Sunday [9 to 11]

(1241) Wot … already? (1344)

(1459) At the risk of flogging a dead cat, long-suffering reader, I have to remind you that there is a timer mechanism not behaving elsewhere on the net and it could … just could … stop recognising the new site in a moment … forever … unless we physically act to restore. The chances, I’m told, are low … but they’re still present.

Should you happen to drop into UHCHQ and there’s nothing, please go to UHC, accessible from the navbars of NOWP and Jstack … UHC would take over again as HQ for as long as it takes.

11. Don’t know who this woman is

… my “take” on the topic is largely along the lines of what we cover here … still, some interesting angles, inc. mass psychosis … another word is “possession”.

Found a bio:

Kim’s ability to understand and connect with people from all walks of life comes from her unique background. Born and raised in Idaho, Kim’s mother is a Vietnamese refugee and her father is the son of a small town farmer. Her parents divorced at the age of three and Kim’s single father raised her in Boise while her mother migrated to southern California where Kim often visited. Her mother being Buddhist and her father being Catholic, Kim diverted her religious attention from both and joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at the age of 14 (she is no longer active). Being raised by her single dad, Kim had unusual interests and hobbies. She became an accomplished Jazz drummer winning numerous awards, accolades and college scholarships. In college Kim continued her studies of Jazz performance playing in a number of big bands and jazz ensembles. Along with playing music, Kim enjoys snowboarding, crossfit and spending time with her rescued animals.

Uh huh.

10. Taxpayers’ Alliance (no url, sadly)

You may have noticed that we’ve been talking quite a bit about the national debt recently, and in particular our online debt clock. Having launched six weeks ago, the tool was a hit with the media and public alike.

Just in case you were wondering, in the eight hours we were on the road, (one day last week), the debt increased by £127,008,000.

What you might be surprised to learn though, and as revealed by the latest TPA research, including both wages and employer pension contributions, total remuneration rose by 63 per cent for public sector workers between 2009 and 2024, 8.8 percentage points higher than inflation which was 54.2 per cent in that same period.

9. There’s something very Queeny going on today

I’m a bit confused … it was Queen Bess’s birthday yesterday, the 7th … so what’s this Liz II about? Any ideas?

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