Thursday [1 to 5]


5. Steve at 820

Man from 4

Far Left News Mag Claims Rosanne Boyland Died from Drug Overdose on January 6 – Refuses to Show Video of Police Pummeling Rosanne’s Body as She La(y) on the Cement Dying

Man from 3

Obama Judge Tanya Chutkan Grants Jack Smith’s Request to Submit 180-Page ‘Hit Piece’ on Trump

Man from 2

Biden talks legacy at UN. Elensky, art of the deal. Trump, get out of [The] Ukraine – Alex Christoforou

Man from 1

UK’s National Grid Admits It Doesn’t Have A Clue How To Reach Net Zero

4. DAD at 821

a) At a time when the new French government is trying to find its way on security and immigration issues, a new tragedy has shaken French public opinion: the murder of Philippine, a 19-year-old Catholic student …

b) How many foreign criminals (like the one above) with an OQTF are actually deported. The new Minister for Justice say less than 10% …

c) A case that is shaking up the Netherlands and the world of darts. Members of the Dutch team, Anca Zijlstra (50 years old) and Aileen de Graaf (33 years old) have decided to slam the door on the Dutch selection. The reason? …

d) Biden glitches out yesterday. This is completely real, video has not been edited.

3. TDS

2. Americans for Limited govt

… puts out mailings, usually along our lines, more TPA like, and this is part of today’s:

Senator Rand Paul is one of the few Senators who are serious about the fiscal challenges facing America.  Quite simply, the current rate of government spending is unsustainable with interest payments on the debt for the first ten months of fiscal year 2024 reaching a staggering $763 billion fully $202 billion more than the same period the previous year. Net interest payments on the debt surpass every other spending category other than Social Security. It is astonishing that the fiscal apocalypse that we have worried about for decades is now upon us with even defense spending dwarfed by the cost of simply making interest payments on our $35 trillion national debt.

Phew. How meaningful are trillions these days? Fiscal respinsibility? What was that … a now extinct species?

1. Clubs and parties

We had a blog group almost two decades ago which looked like a good idea and it had about a hundred members at one point, from all different parties. It could only survive as long as political differences were understood, maybe with a snide aside but they did not threaten the prime directive … promoting “good blogs”.

Iain Dale had some criteria for that … it was regular, it kept within the laws of defamation, illegality, pron etc. … and in those heady days of Old Labour, Old Conservative such as Norman Tebbit, it was workable.

That was the key … workable … and I’d suggest too many are ultra-doctrinal without looking at how different shades or wings can get along. We look at 2024 and how Starmer has made it clear that obtuse and bloodminded, bludgeoning is the way he thinks he’ll rearrange Britain to suit the WEF. That’s another issue … this post item is about clubs, groups … and churches.

Toodles sent some local news from that corner of the world stretching to Texas and I’d suggest it is no more nor no less than what any group of unherdable cats find when they sttempt to combine for some purpose. As a person who’s started enough groups to be called an egomaniacal troublemaker, my view on it is that all formalised groups are fraught.

Just that.

Watching Reform euphoria, I could easily see the seeds of doom embedded in its set-up, not least in its patricians pushing out its “plebs”, its working class … and those are from former Labour, former Tory voterships. That’s fine with the common Uniparty enemy but what about in govt? With a platform of planks, a manifesto?

That’s when the falling out begins and we saw the Evans problem at UKIP on doctrinal points, also between Carswell and Farage. Back in the States, I was looking at the infrastructure involving property, big money for building and maintenance, church hierarchies and this name came up:


Just think of the doctrinal points they could fall out on. Add to that the old lure of man-woman as shown in this Perry Mason episode and add to that the most unChristian men handling the finances, the Bank Ambrosias … rife for trouble, open invitation for the evil one to come in and wreak havoc.

How do football clubs stay together? When they do, that is? Well, an overriding goal, yes? Look at Peter Navarro in Steve’s first piece which was to have been Natalie W … which it was later. He, PN, pointed out that some SpAds close to DJT were badmouthing him … leaking to the left press … 40 days out from the election. Why?

Coming back to church things, Toodles was pointing out about “too perfect” people, not always with coiffed hair but all vulnerabilities seemingly smoothed … yet under the surface? Always something. Anyone setting themselves up as paragons of virtue I’m hugely suspicious of:


Mind you, I’m with the PTA on mothers doing a Cher: Tramps and Thieves or The Son of Hickory Holler’s Tramp but really … one should look to oneself first. If you’re vulnerable to counterattack, which I very much am, should I just shut it? Maybe my experience of something leads me to say this is a nowhere path?

To my mind, there just needs to be an extraction of ego and bloodymindedness from the equation and then maybe we can get somewhere. Also, we make mistakes … we’ve just finished telling Steve about “The Health Ranger” and what do I go and do yesterday? Wed 10b … why? Coz I saw James Melville, saw the CO2 machine, was rushing to be ready for something else which needed doing … completely missed Adams.

Hmmmm … take it down? Cover my tracks? Can’t … the story itself is right … whatever his set up (see Be Aware page), the issue itself needed saying. There’s no easy answer to any of these th8ngs, is there?

2 replies on “Thursday [1 to 5]”

  1. 5. Steve at 820

    A little surprised you’d used something from Mike Adams – old though it was it’s still relevant. On the road between Ringwood and Salisbury there’s a large field filled with massive greenhouses that are used to grow tomatoes and such for a major supermarket chain. You can see the CO₂ generators through the glass. They run at 800ppm, which is twice the CO₂ outside. Re [820] (4) a. the article is again from Natural News but is still relevant and appears elsewhere. Because it’s real I used it.


    JH: I suppose the message is that if on the Be Aware page, we need to be aware, check out the article first, which I missed earlier.

  2. You keep saying things such as “DAD at 821” but when I go to your wordpress site and click on 821 nothing shows up. I can see the readers’ comments but not the subject on which they are commenting.


    JH: Posted on it, Dearieme.

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