(0819) Morning all … well that was a night and a half, awoke this second time about 0746 but there were things needed doing. Gates poisoned cloud blanket out there.(1003)
6. On Paul McCartney

Paul still owns his High Park farm near Campbelltown, Scotland. For as far we know, he doesn’t spend time there anymore, but Stella did a fashion photoshoot there last year and she transported some large stones from the property to her shop on Bond Street, London. In this picture you can also see the prehistoric Standing Stone.

He still owns his first house at 7 Cavendish Avenue, London, and spends time there when he has to be in London. Recently he got permission to prune some of the old trees, since they cause too much shadow.
His main residence however, is Waterfalls in Peasmarsh, East Sussex, UK. He designed the house himself and, just as with the farm in Scotland, it is surrounded by a vast amount of land, where he likes to ride his horse.

He also owns Hogg Hill Mill in nearby Icklesham, a corn mill built in 1790, which has been converted to a recording studio. It overlooks the English Channel.
Then there is the ranch near Tucson, Arizona, USA, where Linda died. It has a lot of privacy and a helicopter pad. Paul doesn’t seem to spend a lot of time there anymore, but his children do go there every now and then.
Since marrying Nancy Shevell he does spend a lot of time in New York, a rather modest house for that neighbourhood, in Amagansett, The Hamptons, New York.
And he had a penthouse in New York City as well, on 1045 Fifth Avenue, overseeing Central Park. It’s a three story, 10-room penthouse in a building dating from 1967 with a bronze-glass facade. He sold the penthouse in 2022.
Most of his homes (except for the New York penthouse) are rather modest for such a wealthy man, but have lots of land surrounding them, to give him privacy, and the opportunity for the family’s favourite pastime: riding horses.
JH: As mentioned a few times … Quora can be useful in a Readers’ Digest type way.
5. Pammy

Maybe it’s my being but a man but were I Pammy, and not just women but men were roundly condemning me, including my own cohort … I’d start to ask myself some questions … but not Pammy.
4. DAD at 1004
a) Paris has voted in a referendum to drastically increase the number of car-free streets, although the turnout was extremely low. *
b) A survey reveals that a significant proportion of young French employees (aged 18-24) adopt behaviors influenced by religious or cultural considerations at work.
c) c) Fists, then baseball bats, then knives, then sabres, then pistols, then rifles…now auto-da-fé. On the night of March 15-16, 2025, a 16-year-old teenager was seriously burned during a birthday party….. **
d) ….but there is some good news…. Soy-based foods—desserts, yogurts, milk, and especially snacks—contain too many isoflavones, plant-based substances similar to female hormones
Tues Two) Jordan Peterson talks with Ezra Levant about what happened with the Amish in Canada during the covid period and after. Five minute video.
*This connects with the Steve item I attached *** to.
**A post item coming up later.
3. Andy at 1004
Headquarters is that be in the land of Nodd, so I’ll leave this here. Ruby Crane from the Moosh post.
(At HQ … Mon 27)
2. Steve at 1004
- Stunning Discovery Made in Michigan – SOS Jocelyn Benson Used “Altered” Voter Rolls *
- Trump’s Ukraine Deals: No Blank Checks, No World War
- Senior UK Military Disregard Starmer’s Plan for ‘Boots on the Ground’ **
- Border Czar Homan Delivers on Promise
- Boasberg and Jordan talk … I’m not remotely interested
- Bernie Sanders Shocks Supporters, Praises Trump’s Border Security: ‘Nobody Thinks Illegal Immigration Is Appropriate’
- California GOP Delegate Says Populists Still Outnumbered in Party Leadership Despite Growing Support — “60% of Our Delegates Are Basically RINOs” ***
- Military Situation In [The] Ukraine On March 24, 2025
- Romania Stuffed With NATO Weapons For [The] Ukraine ****
- DNA Contamination – US, UK, EU & AU
- Carney will impose the Globalists’ climate change scam on Canadians *****
- Hyundai, Rolls Royce ******
- Much more.
*Surprise surprise … people are sheeple, it takes dozens, hundreds of these to try to reach peeps’ brains before it’s too late
**This will be a key post item later … that when we do it, it’s good, when they do it, it’s destructive
***Another key post item later … estimated numbers
****Ditto Germany I’d say … another key post item
*****Evil muvver, dumb, leftvoting Canucks if they vote this way.
“Finally Truth, But It Hurts” – BlackBeltBarrister
6: there’s that old American trait of saying “horse riding” when others would say “riding”. It’s as if Americans are all adolescents with dirty minds.
3. Sorry for the mangled sentence in my comment. It was late and autocorrect made a sneaky change to what I thought I had typed.
JH: All good.