Wednesday [6 till close of play]

(1701) Only just back in harness, day’s blogging starts. Highly productive on a few fronts today. Much work by my mate up the road for much of the day, inc. revitalised laptop.

18. True love

over at Jstack … but nothing at UHC just now, sadly.

17. IYE at 828

As US ports are closed folks might want to think about ordering pdq any goods made over there whilst there is still a possibility of getting them. Not suggesting hoarding or buying more than you need but if it is an essential then give that some thought.

16. We’re banging on a bit about North Carolina

… but there’s something very, very wrong going on, like Maui, like Ohio. First, a word from Toodles about the area:

I have not heard back from my friend yet. I hope she is managing. The thing about up there James, is there are hills and valleys and mountains and lots of streams and waterways. I am just sick about the little towns and outlying homes and trailers along the way…many tucked back. What has become of them?  The land has been so carved up.

The wind is powerful  but the water …well I don’t have to tell you . You have seen the destruction. Also up that way the cold will be setting in soon. I do not want to neglect all the other states  and their problems too. Many of the people up there love to be in nature and left alone. Asheville area has become a hippy dippy culture but there are still solid people up that way. 

Add this:

15. IYE comments

14. Patrick Byrne on the money imho

13. There’s more after the screenshot

Now, they can try the old disorganised, incompetent line to explain that … what they cannot explain is slashing tyres of rescue and supply vehicles. Who did that … why?

12. Rolf Norfolk


As a layman I did not understand the full extent of Parliament’s might until I heard Sir Bill Cash on Monday. He explained that unlike Germany and the Netherlands, our Constitution does not acknowledge the supremacy of international law. If we wish to override it all we have to do is pass an Act that says so in terms; a key phrase is ‘notwithstanding [name of law, convention, treaty].’ 

Sir Bill said that the Supreme Court has already upheld this approach in case law. If the wording is sufficiently clear and explicit then no judge can oppose it.

JH: It’s pretty clear about these crims then, innit?

11. Interesting development

10. One of our gals, Helen

… on Schofield:

9. Andy at 828

Wars and rumours of wars usually tend to send precious metals prices upwards. At the beginning of the year Cliff High predicted gold at $2500 by the end of this year, it’s been there for a couple of weeks. It has now broken through the £2000 barrier.

8. Steve at 828

Natalie Winters, Mark Mitchell, Mike Benz, Mark Paoletta.

7. So many of these coming out right now

Two things to this … first why are they all coming out? Answer … no or low repercussions. Second is avoiding jail … to flush them all out? Or actually satanic decision makers?

6. TDS

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