(1000) That which is making us ill (1045)
Incidentally … cunning plan here is that this post can act as a portal to all current TCW posts …
There’s that post above to read, natch … but I’d now like to broaden this to include those mrna jabs, the most certainly anti-Hippocratic, anti Nuremberg tone to the whole medical “profession” now, leading to legalised murder on the whim of a medical underling, esp. if the poor sod being killed is elderly and/or has nobody to fight back for him/her … the new, slick, corporate medicine approach.
After that though, I’d like to look at the small matter of smartphones. I don’t have one but have been glancing at the new iphone … just have a feeling that this summer, it might be replacing my at-home wifi system … early days yet but … glancing.
And being low to nil tech in this area, never having had one of these, being the proud owner of a £5 dumbphone from years ago … my questions to MMutR must have seemed bizarre or even some sort of wind-up … but I assure him, reading this now, that I was quite serious.
As he explained patiently (quite an achievement for a hi-techie) … what you in fact have in your hand is a computer and computers can have cell capability built in. Interestingly for me, my old ipad has cell capability, providing I also have an ismartphone, which I don’t. The new ipad, the one breaking down a bit now, this one right now … does not have that capability, plus it has half the storage.
My thought or his was … why the heck would anyone wander around with a computer stuck to his/her ear 18/7? Computers deal with electronics, radiation. As kids, we were taught not to sit too close to the tele and I can’t see why the same rule would not apply to phones today. I mean, all sorts of things might develop in kids, e.g. autism, sudden rages and stabbings, distress, depression … dot dot dot. Drugs come into that too.
Now … some longtimers here at nourishing unherdables will recall me going on about radiation coming out of touch pads or keyboards or a mouse, to the point where it’s not too bad when “well-ish” in health but if lurgy-ish, my fingers, wrists, start tingling, then burning. Literally skin reddening.
Ok … pausing here to categorise those hearing or seeing all this I’m writing. They fall at four points on a continuum* … those believing all, avidly connecting dots (the blind faithers, even the fanatics) … then those thinking hmmmm, I’ve been seeing such things around (the might be, might not lot, through to the probably is, law of averages) … then the I’ll believe it when it’s personally been shown to me (source?), laid at my feet in fact, in triplicate (calling themselves rational, settled science) … through to the last lot of Colonel Harrumphs flatly countenancing none of it, d’you hear! This last lot includes those with an agenda to debunk us, to pour scorn … otherwise people would find out.
This last lot were referred to by DJT in that speech when he said there was nothing he could do to get them to change … it had nothing to do with reason. I’d add that next day … watch the vindictiveness pile in from them.
I’d put our readers here in the second, maybe third camps … which is all one can reasonably expect of a reader/viewer.
Now, back to the phones … I’m increasingly susceptible to drafts here, those subtle ones through fissures, not the ones you’ve draught excluded and after some time, I start coughing, get throaty etc., have to climb into bed BUT if I’m speaking on the phone, plus that process has already started, it rapidly brings on the lurgy, accelerates, such that I soon can’t talk … jumping into bed, it takes ten to fifteen minutes for it to dissipate … but dissipate it does … almost invariably … still talking on the phone.
Now, were I to have been skyping instead of phoning … it never happened once in those days, not through the touch pad fingertips plus laptop speaker … work that one out.
Which brings me back to the four category biz again* … there is quite a difference between two different replies to the question: “What do you think about this?” If I say yes, I believe it or no … that’s one reply.
There’s a second though: “So far, I see three points for, one against.” No prizes for which is the more empirical.
And lastly, what do you think of 5G?