Sunday [16 till close of play]

(1634) Almost evening all.


23. Sorry this is late … things were happening

22. Pam Bondi

First the post and clip, if it works, inc. Wendy’s analysis at the top, then mine below:

I’m firstly going to put a counterview to my own, from MMutR today, who’d been reading the material on our Pammy, inc. Lord T’s. It was a fair point … up to a point.

He said it takes time when the crims are deeply entrenched, they have to be tracked down, dug out, they lay traps, they try to divide (MAGA who are most pxxxd just now) … he did not use those exact words but those were the sentiments. As AG, she cannot just list names as if they’re to be prosecuted (the end game), it has to be legally watertight … and so on.

We also, (I’m adding to this now), have to cut some slack for the pressure she’s having applied to her by certain groups I’m sure I know are doing it … they MUST make her look a weak little girl, pouty and quavering. MMutR also said she has so many other things to attend to, not just this. For these crims, their world falls apart if she succeeds.

She’s new to this level of pressure, she needs to ease into the job … give her a week, a month. It’s not her personally on the ground digging all this out, she’s just the head of dept. Right, they’re the extenuating circumstances afa I can see.

Oh, one more … if Laura Loomer really is Mossad and Epstein was ISS as well, then that explains much … in fact, it might be a major point. All right … now the negatives.

I’m the first to admit that while I’m in love, I’m the worst judge on earth of that woman. But when I look more dispassionately, e.g. at my classes through the decades, I’ve usually been not far off about a girl and there’ve been times I’ve had to warn e.g. a faculty head … be careful with this one … she’s a right little madam. And I’ve had to explain to thst wiley head’s satisfaction.

Pam Bondi made a very bad mistake lying about having the files on her desk. Either she did not do more than glance and rushed to get a message out for her superloyalty to Team Trump … it can happen. Did she immediately say mea culpa? Nope, she looked for a scapegoat for that lie … Kash. That was one thing.

The second really bad thing was organising the Binder Debacle with Draino and others … their carry-on was very bad optics for a start.

She could have said mea culpa, I looked through too late to realise, NY played us, we are dealing with it … give us one week for some sort of result … I’ll report to you next (whatever day). Then she needed to be in conclave with DJT and the key people.

But Pam didn’t do this … she went on TV, trying to spin it, playing the sympathy card … typical girl-woman who feels herself trapped. What was she most terrified of? That DJT might reconsider her competence as a hardhitting gal, kickbutt. That he might start to notice she has no testicles nor testosterone.

Is that her fault, having neither goolies nor androgen coursing through her? Of course not … she is what she is … a great little administrator, vital for DJT up close. But we though are right bstds, aren’t we … and if she promises something, then we expect the new admin does it, or else owns the error, with the plan to reverse it. Transparent honesty. Not spin upon spin upon spin, on TV, calling us “those people”, and that she doesn’t care what we say. Uh huh.

The last part is that she dropped into generalities … no details of moves to be made but that she fully supports Team Trump’s agenda (true … she’s a very loyal girl, maybe a bit in love, my heart does go out to her in that way) and that she’ll fight and fight for that … that it’s all for America …

… and I’m afraid that’s a real little girl’s defiant words, not a cold, heartless Condoleeza Rice or a crazy like Freeland.

So the heartland is left with a decision … yes, she’s oh so human, Pammy … thank goodness she is in a way, not a smug starmerbot … but is she up to this job? That’s the crunch. Donald needs to quietly get her a 2IC to bounce things off.

Tomorrow’s Monday … maybe they can engineer a small victory for her, maybe even the first firing … but not more words, words, words, Pammy, with the engaging smile … purrlease. END.

21. Moosh corner

20. Nice enough chap, no way he’s a “dangerous person”

19. Sheer profligacy

18. Putin’s no angel

… I’m sure he’d like to restore the old union … he’s not going to though, for reasons which might be worth a post tomorrow morn.

17. IYE over here

Big Don:

One each from IYE and Andy:


16. Steve in various places

War Room at 983, mini bio on the first lass:

a. Man the Ramparts: Paula Scanlan of Early Vote Action on critical Wisconsin Election

b. “You’re A War Criminal.” Bannon Calls Out Rove As Being One Of The Biggest Plotters Behind Iraq War

c. Brian Glenn: “Why Is Brennan Not Already Charged And In Jail?”

d. Todd Bensman: “That Border Was Shut Down In One Hour On Inauguration

Not going near that trans thing below at 983.

Rubio speaks, then Scott Jennings:

“All he had to do was walk in and say, thank you. I’m really grateful to be here. We want to be partners with the United States. We’re grateful for your leadership. Where’s the papers and what are we having for lunch? That’s all he had to do.”

Try page four:

Timeline of Key Events Related to Crossfire Hurricane Investigation |

Long comment at Sunday 15.

2 replies on “Sunday [16 till close of play]”

  1. All good for me, particularly no.1, I always like the Goofus Five. All three take us away from current madness for a while.

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