Monday [6 to 9]

(1028) Morning all again … back from town … a bit rainy today but nice. (1159)

9. Late morn roundup

8. Kathy was right …

SALLY BECK writes a neat article. But first this:

Onto Sally (link behind her name above):

AFTER 14 years as MP for North West Leicestershire, former Conservative Andrew Bridgen lost his seat in spectacular fashion at the general election in July with an implausible 95 per cent decrease in votes. This made no sense as he enjoyed more than 95 per cent recognition on the doorstep, an endorsement from US politician Robert F Kennedy Jr, and a positive response from his constituents, many of whom had received justice because of his interventions.

A popular MP, fighting David-and-Goliath causes considered taboo by the government but essential by the electorate, he had become a thorn in the Conservative government’s side, and he was expelled in April 2023. Facing ferocious opposition from his own party, he exposed the Horizon Post Office scandal, fought for recognition for the covid vaccine injured and bereaved, and highlighted the iniquity for those facing compulsory house purchases to make way for the HS2 rail link. He was forced to sell his family home to HS2 and personally lost £500,000.

Yes I know about his iffy antecedents … I also know about his journey … we can all improve over time, wake up, become better. This man deserves better and people like Sally Beck and TCW are crucial in Britain to keep the pressure on to see right done.

7. The Cobra Effect

Sorry but have lost the source:

6. The Slog

Look, I don’t quote John Ward all that much but I do subscribe and THIS was today:

AI and its false satanic promise of trans-human progress is, for me, the most obscenely dystopian feature of the coming New Dark Age.

Those are not the words of a Luddite: they’re the observations of a half-sensible empiricist based on two simple realities: first, you can develop AI until the cows come home, but you will never give it the divinity of a human right cortex; and second, simply asking a human techie, “Where’s the fucking start button?” will get a one hundred per cent effective answer in four seconds.

As opposed to the tedium of “I’m sorry I didn’t quite understand that, please make the sentence more clear for me” or “I didn’t quite catch that, can you speak more clearly and repeat the question please” followed by “I’ll put you through to one of our agents, please hold” ….that delivers a non-solution using up half an hour of the day.

Bots are dangerous, and briefed by morons.

Ha ha … like it. 😎

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