Try these

a. What’s this?

b. Is gravity the same everywhere on earth?

c. Maxwell’s equations, plus L****** force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, electric and magnetic circuits.

d. The purpose of an alkyd in art?

e. Which non-English team won the FA Cup and when?

f. How many is a quire?

g. On our nudiustertian day, HQ ran Downtown Train and showed Bezo’s bird. Which day was that in day-of-the-week terms?

One reply

  1. A. Looks like a Bex Bissel. Carpet sweeper, sans handle.
    F. Either 25 leaves of paper or an alternative spelling of the choir in a church. (When I was a paper boy I took a quire of Evening Standard to sell in the pubs, those quires were 26 copies).
    JH: Carpet sweeper indeed … Toodles got it too but think maybe she didn’t want to say. 25 eh? I had a dozen written down but bow to you as you were in the biz.

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