH: Ys, both good.
Leaving q4 if I’m not mistaken. 🙂
20 sides.
Re 2. Rudyard Kipling was a pallbearer at Thomas Hardy’s funeral. Though his ashes be interred at ‘Poets’ Corner’ his heart it be buried at Stinsford Abbey in the County of Dorset. God rest his soul:
Thomas Hardy Funeral (1928) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWHQTyxGcY0&t=59s