Thursday [11 till close of play]

(1125) This job and that, some blog reading and writing.

16. Quite some fine for the day

15. Steve at 830 with War Room

a. Natalie Winters Highlights How Dems Are Ramping Up Their Efforts To Stop Disinformation

b. Mike Davis: “They’re Desperate, They Know Trump Is Gonna Beat Kamala Like A Drum On Nov. 5th”

c. Jonathan Keeperman: “It’s Time For Us To Focus Our Efforts On Our People First”

d. Ralph Reed Breaks Down The Evangelical Vote For President Trump

14. Sometimes it helps to go local


13. Rupert Lowe

Speaking to contacts in Gibraltar, they are incredibly concerned following the Chagos Islands capitulation – ‘the thin end of the wedge’… The message is loud and clear – this Labour Government is a disgrace.

12. I don’t know … you go out for a meal

… at a floating restaurant:

Target practice do you think? I dare not repeat the WW2 joke about how you can tell US ships from the others? They’re the ones with the dents. I’m sure it’s completely untrue and apocryphal.

11. Three items about women

a. Look at the size of the victim:

… who went to a school meeting about porn being shown to kids, woke karens called the police … now look at the size of the young policegirl. Need I spell out about front line policing or armed forces?

b. IYE on the Ukraine bullying lawsuit:


Not buying into the particular female at issue but it IS a major issue for gals on the whole … yes, men also struggle through diet and couch potatoing, but it’s not as critical for the male … we have other things we worry about more.

It was especially an issue in Slavic countries where the girls were competing far more for war depleted male stocks, not eternally sozzled. In the 90s, the west infiltrated and my Russian mate and I were at a shopping mall, one of the new ones, and there were girls with stomach over their belts, whereas even in my time there, you would never have seen that. Apparently it was a sign of rich man’s daughter in the new young culture … many of my older female students were quite scathing about the younger sisses.

c. Again, not buying in, as I don’t know the ex-couple and each party couches his or her own guilt or not in a certain way:

Conservative Woman

There are some general observations:

*Article, from his point of view, is at Conservative Woman … impressive of a gal to allow that.
*Similarly, I’m badmouthing, not the ex wife per se but the culture which has made this sort of thing oh so prevalent now.
*And yes, I do say that the loss of society’s underpinnings, mores etc., has produced monsters.

One reply

  1. 13. If the numpties in the government had any backbone, they would challenge the Spanish claim to Gibraltar by comparing the two Spanish enclaves in Morocco, enclaves which the Spanish government states will remain as they are – part of Spain.

    “You want Gibraltar? Then you first. Otherwise, STFU.”


    JH: Treasonous govt on track to give it all away.

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