Wednesday [5 to 8]

(1026) Morning again, all. We were doing cyber things here again this morning – this is on the newly configured laptop for a start – weird feel to it – until around 1530. Sorry!

8. Silly sausage

7. Bobbie corner

6. Three letter sites

5. Back on the ipad waiting for m’man

… as Lou Reed might have sung. Well, cyber is an imprecise medium … laptop worketh not for internet but bypassing wifi does work, so all good. We’re not just reconfiguring and adding, the whole bleedin’ room needs rearranging.

There are a dozen topics awaiting just now for unherdables … best not to rush at it and ruin it, so it will be this afternoon. Also a film you may or may not like.

One reply

  1. Just looked at the whole page, Mon [14] to [Wed] 5 to 8, and the quality is back to where it was before the steal. Well done James 🙂

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