(0242) Sleep issues have not been a “thing” for me of late, except two days ago and once out of kilter, they’re difficult to get right again. That one yesterday afternoon coincided with a number of things hitting at about the same time. Here’s hoping Thursday will be better. (0346)
4. There are a few Brit and French stories here
… but maybe in a post after some sleep (if possible). The French item though was a report on DAD’s mention of Macron’s address to the nation:

3. Feeling apocalyptic?

We’ve always claimed, according to the usual reportage, that Nethanyahu called for the Iron Dome to be switched off that morning. Anything more substantial than that? No … so it’s not mentioned often here.
Does it matter? Well, the Donald has just announced that the last bodies and live hostages must be returned, or he’ll allow Nthyhu to do his worst. Which of course is not so good for any last hostages. Quite a dilemma, yes?
Which immediately brings in the entire Arab world.
I have, on disk somewhere from about 2003, a bible study report about the antiChrist and key points are that ten northern nations declare war on Israel, led by the aC, leading to a 200m strong army “from the east” crossing the Tigris and Euphrates, presumably heading for Jerusalem. The point I’ve always thought about was how could Israel ever be that strong? They win that war you see, against all comers.
Then comes the “abom of des” in the new temple, then the holocaust, only halted by the return of Jesus as prophesied. While I’ve felt for quite a while that that could not be DJT, as one of the characteristics is no desire nor regard for women … plus other conditions such as bloodline … still, how can I know, being no biblical scholar? Who though would have the manpower or firepower to win that last battle?
2. In similar vein is Kristi Noem

This one was even more unfortunate … lodged a detainer? Applied to a city for federal permission? Old old story of who has the power?
And even more unfortunate than that was Noem deciding to go to that platform, in front of a carriage, for a photo op, with perfect hair. Why do I say “perfect hair”? Because there’s a shot of our Kristi sitting on a bench there having her hair extensions attended to by various hairdressers. Then she addresses the camera about how terrible the crime was. But she can’t do anything, as City is refusing.
1. Optics v making sure v logistics

For those over here not up with the case, the first issue is someone called Wu … but let’s skip right past that to what she was doing … using “sanctuary city” to protect a killer/rapist/whatever, illegal alien.
I saw one thread saying roughly what MMutR said … that it takes time to prosecute in such a way that the defence cannot be “lawfare”. I’m not entirely dissing that but at the same time … this lady Geri obviously knows the applicable federal law by which to arrest Wu.
The issue, of course, is simply one of force.. City cops and State cops face to face with ICE … who would win? Which would those on the street, lowest rung people,support?
Against that is how it sits wth the country as a whole, with zero arrests and incarcerations, with not one major name released from the Epstein list. Optics do count.