Sunday [1 to 6]

(0424) Greetings, night owls. (0546)


6. Ethics in Scotland

5. TDS today

4. US v China standoff

3. Andy at 982

This is getting ridiculous. If ww3 happens all bets are off what the sides are. |

Also Andy on Moorgate, Steve on the Zel meeting, IYE withGrifty.

2. Steve at 982

Four: Covers Kash on honeypot agent, Hegseth warning to Mexico, DoD removing DEI, Red states’ own DOGES … much more…..

Three: Covers WH red line on peace, EU diplomat seeking new leader of free world after Zel, Norwegian refusal to refuel US ship … much more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep, Zelensky again…..

One: Covers covid at five years, false info given to Congress, Gates’ GAVI slush and the UK … much more.

1. This is going to ramble a bit

Yesterday afternoon, I ended up talking at length with a Romanian who considers himself left of centre, which could easily mean far left or all over the place … for example he thinks “socialism” is some sort of benign thing helping people, instead of what it is … a giant state parasite sucking the lifeblood out of people from nation states and which ruins standards of living. Plus he wants free enterprise so he can build a standard of living for a new family.

I didn’t engage on that but more on Georgescu and that shows that we do need to be ultracareful. He laughed at “altmedia” but was respectful of my terming of the MSM as they have the same … media sanctioned by “the power”. We didn’t get to the established intergenerational families, the old royalty but did look at certain sections of ex forces and or mafia types who get behind certain leaders.

Georgescu, it seems, is not a “man of the people”, is privileged, freely came to Britain, even in Soviet days, is a bit controlled opposition pretend populist, as GB News are, trying to position themselves as the altmedia, also as Alex Jones and Breitbart pretend to do.

Is there any altmedia, as in people genuinely trying to find out the truth? Yes, but low level, not traffic whores, as are Dan Wootton, Laura Ingraham, Hannity, Shapiro et al. Fragmented and I’d say our model here is as close as we can get … for example, our main patrons here are quite disparate in many ways, different angles, sparks can fly. But the divergent angles can only be healthy imho, as long as it does not descend to shill and countershill … and certainly nothing Woke whatever.

Draino, who’d embarrassed himself with Pammy’s binder (see Lord T in comments re Pammy and possibly inc. Kash) took the fragment where Zelensky asked Vance what evidence he had of his thugs pressganging Ukrainian youth into dying in the meatmangler. Vance supplied this morning … footage after footage. Trouble is of course … it’s on X and I’m not running the clips here … you can find them … just find DC Draino on X.

There’s plenty in our comments thread about that clash, plus the dinner afterwards. But back to Romania … this chap likes the Mayor of Bucharest who is pro EU and presumably Zelensky. Younger than the “old men” who are maybe a bit like the Italian Vecchi, this mayor fixes infrastructure in the town.

Now, he had footage of Georgescu freely walking along, turning to a wall and being arrested … looked quite orchestrated … what then of demonstrators? Bussed in? See, it goes to show we never can tell. He’ll send me urls to their “altmedia”, who might be anything, politically. It all makes one pause and think … everything is orchestrated … by everyone … and everyone thinks he has his finger on the pulse, that everyone else is fooled and manipulated by … but not him. Think on’t dot dot dot. END.

3 replies on “Sunday [1 to 6]”

  1. It is poss Volod’s embarrassment was a “Humiliation Ritual”. Feel free to hop down that bunny trail. It is a thing. Easy to spot once you know. Some say Kavanagh faced one at his hearing. It is to test loyalty to those string-pullers above.

  2. It is all theatre, choreographed in backrooms by unknown figures. Their tentacles reach across the world entangling everything from national leaders to children’s tv, from wars to food on the table. My fear is that our heroes are performers in this dance macabre. We have our doubts about Nige, Georgescu may not be what he seems to be, Meloni shows her true self. What of the man in the Whitehouse? I still wonder if he’s wearing a white stetson hat as part of his costume for the dance.

    • That’s the idea – keep the masses confused which can lead to despair, depression, mental breakdowns, fear – all to Them’s advantage.

      On the nail “It is all theatre”. I keep reminding myself of that. Not getting dragged into what others believe who are not at the same stage of “awake” and who appear to be getting a bit manic at the mo. Keeping off the emotional rollercoaster of ups and downs keeps one sane-ish.

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