Dydd Gwyl Dewi [9 to 13]

(1141) Almost afternoon, folks. (1155)


13. Chemtrails are on again

12. Bye bye BBC

11. There’s also the little matter …

… of the UN army now sitting in every city, town and village in the UK, awaiting the call to rise.

10. Penny Mordor’s at it again

9. Mwynhewch Dydd Gwyl Dewi heddiw!

There’s a little of the Taffy in all of us?

2 replies on “Dydd Gwyl Dewi [9 to 13]”

  1. Happy St. David’s Day to those of a Welsh persuasion. Not a daffodil in sight.

    Up all night following the Z Vs T thing and the responses. Predictably v gung-ho from the usual suspects. Thank heavens that there are a few grown-ups in the room.

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